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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Mullerian papilloma  Rechercher Mullerian papilloma

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Mullerian papilloma composed of papillary excrescences lined by mucus secreting epithelium. The epithelium is supported by a highly cellular fibrous tissue.
Mullerian papilloma composed of papillary excrescences lined by mucus secreting epithelium. The epithelium is supported by a highly cellular fibrous tissue with areas of squamous metaplasia.
Mullerian papilloma composed of papillary excrescences lined by mucus secreting epithelium. The epithelium is supported by a highly cellular fibrous tissue.
Mullerian papilloma cervix composed of papillary excrescences lined by mucus secreting epithelium. The epithelium is supported by highly cellular fibrous tissue.
Mullerian papilloma: immunohistochemistry, anti-pan keratin antibody: strong positivity of the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells.
Mullerian papilloma: immunohistochemistry, anti smooth-muscle actin antibody: no staining of the epithelial cells, positive endothelial cells.
Mullerian papilloma: immunohistochemistry, anti-epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) antibody: positive epithelial cells, as well as the metaplastic elements.
Mullerian papilloma: immunohistochemistry, anti-myoglobin antibody: weak staining of the sub-epithelial elements.
Adenofibroma with both an epithelial and a connective tissue component. To differentiate from an endocervical polyp.
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