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A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia

Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT)  Search in Medline for Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT)

Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT) is more commonly known as Pindborg tumour. It is an uncommon, benign odontogenic neoplasm of epithelial origin. The clinical feature of CEOT is similar to ameloblastoma with regard to site and age predilection.

Pindborg tumour may be completely radiolucent in character, or in case of more mature lesions, may have mixed radiolucent and radioopaque appearance. The radiopacities from the calcification in this tumour are said to resemble wind-driven snow in appearance. CEOT is most often associated with an impacted tooth. They are less aggressive than ameloblastoma. Conservative surgical resection is recommended.



Figure 1: Pindborg tumour. This 50–year-old male presented with a slow growing swelling on the left side of the chin.
Figure 2: Intraoral photograph showing a swelling in both buccal and lingual aspect of the mandible. There was malignament of the molar teeth. The third molar was missing with no history of extraction.
Figure 3A: Occlusal topographic view showing a mixed radiolucent – radio opaque lesion surrounding the crown of impacted left canine. Figure 3B: Left lateral oblique view of mandible showing impacted left canine with a well-defined mixed lesion. Flecks of calcification within the lesion give it a wind-driven snow appearance.
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