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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

CIN 2  Rechercher CIN 2

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Conization: CIN 2 (between the two arrows), with involvement of the exocervical margins.
CIN 1-2: involvement of a glandular orifice.
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: disorganization of the lower half of the epithelium, cellular criteria of malignancy and viral infection: binucleated cells, abnormal mitotic figures, koilocytes.
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: disorganization of the lower half of the epithelium, cellular criteria of malignancy and viral infection: binucleated cells, abnormal mitotic figures, koilocytes.
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: disorganized architecture of the lower half of the epithelium with cellular criteria of malignancy and viral infection.
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: disorganized architecture of the lower half of the epithelium with cellular criteria of malignancy and viral infection.
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: disorganized architecture of the lower half of the epithelium with cellular criteria of malignancy and viral infection.
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: higher magnification of koilocytes.
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: higher magnification of koilocytes and binucleated cells (arrow).
CIN 2 with koilocytosis: disturbed maturation of the lower half of the epithelium showing some viral infection cytologically.
CIN 2: in situ hybridization, HPV 31 and 33 probes. A few positive superficial cell nuclei.
CIN 2: in situ hybridization HPV 31 and 33 probes. A few positive superficial cell nuclei.
HE staining: CIN 2-3. p16 immunolabelling: marked positivity of the cytoplasm and nucleus of dysplastic cells (CIN 2-3). The normal endocervical epithelium is negative.
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