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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Hysterectomy specimen - study protocol  Rechercher Hysterectomy specimen - study protocol

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Gross appearance of the specimen after radical hysterectomy: large bulging tumour of the uterine cervix.
Gross examination of the specimen after radical hysterectomy (scheme).
Sampling of the radical hysterectomy specimen - Step 1: section of the vaginal cuff (in red).
Sampling of the radical hysterectomy specimen - Step 1: section of the vaginal cuff.
Radical hysterectomy for invasive squamous cell carcinoma: vaginal section showing tumour involvment of the resection margin (arrows).
Sampling of the radical hysterectomy specimen - Step 2: Longitudinal section of the uterus.
Sampling of the radical hysterectomy specimen - Step 3a: transverse sections of the cervical body and parametrium (left).
Sampling of the radical hysterectomy specimen - Step 3b: sections of the cervical body and parametrium (right).
Sampling of the radical hysterectomy specimen - Gross section in the sagittal plane to determine the length (or height) (A) and depth (B) of the tumour.
Sampling of the radical hysterectomy specimen - Section in the transverse plane to determine the width (C) of the tumour. The tumoral volume = A x B x C (length x depth x width)
Radical hysterectomy - Large histological section in the transverse plane to determine the width (C) of the tumour.
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