Identification and documentation of colposcopic abnormalities |  |
The detection of lesions with the colposcope is based on the visual identification of the features before and after application of acetic acid and after application of Lugol’s iodine. The interpretation is subjective and is susceptible to interobserver variation. To ensure uniformity in reporting, the nomenclature recommended by the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC) in 2011 should be used to document the findings. Depending on the observations, the Swede score should be calculated. The combined information from the IFCPC nomenclature and the Swede score will help to make a provisional diagnosis and plan subsequent management.
The 2011 IFCPC nomenclature has a “General assessment” section, which all colposcopy reports must include. Depending on whether the findings are normal or abnormal, the lesions should be described and graded as per the nomenclature. This section discusses the detection of colposcopic abnormalities, the recognition of various features described in the 2011 IFCPC nomenclature, and the calculation of the Swede score.
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