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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Normal endocervical glandular cells: ciliated  Rechercher Normal endocervical glandular cells: ciliated

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Normal glandular cells either of the ciliated (arrows) or secretory type (ellipses). (obj. 10x)
Normal endocervical cells either of the ciliated or secretory type. (obj. 20x)
Normal endocervical cells of the ciliated type. (obj. 10x)
Normal endocervical cells of the ciliated type. (obj. 20x)
Normal glandular ciliated endocervical cells. Compare nuclear size and chromatin texture of ciliated cells and the squamous cell. (obj. 40x)
Normal endocervical ciliated cells. Note basal plate (arrow) and cilia stained slightly pink. (obj. 40x)
Normal endocervical cells of the ciliated type. (obj. 20x)
Normal endocervical ciliated columnar cells with histiocytes (arrow). (obj. 20x)
Normal glandular endocervical cells either of the ciliated or secreting type (ellipse). Nuclei show quite the same morphology except for their outlines in secretory cells. (obj. 40x)
Mixture of normal glandular ciliated and secretory endocervical cells. (obj. 40x)
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