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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Normal endometrial glandular cells  Rechercher Normal endometrial glandular cells

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Smear taken during menstruation: cluster of normal endometrial cells with small dark nuclei, among squamous cells. (obj. 20x)
Smear taken during menstruation: cluster of normal endometrial cells with small dark nuclei, among squamous cells. (obj. 20x)
Smear taken during menstruation: cluster of normal endometrial cells with small dark nuclei, among squamous cells. (obj. 20x)
Smear taken during menstruation: cluster of normal endometrial cells with small dark nuclei, among squamous cells and polymorphs. (obj. 20x)
Under 40 year-old woman, not menopaused. Presence of endometrial cells. No specific recommendation. (obj. 20x)
Under 40 year-old woman, not menopaused. Presence of endometrial cells. No specific recommendation. (obj. 40x)
Smear taken with cytobrush: a compact sheet of normal endometrial cells. (obj. 20x)
Smear taken with cytobrush: a tube-shaped sheet of normal endometrial cells. (obj. 20x)
Cytobrush smear: sheets of columnar cells of endocervical. (obj. 20x)
Comparaison between endometrial cells (left part) and endocervical columnar cells (right part). (obj. 20x)
Comparaison between endometrial cells (left part) and endocervical columnar cells (right part). (obj. 40x)
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