
Atlas of Colposcopy: Principles and Practice

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Cervical polyp  

The most common form of cervical polyp is a mucous polyp, which is a localized overgrowth of the endocervical columnar epithelium.
On colposcopy, a mucous polyp is visible as single or multiple soft reddish masses protruding from the external os.

The polyp is usually mobile and can be pushed in different directions to visualize the SCJ. Sometimes the polyps may be inflamed and congested and bleed easily on contact. Polyps can easily be removed by twisting using a sponge-holding forceps and should always be sent for histological evaluation.

Polyps can be acetowhite because of metaplastic changes on the surface.

Rarely, a premalignant lesion may be seen as a dense acetowhite area on the polyp. An acetowhite area on the cervix may be concealed by a polyp.

A polyp does not stain with Lugol’s iodine.

Sometimes cervical or even corporal fibroids may extrude from the external os and are visible as fibroid polyps with a smooth surface, a pale whitish colour, and a firm consistency. Fibroid polyps are not as mobile as mucous polyps and usually have a thick stem.

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