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A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia

Treatment of leukoplakia  Search in Medline for Treatment of leukoplakia



Figure 1: A. Homogeneous leukoplakia on the right lateral margin of the tongue before treatment. B: Excision procedure. C: Appearance immediately after the excision. D: One month following treatment.
Figure 2: Homogeneous leukoplakia of the tongue. A: before treatment. B: immediately after excision. C: after suturing.
Figures 3A and 3B: Homogeneous leukoplakia on left buccal mucosa and alveolar ridge in a betel-quid chewer. Before (A)and after surgical excision (B).
Figure 4: Nodular leukoplakia left lateral margin tongue with malignant transformation. A 3x2 cm nodular leukoplakia on the left lateral margin tongue. Note the raised posterior margin of the lesion. (A) Before excision and (B) one month after excision.
Figure 5: Homogeneous leukoplakia with a malignant transformation right lateral margin tongue. Before (A) excision and after post operative (B).
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