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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Specimen processing - Inclusion

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The cassettes are kept from the histokinette in the last bath of hot paraffin (56-58°C). They are stocked by the technician on a heating plate (60°C).
After the cassette opening, the metallic mold is filled by liquid paraffin.
The forceps are heated on a flame to avoid the specimen sticking.
The specimen is included in the liquid paraffin.
The metallic mold is transported on the freezing plate in order to fixe the specimens on the bottom and in the same plan.
The level of the warm paraffin is completed, and after few minutes put on the freeze plate for the removing of the mold.
Removing of the mold and storage on the board. It is necessary to keep the block in a cold area until the time of the cutting of the sections.
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