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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Hysterectomy specimen - gross examination  Rechercher Hysterectomy specimen - gross examination

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Radical hysterectomy - anterior face. To identify the orientation of the specimen we can use Indian ink of different colours.
Radical hysterectomy - posterior face.
Radical hysterectomy - uterine cervix: budding tumour of the anterior lip. The blue colour of the uterine cervix is caused by the injection of a stain necessary to localise the sentinel node.
Radical hysterectomy - longitudinal section.
Radical hysterectomy - gross section in the sagittal plane.
Uterine cervix : Gross section in the sagittal plane - bulging and invasive tumour of the anterior lip (dotted line).
Radical hysterectomy - transverse sections of the left cervical body and parametrium. All these sections are embedded.
Radical hysterectomy - transverse sections of the right cervical body and parametrium. All these sections are embedded.
Radical hysterectomy - Gross section in the sagittal plane - specimen sampling of the uterine cervix and of the uterine wall.
Radical hysterectomy - final aspect of the sampling.
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