Before application of acetic acid: Hypertrophied cervix. A nabothian cyst is present at the 10 o’clock position.
Cervix before application of acetic acid:
Nabothian cyst
After application of acetic acid: The white area at the 6 o’clock position is opaque and has a smooth well-defined outer margin. It is difficult to assess continuity with SCJ.
Cervix after application of acetic acid:
Squamocolumnar junction visibility:
Squamocolumnar junction location:
Acetowhite area:
If present, description of acetowhite area:
VIA category:
Determined eligibility for ablative treatment:
Histopathology: Not done
Remarks: Thin acetowhite area is on the TZ though the continuity with SCJ is not very distinct. The case should be considered as VIA-positive due to the features of the acetowhite area. Application of Lugol’s iodine would have helped to delineate the complete lesion better.