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Case: 146
Age: 31
Before application of acetic acid: The columnar epithelium is visible as a red patch around the external os.
Cervix before application of acetic acid:
After application of acetic acid: A dense acetowhite area with sharp margins is present at the 7–8 o’clock position. Transparent acetowhite areas with irregular margins are present on the anterior lip at the 10–1 o’clock position. Thick mucus is seen close to the external os on the posterior lip.
Cervix after application of acetic acid:
Squamocolumnar junction visibility:
Squamocolumnar junction location:
Acetowhite area:
If present, description of acetowhite area:
VIA category:
After application of Lugol’s iodine: Lugol’s iodine well delineates the abnormal area to be treated.
Determined eligibility for ablative treatment:
Histopathology: LSIL-CIN1
Remarks: The transparent acetowhite areas with irregular margins present on the anterior lip are suggestive of squamous metaplasia. The dense opaque acetowhite area on the posterior lip is the more significant lesion.