A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia
Pleomorphic adenoma
Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumour of the minor salivary glands. Pleomorphic adenomas are more common in the palate, but can occur in any area of the upper aerodigestive tract. They usually present as painless, slow-growing submucosal lesions. Occasionally they ulcerate following trauma. FNAC will be useful in the diagnosis.
Wide excision is the treatment of choice. However, inadequate resection leads to local recurrence.
Figure 1: Pleomorphic adenoma. A firm well-circumscribed smooth swelling on the posterior aspect of the left half of the hard palate. The overlying mucosa is intact and stretched out.
Figure 2: Pleomorphic adenoma. Note the 2x2 cm firm well-circumscribed smooth swelling on the hard palate of this 67 years old woman. Excision biopsy revealed pleomorphic adenoma.