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A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia

Diabetes mellitus  Search in Medline for Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterised by abnormally high blood sugar levels. Xerostomia and chronic candidiasis can be seen associated with diabetes mellitus. Altered taste, burning mouth syndrome, chronic periodontal infections and non-tender bilateral parotid enlargement are the other manifestations.



Figure 1: A depapillated area on the dorsum tongue with central ulceration in a diabetic patient. The lesion healed after a course of antibiotics and multi-vitamin supplementation.
Figure 2: Chronic generalised periodontitis in a diabetic patient. Note the heavy deposits of materia alba in the mandibular anterior teeth and the spacing of teeth, in this 52–year-old male with poor oral hygiene. Note the discolouration of the right maxillary central incisor as it is nonvital.
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