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A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia

Ulcerated leukoplakia  Search in Medline for Ulcerated leukoplakia



Figure 1: Ulcerated leukoplakia of the left oral comissure in a 58–year-old male who is habituated to bidi smoking and chewing tobacco. Note the black discoloration of the buccal mucosa surrounding the lesion.
Figure 2: Ulcerated leukoplakia on right commissure and buccal mucosa in this bidi smoker. Note the pigmentation on the periphery of the lesion.
Figure 3: Ulcerated leukoplakia on right commissure in this bidi smoker. Note a slight speckled appearance on posterior aspect of the lesion. Such appearance should arouse clinical suspicion of underlying malignant transformation.
Figure 4: Ulcerated leukoplakia on the right buccal mucosa. Note the ulcerative areas adjacent to the molars.
Figure 5: Ulcerated leukoplakia on the right buccal mucosa extending from the commissure. Note the ulcerative areas (yellow arrows) surrounded by white patches.
Figure 6: Ulcerated Leukoplakia with malignant transformation. Note an ulcerative area on the left lateral margin of the tongue with granular areas (arrow) which is suggestive of malignant transformation. Histopathological examination from the area revealed well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.
Figure 7: Ulcerated leukoplakia. Note the ulcerative areas on the left buccal mucosa surrounded by white patches, which is seen extending to the left buccal sulcus in a habitual betel quid user. Note the yellowish red discolouration of the mandibular teeth caused by the betel quid stain.
Figure 8: Ulcerated leukoplakia in the left buccal mucosa. Note the ulcerated area in the centre surrounded by white patches at the periphery and the hyperpigmentation anteriorly.
Figure 9: Ulcerated leukoplakia. Note the diffuse white patch intermingled with hyperpigmentation in the right commissure extending posteriorly in this habitual bidi smoker. Note also the tobacco stains on the lingual aspect of the maxillary teeth.
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