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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Vaginal bacteriosis  Rechercher Vaginal bacteriosis

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Gardnerella vaginalis: bacteria are seen in the background, mainly covering the squamous cells resulting in clue cells (arrows). No cytolysis. Polymorphs are absent or rare. (obj. 20x)
Gardnerella vaginalis: bacteria are seen in the background, mainly on the squamous cells resulting in clue cells. Polymorphs are absent or rare. (obj. 20x)
Gardnerella vaginalis: bacteria are seen in the background, mainly on squamous cells resulting in clue cells. Polymorphs are absent or rare. An intermediate squamous cell with an enlarged nucleus. (obj. 20x)
Gardnerella vaginalis: bacteria are seen in the background, mainly on squamous cells resulting in clue cells. Polymorphs are absent or rare. An intermediate squamous cell with an enlarged nucleus. (obj. 20x)
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