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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

ASC-US suggesting a LSIL  Rechercher ASC-US suggesting a LSIL

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Sheet of parakeratotic cells (ellipse) with a dense eosinophilic cytoplasm and a relatively regular nucleus: ASC-US rule out LSIL. (obj. 10x)
Sheet of parakeratotic cells (ellipse) with a dense eosinophilic cytoplasm and a relatively regular nucleus: ASC-US rule out LSIL. (obj. 20x)
Sheet of parakeratotic cells (ellipses) with a dense eosinophilic cytoplasm and a relatively regular nucleus. The eosinophilic cell (arrow) is not a koilocyte. ASC-US rule out LSIL. (obj. 10x) (obj. 10x)
Parakeratotic cell (arrow), with an eosinophilic cytoplasm denser than normal superficial cells and a relatively regular but enlarged nucleus: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 10x)
Parakeratotic cell (arrow), with an eosinophilic cytoplasm denser than normal superficial cells and a relatively regular but enlarged nucleus: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Small group of parakeratotic cells (arrow): ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Isolated parakeratotic cells (arrows), among normal metaplastic and eosinophilic superficial cells: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Eosinophilic cells with enlarged nuclei (arrows): ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Eosinophilic parakeratotic type cells (arrows): ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Large eosinophilic cells with enlarged and irregular nuclei (arrow), of dyskeratotic type, to be distinguished from bizarre-shaped keratinized cells of squamous cell carcinoma. ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Sheet of parakeratotic cells (dotted line): ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Binucleated basophilic cells (arrow): this feature alone is insufficient for a diagnosis a LSIL. (obj. 20x)
Binucleated cells, some with normal sized nuclei (black arrows), others with enlarged nuclei (purple arrow): ASC-US. (obj. 20x)
A: Cells with two clearly enlarged nuclei. B: binucleated cell with slightly enlarged nucle. ASC-US. (obj. 20x)
Frequent binucleated cells (arrows): insufficient for LSIL diagnosis (no hyperchromasia). ASC-US. (obj. 20x)
Cell with two enlarged nuclei and fibre cell (arrow): ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Binucleated cell (arrow) with enlarged and hyperchromatic nuclei: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Binucleated cell (arrow) with two enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
No typical koilocyte in this field but some binucleated cells with hyperchromasia (arrow) and some parakeratotic cells: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Two intermediate squamous cells with nuclear enlargement, irregular outlines and dense chromatin: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 40x)
Intermediate and superficial squamous cells with nuclear enlargement, irregular outlines and dense chromatin. ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 40x)
Intermediate squamous cell with an enlarged but regular nucleus, with a thickened membrane: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (A: obj. 20x, B: obj. 40x)
Small parakeratotic cells (dotted line) with enlarged and irregular nuclei (LSIL): ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Small eosinophilic cells with enlarged and irregular nuclei (dotted line). Do not confound perinuclear halo (arrow) and optically empty zone of koilocytes: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Binucleated intermediate cell (arrow), with enlarged but regular nuclei: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Inflammatory smear with parakeratotic cells, parabasal, intermediate and superficial cells with atypical nuclei. No typical koilocyte but binucleations: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Inflammatory smear with parabasal or intermediate cells with atypical nuclei. No typical koilocyte: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 20x)
Inflammatory smear with parabasal and intermediate cells with atypical dense nuclei, with perinuclear halo. No typical koilocyte: ASC-US (LSIL?). (obj. 20x)
Inflammatory smear with parabasal or intermediate cells with atypical nuclei. No typical koilocyte: ASC-US (rule out LSIL). (obj. 40x)
Metaplastic cells with nuclear enlargement and a binucleated cell with clear perinuclear halo: ASC-US. (obj. 20x)
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