Image | Caption |
 | Figures 1: A: Pantomograph of a patient with ameloblastoma. Note the expansile multi locular radiolucency (soap bubble appearance) of the right side of mandible from the apex of the lateral incisor extending posteriorily to involve the ramus up to the condyle. B: Postero-anterior view of the face of the same patient, showing outward, downward and lingual expansion of the mandible. |
 | Figure 2: Ameloblastoma: Panoramic view shows a well-defined radiolucent lesion with scalloped margins extending from the distal aspect of the second mandibular premolar on the left side to the root of right mandibular first molar. Smaller loculation can be seen towards the centre with large loculation towards the periphery. |
 | Figures 3: Clinical photographs of a patient with ameloblastoma of the mandible. |
 | Figure 4: Panoramic view of the same patient demonstrating a multi-locular radiolucency involving the body of mandible extending from left second molar to right second molar area displacing the superior border and destroying the inferior border of mandible. |