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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Normal squamous cells  Rechercher Normal squamous cells

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Different types of squamous cells - A: superficial cells (arrows); B: intermediate cells; C: parabasal cells; D: metaplastic cells. (obj. 20x)
A: Superficial squamous cells, flat basophilic or eosinophilic cytoplasm. B: Atrophic pattern. (obj. 20X)
Normal ectocervix: intermediate and superficial squamous cells, basophilic or eosinophilic. Some polymorphs are present. (obj. 10x)
Normal ectocervix: intermediate and superficial squamous cells with basophilic or eosinophilic cytoplasm. (obj. 10x)
Normal ectocervix: basophilic intermediate squamous cells and superficial cells with basophilic or eosinophilic cytoplasm. (obj. 10x)
Normal ectocervix: intermediate and superficial squamous cells predominantly basophilic, with a few eosinophilic. (obj. 10x)
Normal ectocervix: normal superficial eosinophilic cells. Some debris in the background. (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: intermediate basophilic squamous cells and basophilic and eosinophilic superficial cells (arrows). Note normal nuclear size variations. (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: rare basophilic intermediate squamous cells and many superficial basophilic and eosinophilic cells. Note the nuclear sizes are different. Two keratinized cells with brownish cytoplasm (arrows). (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: basophilic intermediate squamous cells. Some polymorphs. (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: basophilic squamous cells with histiocytes or macrophages and polymorphs. (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: superficial squamous cells with basophilic or eosinophilic cytoplasm. One polymorph (arrow). (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: intermediate basophilic squamous cells and basophilic and eosinophilic superficial cells. Note the presence of mature squamous metaplasia (arrows). (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: basophilic intermediate squamous cells and superficial basophilic and eosinophilic cells. (obj. 20x)
Normal ectocervix: basophilic intermediate cells, basophilic and eosinophilic superficial squamous cells. (obj. 40x)
Normal ectocervix: basophilic intermediate squamous cells. Note some cytoplasms are very pale. (obj. 40x)
Liquid based preparation: normal smear, intermediate and superficial squamous cells. (obj. 40x)
Mid-cycle smear (ovulatory phase): eosinophilic superficial squamous cells, clean background. (obj. 10x)
Mid-cycle (ovulatory) smear: cervical mucus forming fern-like crystalline structures and eosinophilic superficial squamous cells. (obj. 2.5x)
Luteal phase with basophilic squamous cells with folded cytoplasm. (obj. 10x)
Luteal phase with abundant Lactobacilli and cytolysis (naked nuclei and cytoplasmic debris in the background) and basophilic squamous cells with cytoplasmic folding. (obj. 10x)
Basophilic squamous cells from intermediate layers. Polymorphs are present. (obj. 10x)
Luteal phase with abundant Lactobacilli and cytolysis (naked nuclei and cytoplasmic debris), pseudo navicular cells. (obj. 20x)
Luteal phase with basophilic squamous cells and folded cytoplasm, forming aggregates. (obj. 10x)
Luteal phase with marked cytolysis and abundant Doderlein bacilli. Naked nuclei from intermediate cells and cytoplasmic debris. (obj. 40x)
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