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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Specimen processing - Section

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The block taken from the freeze plate is inserted on the holder-forceps on the microtome. Beginning of removing of the rough surface using the fast forward.
Remove the rough surface and flaten the block (cleaning with a brush).
3 microns-thick sections. The ribbon is tick up dedicated with a tweezer. This gesture is accompanied by a gentle blow in direction of the block while turning the handle in a regular movement. Avoid fans and draughts.
Zoom on a string of sections.
Place the ribbon on a cold bain-marie. The right way up and select the best section(s).
Write specimen ID on the slide.
Move the sections ribbon from the bain-marie to a clean glass slide.
Remove the folds and spread out the cut sections on the slide inside the hot bain-marie (around 45°C).
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