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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Transformation zone (TZ)  Rechercher Transformation zone (TZ)

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Histogenesis of the transformation zone according to A. Ferenczy.
Transformation zone with minimal cervicitis. Sharp border between the squamous and the endocervical epithelium.
Transformation zone: (early) immature squamous metaplasia with hyperplasia of reserve cells. Normal endocervical cells can be seen at the surface .
Transformation zone: squamous metaplasia. Reserve cell hyperplasia. Normal endocervical cells can be seen on the surface .
Transformation zone: squamous metaplasia. Remaining endocervical cells on the surface. Occasional lymphocytic exocytosis.
Transformation zone: normal squamous epithelium (red star), squamous metaplasia (green star) with some remaining endocervical cells (blue arrow).
Transformation zone: squamous epithelium islet in the endocervix area.
Transformation zone: ciliated metaplasia of the endocervical epithelium (arrows).
Transformation zone: tubal (ciliated) metaplasia of the endocervical epithelium.
Transitional metaplasia and atrophy after androgen treatment.
Transitional metaplasia and atrophy after androgen treatment. Coffee bean nuclei (circles).
Ectocervix, Nabothian cyst.
Uterine cervix, post menopausal woman, retraction of the junction zone into the cervical canal (arrow).
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