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Colorectal cancer early detection

Study sites: Rabat, Morocco
Principal investigator (PI) from IARC: P. Basu
PIs from collaborating institutions:Laila Amrani, Basma El Khannoussi, National Oncology Institute, Rabat, Morocco
Start date: 2017
Closure date:Ongoing
Objectives: To evaluate the acceptability, feasibility, organization, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening in the general population setting in Morocco by integrating the programme within the existing public health services to inform and guide the eventual scaling up of CRC screening to cover the entire country
Methodology:A cross-sectional study will be conducted between November 2017 and February 2019. The study is a population-based pilot demonstration project of CRC screening using immunochemical faecal occult blood testing (iFOBT), targeting eligible men and women residing in the geographical region covered by selected primary health centres in the Rabat region of Morocco. The study will be widely publicized in the region to inform and encourage eligible men and women to voluntarily participate, adhere to the protocol, and benefit from the programme by reducing their risk of developing CRC.
Publications: Selmouni F., Amrani L., Sauvaget C., Bakkar M., El Khannoussi B., Souadka A., Benkabbou A., Majbar M.A., Belekhel L., Lucas E., Muwonge R., Chami Khazraji Y., Mohsine R., Bennani M., Sankaranarayanan R., Bekkali R., Basu P. Delivering colorectal cancer screening integrated with primary health care services in Morocco: Lessons learned from a demonstration project. Cancer. 2022 Jan 5.
PMID: 34985785
Funding: Lalla Salma Foundation for Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Study sites: Digestive Diseases Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Principal investigator (PI) from IARC: P. Basu and C. Sauvaget
PIs from collaborating institutions:Reza Malekzadeh, Alireza Delavari, and Hamideh Salimzadeh
Start date: 2018
Closure date:Ongoing
Objectives: To evaluate the acceptability, feasibility, organization, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of colorectal cancer screening in the general population setting in the Islamic Republic of Iran by integrating the programme within the existing public health services to inform and guide the eventual large-scale scaling up of colorectal cancer screening to cover the entire country.
Methodology:A study will be conducted between December 2018 and December 2023. The study is a population-based pilot demonstration project of colorectal cancer screening using immunochemical faecal occult blood testing (iFOBT), targeting eligible men and women (age 50–70 years, free of bowel symptoms) residing in the geographical region covered by 20 selected primary health centres in the Tehran region, Islamic Republic of Iran. The study will be widely publicized in the location to inform and encourage the eligible men and women to voluntarily participate, adhere to the protocol, and benefit from the programme.
Funding: Digestive Diseases Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Study sites: Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia
Principal investigator (PI) from IARC: P. Basu and C. Sauvaget
PIs from collaborating institutions:Dr Samar Alhomoud, Section of Colorectal Surgery, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Saudi Arabia
Start date: 2020
Closure date:Ongoing
  • To evaluate feasibility, efficacy & cost effectiveness of CRC screening using quantitative FIT test
  • Detect rates of polyps, advance adenomas
  • Assess acceptability of targeted population
  • Study role of gut microbiome in adenoma, colorectal cancer & healthy individuals
Methodology:The study is a population-based pilot demonstration project of CRC screening using immunochemical faecal occult blood testing (iFOBT), targeting 5000 eligible men and women residing in the geographical region covered by selected eight primary health centres in the Riyadh region of Saudi Arabia. The study will be widely publicized in the region to inform and encourage eligible men and women to voluntarily participate, adhere to the protocol, and benefit from the programme by reducing their risk of developing CRC.
Funding: Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health
Study sites: Lampang Province, Thailand
Principal investigator (PI) from IARC: R. Sankaranarayanan
PIs from collaborating institutions:Thiravud Khuhaprema, Pattarawin Attasara, Suleeporn Sangrajrang, Petcharin Srivatanakul, National Cancer Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
Start date: 2010
Closure date:2015
  • To evaluate the impact of faecal occult blood test (FOBT) screening once in 5 years on colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality in the province following the implementation of the pilot project
  • To facilitate a health economics evaluation of CRC screening in Thailand by providing real population-based information on various study parameters (e.g. performance of screening and triage tests), costs, and effectiveness of the study procedures
  • To describe the context, processes, and mechanisms of integrating CRC screening project elements into the existing organizational and management structures within the Thai health-care services
  • To assess the impact of workload on primary and secondary care services in the province due to this demonstration project
  • To address the determinants of population participation in screening, triage, and treatment
  • To measure the acceptability to users and health service providers and address the influence of sociodemographic and psychosocial variables on participation (uptake) in screening, diagnosis, and treatment
Study outcomes: The study demonstrated that screening for colorectal cancer was feasible in a primary care setting in a middle-income country. The Thai government is considering scaling up the programme and implementing it in other provinces.
Publications: Khuhaprema T., Sangrajrang S., Lalitwongsa S., Chokvanitphong V., Raunroadroong T., Ratanachu-Ek T., Muwonge R., Lucas E., Wild C., Sankaranarayanan R. Organised colorectal cancer screening in Lampang Province, Thailand: preliminary results from a pilot implementation programme. BMJ Open. 2014;4(1):e003671.
PMID: 24435889
Funding: Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, through the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bangkok, Thailand

     Legend: Ongoing projects (blue), Completed projects (green)

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