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Atlas of visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid for screening, triage, and assessment for treatment

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  • Case: 102

  • Age: 33

  • Before application of acetic acid: A few red patches are visible on the posterior lip, giving rise to strawberry appearance of the cervix.

  • Cervix before application of acetic acid:  
  •  Infective vaginal discharge:   
    Strawberry appearance of cervix
    Bleeding on contact
    White patch

    After application of acetic acid: A thin acetowhite area with irregular margins and attached to the SCJ is seen on the anterior lip (at the 10–12 o’clock position). The multiple scattered white dots on the posterior lip are due to cervicitis.

  • Cervix after application of acetic acid:
    • Squamocolumnar junction visibility:  
    • Squamocolumnar junction location:  
    • Acetowhite area:  
      • If present, description of acetowhite area:
        • Colour:  
        • Margin:  
        • Surface:  
        • Location:  
        • Size:  

  • VIA category:  

  • Determined eligibility for ablative treatment:  

  • Histopathology: Normal

  • Remarks: The thin acetowhite areas are due to squamous metaplasia. On VIA, it is often difficult to distinguish between metaplasia and low-grade precancers. It is better to overcall than to miss a lesion.

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