Image | Statistics | Caption |
| | Exocervical inflammatory atypia: nuclei are of uniform shape and size, dense chromatin, lymphocytic exudate, delayed cell maturation and mild basal cell hyperplasia. |
| | Atypia of repair: nuclei are of uniform shape and size, dense chromatin, delayed cell maturation and mild basal cell hyperplasia. |
| | Ectocervical atypia: mild atrophy of the epithelium, delayed nuclear maturation, evenly dispersed chromatin, slightly irregular nuclear contours, parakeratosis and congestion of the lamina propria . |
| | Ectocervical atypia: mild atrophy of the epithelium, delayed nuclear maturation, evenly dispersed chromatin, slightly irregular nuclear contours, discrete exocytosis, parakeratosis. |
| | Inflammatory atypia: mild atrophy of the epithelium, delayed nuclear maturation, slightly irregular nuclear contours, discrete exocytosis, oedema and congestion of the lamina propria. |
| | Inflammatory atypia: mild atrophy of the epithelium, delayed nuclear maturation, evenly dispersed chromatin, slightly irregular nuclear contours, discrete exocytosis, oedema and congestion of the lamina propria. |
| | Inflammatory atypia of the ectocervix: mild atrophy of the epithelium, delayed nuclear maturation, evenly dispersed chromatin, slightly irregular nuclear contours, marked lymphocytic exudate, spongiosis and congestion of the lamina propria. |
| | Inflammatory atypia of the ectocervix: exudate (polymorphs, lymphocytes), oedema, atypia of the epithelial cells and hyperplasia of the basal and para-basal cells. Negative staining with p16 (see glossary). |