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A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia

Imaging  Search in Medline for Imaging

Intraoral dental radiographs and pantomographs may help in identifying the involvement of the underlying bone. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance image (MRI) scans give more information about the local extent of the disease and status of the lymph nodes. CT scanning is useful in evaluating the involvement of cortical bone, and MRI is superior in evaluating the medullary bone and soft tissue extent of the disease. MRI is more reliable than CT scanning in identifying metastatic nodal disease and extracapsular spread of tumour. Such investigations are not mandatory for most cases, but they may be useful in selected cases where the additional details obtained may be helpful in deciding and planning radical forms of therapy for moderately advanced invasive cancers.



Figure 1: Right lateral oblique view of the mandible showing an irregular destructive lesion extending from the right lower premolar to the mesial root of the third molar in a patient with carcinoma of the right lower alveolus.
Figure 2: True occlusal view showing a well-defined oval shaped radiopacity in the floor of the mouth due to sialolith.
Figure 3A: Panoramic radiograph of a patient with ameloblastoma on the right mandible. Figure 3B: Postero-Anterior view of the same patient, showing outward, downward and lingual expansion of the mandible.
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