Home / Training / Manuals / Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas / Trachelectomy specimen - Gross examination study / video
Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Trachelectomy specimen - Gross examination study / video

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This is a trachelectomy specimen.
Weighing the trachelectomy specimen.
This is a trachelectomy specimen: a large budding tumor of the uterine cervix is observed. The vaginal section is in a disease free area. The parametrium are non-infiltrated, and supple. Turn the specimen over to observe the isthmus section.
The vaginal section of the specimen is obtained and immediately put into cassettes.
The vaginal section of the specimen is obtained and immediately put into cassettes.
Cassettes with the vaginal section of the specimen.
The isthmus section of the specimen is obtained and immediately put into cassettes.
The isthmus section of the specimen is obtained and immediately put into cassettes.
The depth and the width of the tumour are measured.
A gross section in the sagittal plane is obtained allowing us to determine the length of the tumour.
The sample of the gross section in the sagittal plane is immediately put in a big cassette.
Parallel sections in the transversal plane involving the cervical mass and the parametrium of each hemi cervix are carried out and the samples are included in big cassettes.
Parallel sections in the transversal plane involving the cervical mass and the parametrium of each hemi cervix are carried out and the samples are included in big cassettes.
Cassettes with the cervical mass and the parametrium.
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