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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Cold knife resection  Rechercher Cold knife resection

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Preparation of sterile material before conization.
Preparation of the material before conization: antiseptic, acetic acid (5%), Lugol's iodine. Surgical material: forceps, cold knife, scissors, forceps (Pozzi), dilator (n°4 Hegar candle), needle holder, aseptic forceps, electric knife.
Disinfection of the area with iodine.
Preliminary urinary bladder catheterization.
Draping of the operating field.
Insertion of the speculum.
Anesthesia of the uterine cervix (1% adrenalinated xylocaine).
Uterine cervix before conization.
Uterine cervix after application of Lugol's iodine, before the conization.
Cold knife conization. Circular incision delineating the lesion.
Cone removal.
Uterine cervix after cold knife conization. Dilator(Hegar candle) in place in the endocervix.
Suture of the uterine cervix and realisation of the first Stumdorf stitch on the anterior lip of the uterine cervix.
Suture (Stumdorf stitch) of the anterior lip of the uterine cervix.
Suture (Stumdorf stitch) of the posterior lip of the uterine cervix.
Tying up the posterior suture (Stumdorf stitch).
Final appearance of the uterine cervix after tying up the two sutures (Stumdorf stitches) and before carrying out the corner stitch.
Cervix suture.
Final appearance of the uterine cervix. Permeable cervix with a dilator (n°4 Hegar candle).
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