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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Atypia of glandular cells (AGC)  Rechercher Atypia of glandular cells (AGC)

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Inflammatory and bloody smear containing atypical glandular cells preserving their columnar shape with enlarged nuclei (arrows). AGC. (A and B: obj. 20x)
Smear from the transformation zone and endocervix: sheets of atypical glandular cells with enlarged nuclei with similar chromatin pattern in all cells. AGC. (A and B: obj. 20x)
Sheet of atypical glandular cells with enlarged nuclei with similar chromatin pattern in all cells. Compare with some normal columnar cells in the vicinity (dotted line). AGC. (obj. 40x)
High magnification of atypical columnar cells with enlarged nuclei but with similar chromatin pattern in all cells. No visible nucleolus. AGC. (A and B: obj. 40x)
Endocervical smear: sheet of atypical cells of glandular type with enlarged nuclei and a regular chromatin pattern. Compare with normal columnar cells. Nucleoli are occasionally visible. AGC. (obj. 20x)
Endocervical smear: sheet of atypical cells of glandular type with enlarged nuclei and a regular chromatin pattern. Compare with normal columnar cells. Nucleoli are occasionally visible. AGC. (obj. 20x)
Endocervical smear: sheet of atypical cells of glandular type with enlarged nuclei and a regular chromatin pattern. Compare with normal columnar cells. Nucleoli are occasionally visible. AGC. (obj. 20x)
Atypical cells, glandular with regular outlines and homogenous chromatin. AGC. (obj. 20x)
Cluster of atypical cells of glandular origin: enlarged nuclei with homogenous and dense chromatin pattern. AGC. (obj. 20x)
Three endocervical glandular cells, one of them is atypical with an enlarged nucleus, with regular outlines and homogenous chromatin. AGC. (obj. 20x)
High magnification of two isolated atypical cells of metaplastic or glandular type with enlarged nuclei showing a similar chromatin pattern. Compare with normal columnar cells. ASC-H. (A: obj. 20x, B: obj. 40x)
Isolated atypical cells of glandular or metaplastic type with enlarged nuclei showing a similar chromatin pattern. Compare with normal columnar cells. ASC-H. (A: obj. 20x, B: obj. 40x)
AGC: sheets of slightly atypical endocervical glandular cells with slightly enlarged nuclei (N/C not much disturbed), with irregular outlines but homogenous chromatin pattern. Compare with normal counterparts. (A: obj. 20x, B: obj. 40x)
AGC: sheet of slightly atypical metaplastic or endocervical glandular cells with slightly enlarged nuclei (N/C not much disturbed), with irregular outlines but homogenous chromatin pattern. Compare with normal counterparts. (A: obj. 20x, B: obj. 40x)
Well-differentiated endocervical adenocarcinoma. Aspect of the smear: AGC, favor neoplastic. Columnar cells in a palisading arrangements with regular and nucleolated nuclei which are enlarged (compare with squamous cells). (obj. 20x)
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