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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)  Rechercher Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)

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Gynaecological table with stirrups and accessories.
Colposcope with accessories.
Table for LEEP (colourless antiseptic (Dakin), acetic acid (5%), Lugol's iodine, local anaesthetic (Xylocaine 1% with adrenaline), smoke evacuator tubing, speculum, electrical wire, forceps and cotton.
Patient preparation and positioning.
Preparation of a disposable speculum with a tubing for smoke evacuation maintained in place with strips of plaster.
Installation of the grounding patient pad for the earth connection (arrow).
Vulva disinfection.
Insertion of the speculum.
Insertion of the speculum with smoke evacuator tube in place.
Preparation of anaesthesia for the uterine cervix.
LEEP tuning. (settings: auto cut: 100, hemostasis: 4, auto coagulation: 65).
Speculum in place: exposure of the cervix.
Sterile diathermic loop.
Diathermic loop introduction.
Completed LEEP resection, surgical specimen still in place. LEEP maximum time needed: 10 seconds.
Completed LEEP resection, slight bleeding.
LEEP specimen which will be cut in semi-serial sections after being fixed immediately in 10% formaldehyde.
Uterine cervix after LEEP.
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