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Atlas of visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid for screening, triage, and assessment for treatment

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VIA procedure – Examination before application of acetic acid – Normal findings on speculum examination – Nabothian cyst


On naked-eye examination, a nabothian cyst is visible as a small pearly white blister on the ectocervix. The cyst has a smooth lining, with branching blood vessels visible on its surface.

Nabothian cysts are a feature of the mature TZ and may be single or multiple in number. Multiple large nabothian cysts may distort the shape of the cervix.

Complete visualization of the SCJ can be difficult if a large nabothian cyst is located very close to the external os. Nabothian cysts are physiological conditions and do not require any treatment.

The next section discusses ectropion, another normal feature of the cervix.


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