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A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia

Haemangioma  Search in Medline for Haemangioma

Haemangioma is a benign tumour of vasoformative origin that is commonly seen in infants and children, but even more common among women. Most of these tumours involute by the age of 7 years. Clinically, they appear as a slight bulge with a soft boggy feel and with a bluish hue. These lesions are compressibe and refill slowly after releasing the compression. Some of these lesions can cause airway obstrution and may bleed profusely. These lesions have no malignant potential. The diagnosis is by clinical examination and through vascular imaging. The management depends on the size, location, symptoms and age of the patient. Asymptomatic haemangiomas are managed conservatively with regular observation. Intra-lesional or systemic steroids or subcutaneous interferon alpha is found to be useful in reducing the size of the lesion. Embolization, laser or cryo surgeries are also useful. Surgical excision is recommended in situations where function is compromised.

Differential diagnosis:



Figure 1A: Haemangioma. A well circumscibed reddish flat lesion on the right side of the hard palate which was clinically suggestive of hemangioma. Figure 1B: Cutaneous haemangioma in the same patient. Note the purple-red macular (port wine stain) hemangioma involving the left side of neck and upper chest.
Figure 2: A 0.5x0.5 cm sessile growth on the dorsum tongue. An excision biopsy revealed ulcerated haemangioma.
Figure 3: Haemangioma of the left buccal mucosa in a 15–year-old girl.
Figure 4: Haemangioma of the lower lip in 50–year-old female.
Figures 5: Haemangioma on the face. Note the red macular lesions on the face (port wine stain).
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