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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Glandular dysplasia  Rechercher Glandular dysplasia

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Glandular dysplasia: pseudo-stratification of the endocervical epithelial nuclei associated with striking nuclear atypia. Persistence of essentially normal glandular epithelium on a small portion of the gland. (arrow)
Glandular dysplasia: pseudo-stratification of the endocervical epithelial nuclei associated with striking nuclear atypia. Persistence of essentially normal glandular epithelium on a small portion of the gland. (arrow)
Mild glandular dysplasia.
Pseudo-stratification of the endocervical epithelial nuclei associated with nuclear atypia.
Moderate endocervical dysplasia: sharp transition between normal and dysplastic glandular epithelium.
Moderate endocervical dysplasia: sharp transition between normal and dysplastic glandular epithelium.
Moderate endocervical dysplasia: sharp transition between normal and dysplastic glandular epithelium.
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