Before application of acetic acid: Thick mucus sticks to the cervix. A small polyp is visible through the external os.
Cervix before application of acetic acid:
Infective vaginal discharge: Strawberry appearance of cervix Cervicitis Polyp Bleeding on contact White patch Growth Ulcer Erosion
After application of acetic acid: When there are lesions of different severity, the final diagnosis should always consider the most severe lesion.
Cervix after application of acetic acid:
Squamocolumnar junction visibility:
Squamocolumnar junction location:
Acetowhite area:
If present, description of acetowhite area:
VIA category:
After application of Lugol’s iodine: The lesion shows patchy iodine non-uptake areas, giving rise to a faint yellow colour.
Determined eligibility for ablative treatment:
Histopathology: Posterior lip: LSIL-HPV changes; Anterior lip: Normal
Remarks: Acetowhite lesions with geographical margins are characteristic of HPV infection, but they may harbour low-grade precancers and should be considered as VIA-positive.