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Using HPV tests for cervical cancer screening and managing HPV-positive women – a practical online guide

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Procedure to collect samples for HPV testing – Storage of the samples after collection, and transportation to the laboratory


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Appropriate storage is essential after the collection of a sample for HPV testing (which could be a provider-collected cervical sample or a self-collected sample). The storage requirements may be different for different test technologies used. Please check the sample storage instructions printed on the tube containing the sample transport medium.

Sample storage:
Usually the samples can be stored at room temperature for 1 week. However, if the ambient temperature is high (> 30 °C), the tubes should be placed in an icebox or in a refrigerator (not in the freezer compartment) until they are ready for transportation to the laboratory for analysis.

Sample transport:
Specimens can be transported to the laboratory at room temperature. However, if the ambient temperature is high (> 30 °C), the samples should be transported in a closed icebox or a vaccine carrier. The specimens must be accompanied by the appropriate laboratory requisition forms. For details of specimen transfer, please refer to the instructions from the manufacturer of the test kit.

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