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A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia

Neurofibroma  Search in Medline for Neurofibroma

Neurofibroma is an uncommon benign tumour of neural origin seen in the oral cavity and characterized by a submucosal, non-tender, discrete, usually asymptomatic mass of varying sizes. These are tumours of neural origin. The tongue and buccal mucosa are more commonly affected. They are seen in any age group, but more common after 40 years of age, without any gender predilection. Neurofibromas are seen as a solitary lesion or part of generalized neurofibromatosis. The cause of solitary neurofibroma is unknown. However, neurofibromatosis is an inherited autosomal dominant trait. The diagnosis is always histopathological. Surgical removal is recommended. Prognosis after surgery is better for solitary neurofibroma. However, local recurrences and malignant transformation are more frequent in patients with neurofibromatosis.

Differential diagnosis:



Figure 1: Neurofibroma. A well-defined firm painless growth on the labial aspect of the gingiva of the lower right canine-premolar region in a 26–year-old woman.
Figure 2: Intraoral periapical X-ray view (same patient) showing no evidence of bone destruction
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