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Atlas of breast cancer early detection

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Case number:005
Clinical presentation:Woman who had undergone a hysterectomy, with average risk of breast cancer presented with an acute-onset painful lump in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast. Examination revealed a tender firm swelling 2.5 cm in diameter. Mammography was not done because of severe tenderness.


Ultrasound assessment:

 ‣ Location of the lesion:
   • Laterality:
   • Quadrant:
   • O'clock:  01:  02:  03:  04:  05:  06:
 07:  08:  09:  10:  11:  12:
 ‣ Mass:
   • Number:
   • Size:
   • Shape:
   • Orientation:
 ‣ Margins:
   • Circumscribed:
   • Indistinct:
   • Angular:
   • Microlobulated:
   • Spiculated:
   • None:
 ‣ Echo pattern:
 ‣ Posterior features:
 ‣ Calcifications:
 ‣ Associated features:
   • Architectural distortion:
   • Duct changes:
   • Skin changes:
      ⁃ Skin thickening:
      ⁃ Skin retraction:
   • Oedema:
   • Vascularity:
      ⁃ Internal vascularity:
      ⁃ Vessels in rim:
 ‣ Special case:

Case summary:


Further assessment advised:

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