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Atlas of visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid for screening, triage, and assessment for treatment

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VIA procedure – Post-VIA counselling


  • Help the woman to be seated comfortably.
  • Ask her whether she would prefer to have her spouse or family member present with her for the discussion of the test results.
  • Provide detailed information on the VIA test results and follow-up actions.

  • If VIA is negative:
    • Explain the significance of a negative test, and reassure the woman that there is no detectable precancer or cancer of the cervix.
    • Advise on repeat screening as per the guidelines of the programme and according to whether VIA is being used as a screening test or a triage test.
    • Inform the woman of the early symptoms of cervical cancer, and advise her to contact the local health facilities if she develops any of them.
    • Some women may require advice for cervicovaginal infection detected during VIA.
    • Advise on maintaining the screening test records carefully for future reference.
  • If VIA is positive:
    • Reassure the woman that you do not suspect a cancer but that she has an abnormality for which she would require further investigation and/or treatment.
    • Depending on the guidelines of the country, offer immediate treatment with ablative methods (if the lesion fulfils the criteria for ablative treatment) or refer for further evaluation and management.
    • If you are going to perform ablative treatment, counsel the woman accordingly.
    • If you are referring the woman for further evaluation, briefly explain about the evaluation procedure and refer her to the nearest centre with appropriate facilities.
  • If VIA diagnosis is suspicious of invasive cancer:
    • Inform the woman with care, and reassure her that the condition can be treated.
    • Explain the necessity of early treatment.
    • Arrange for referral to an appropriate health-care facility for biopsy and further management without any delay.
    • Advise on maintaining the screening test records carefully for future reference.


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