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Cytopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Unsatisfactory specimen  Rechercher Unsatisfactory specimen

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Unsatisfactory poorly cellular smear, containing blood and few squamous cells. (obj. 10x)
Unsatisfactory, bloody and poorly cellular smear, containing few intermediate (purple arrows) and one parabasal squamous cells (black arrow). (obj. 20x)
Unsatisfactory bloody and poorly cellular smear, containing few squamous cells in clusters. May be satisfactory if cellularity is of same level all over the smear. (obj. 20x)
Unsatisfactory bloody and poorly cellular smear, containing some squamous cells and extremely rare columnar endocervical cells (ellipse). (obj. 10x)
Menopausal smear with some intermediate squamous cells and parabasal cells with cytoplasmic acidophilia and slight nuclear enlargement: unsatisfactory smear (scant cellularity and air-dried). (obj. 10x)
Unsatisfactory smear because of haemorrhage (menstruation) and scant cellularity. (obj. 10x)
Unsatisfactory smear: morphological analysis is difficult due to blood partially masking the limited epithelial component. (obj. 20x)
Cellular but unsatisfactory smear: morphological analysis is difficult due to blood partially masking the cellular components. (obj. 20x)
Unsatisfactory smear because of inflammation and blood. (obj. 5x)
Cellular but unsatisfactory smear: morphological analysis is difficult due to blood partially masking the cellular components and to poor cellularity. (obj. 20x)
Unsatisfactory smear because of inflammation. Cell cluster difficult to analyse. Repeat after local treatment. (obj. 10x)
Unsatisfactory smear because of inflammation. Cell cluster where morphological analysis is difficult. Repeat after local treatment. (obj. 20x)
Unsatisfactory speciment showing atrophy (menopause). Large sheet of squamous epithelium with irregular outlines: pap smear air-dried before fixation. (obj. 10x)
Unsatisfactory specimen, atrophic and very inflammed. Small clusters of parabasal squamous cells and isolated cells with some nuclear atypia (slight enlargement) and cytoplasmic changes (acidophilia, vacuoles). Air-dried artefacts. Repear after local treatment. (obj. 20x)
Smear with haemorrhage (menses) and poor cellularity. However the finding of rare atypical cells gives it a screening value. (obj. 20x)
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