
Atlas of Colposcopy: Principles and Practice

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Abnormal colposcopy – General principles  

Abnormal colposcopic findings include changes after application of acetic acid, changes after application of Lugol’s iodine, vascular abnormalities, and various non-specific changes. A provisional diagnosis is made based on the nature, severity, and extent of these features, and management is planned. To describe any abnormality, as a general principle the following should be noted:
  • the location of the abnormality: inside and/or outside the transformation zone
  • the location of the abnormality by the “clock position”
  • the size of the abnormality by the number of cervical quadrants it covers
  • the size of the abnormality by the percentage of the area of the cervix involved (< 25%, 25–50%, 50–75%, > 75%).

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