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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Histiocytes and inflammatory cells  Rechercher Histiocytes and inflammatory cells

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Normal endocervix: histiocytes and rare endocervical glandular cells (arrow). (obj. 10x)
Mild inflammation in a normal endocervix: secretory glandular cells (ellipse) with histiocytes (arrow) and polymorphs. (obj. 20x)
Normal endocervix: mixture of endocervical glandular cells (ellipse) and histiocytes (arrows) or macrophages. It may be difficult to distinguish glandular cells from histiocytes. (obj. 10x)
Normal endocervix with mild inflammation: mixture of polymorphs and histiocytes or macrophages. (obj. 20x)
Normal endocervix: endocervical mucus with naked nuclei from normal cylindrical cells. Some histiocytes (ellipse) and polymorphs are present. (obj. 10x)
Normal endocervix: menopausal smear, histiocytes. (obj. 20x)
Normal endocervix: histiocytes with micro-vacuolated cytoplasm. (obj. 40x)
Atrophic normal endocervix (menopause): columnar cells (ellipse) and histiocytes may be difficult to distinguish. (obj. 40x)
Atrophic menopausal cervix: many histiocytes are visible in the endocervical sample. (obj. 40x)
Normal endocervix: histiocytes and polymorphs, high magnification. (obj. 40x)
Normal cervix: a superficial squamous cell with eosinophilic cytoplasm with polymorphs, histiocytes (black arrow) and macrophages (purple arrows). (obj. 40x)
Endocervical smear: high magnification of histiocytes. (obj. 40x)
Normal but inflammatory endocervical smear: a multinucleated histiocyte among many polymorphs. (obj. 10x)
Normal but inflammatory endocervical smear: a multinucleated histiocyte among many polymorphs. (obj. 20x)
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