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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Inflammation and repair  Rechercher Inflammation and repair

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Midly inflammatory smear: one binucleated cell (purple arrow) and small clear perinuclear halos (black arrows). Look for Trichomonas. (obj. 10x)
Smear with marked inflammation: many polymorphs and histiocytes. (obj. 20x)
Multinucleated cells (histiocytes), must be distinguinshed from herpetic cells. (obj. 20x)
Multinucleated cell (histiocytes) more frequently seen in menopausal smears. (obj. 20x)
Atrophic and inflammatory menopausal smear with isolated parabasal squamous cells. Three of them contain non specific cytoplasmic inclusions (previously reported as chlamydial infection). (field A: obj. 10x, field B: obj. 40x)
Ectocervix: inflammatory background, sheet of metaplastic/repair type cells. (obj. 10x)
Inflammatory and bloody exocervical smear: sheet of repair cells with a clear nuclear chromatin and a visible nucleolus. (obj. 20x)
Repair cells (clear chromatin and nucleoli)? Immature or transitional metaplasia (some nuclear grooves)? (obj. 40x)
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