Home / Training / Manuals / Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas / Hysterectomy specimen - Gross examination study / video
Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Hysterectomy specimen - Gross examination study / video

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Gross morphology - a radical hysterectomy specimen, anterior side. The blue color is due to the injection of a dye needed for sentinel node identification.
Longitudinal section of the uterus (cutter knife is advised), Two hemi uterus are obtained.
The vaginal section of the right hemi uterus is obtained.
The vaginal section of the left hemi uterus is obtained.
A gross section in the sagittal plane is performed.
Parallel sections in the transversal plane involving the cervical mass and the parametrium of each hemi uterus are obtained.
Parallel sections in the transversal plane involving the cervical mass and the parametrium of each hemi uterus are obtained.
Sampling of the gross section in the sagittal plane is performed: the cervical mass, the uterus wall, the use of big cassettes (70 x 50 x 15 mm) is sometimes required.
We obtain a full sample of the specimen of radical hysterectomy: the following are systematically included: the cervical mass, right parametrium, left parametrium, the uterus wall.
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