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Case: 95
Age: 31
Before application of acetic acid: The cervix is covered with normal mucoid discharge.
Cervix before application of acetic acid:
After application of acetic acid: The mucus is pushed to one side to visualize the SCJ. Thin acetowhite areas with feathery margins are visible at the 1 o’clock position.
Cervix after application of acetic acid:
Squamocolumnar junction visibility:
Squamocolumnar junction location:
Acetowhite area:
If present, description of acetowhite area:
VIA category:
Determined eligibility for ablative treatment:
Histopathology: Not done
Remarks: Thin acetowhite areas with feathery margins are suggestive of squamous metaplasia. However, the lesion is opaque and the margins are distinct. It is better to categorize the lesion as VIA-positive.