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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Trichomonas vaginalis  Rechercher Trichomonas vaginalis

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Inflammatory ectocervix: dirty background, Trichomonas vaginalis infection (arrows: visible parasites). (obj. 20x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: dirty background, Trichomonas vaginalis infection (arrow: one of multiple parasite). (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: squamous cells with reactive changes with a clear perinuclear halo and a nucleus increased in size: Trichomonas vaginalis infection (no visible parasite) or mycosis? (obj. 10x)
Inflammatory background, squamous cells with a clear perinuclear halo and an enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus (purple arrow): Trichomonas vaginalis infection (black arrow: parasite). (obj. 10x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: cells with a clear perinuclear halo and a nucleus increased in size: avoid a diagnosis of ASC-US or LSIL (field A). Trichomonas vaginalis infection with visible parasites (field B). (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: Trichomonas vaginalis more or less identifiable (purple arrow), faint clear perinuclear halos and an enlarged nucleus (black arrow). (obj. 20x)
Epithelial changes (perinuclear halo, moth-eaten) probably related to Trichomonas vaginalis infection, the parasite is not clearly identifiable in this picture. (obj. 20x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: higher magnification, presence of Trichomonas (arrow). (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: presence of Trichomonas vaginalis (pear shaped organised, arrow). (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: inflammatory background, squamous cells with a clear perinuclear halo and an enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus (purple arrow): Trichomonas vaginalis infection (black arrow: visible parasites). (obj. 10x)
An eosinophilic squamous cells with a marked clear perinuclear halo and an enlarged hyperchromatic nucleus (purple arrow): Trichomonas vaginalis infection (black arrows: parasites). (obj. 20x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: squamous cells with a clear perinuclear halo and a nucleus increased in size: Trichomonas vaginalis infection (arrows). (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: squamous cells with reactive changes whith a clear perinuclear halo and a nucleus increased in size: Trichomonas vaginalis infection (no visible parasite) or mycosis? (obj. 10x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: squamous cells with a clear perinuclear halo and a nucleus increased in size: look for Trichomonas vaginalis infection or mycosis? (obj. 10x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: squamous cells with a clear perinuclear halo and a nucleus increased in size: Trichomonas vaginalis infection (no visible parasite) or mycosis? (obj. 40x)
Inflammatory ectocervix: metaplastic cells with benign cellular changes. Look for Trichomonas. (obj. 20x)
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