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Histopathology of the uterine cervix - digital atlas

Specimen processing - Gross section

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The gross size sections (gross section object) are included in the paraffin using special mold (Leukhart bars). The black coloration is due to Indian ink left on the surface of the tumour.
The block is taken from the cold plate is inserted in the microtome.
Beginning of the removal of the rough surface using the fast forward. Cleaning of the brush.
Beginning of the 5 microns-thick ribbon cut. The ribbon is tick up delicated with a tweezers. This gesture is accompanied by a gentle blow in direction of the block while turning the handle in a regular movement. Avoid fans and draughts.
Place the ribbon on a cold bain-marie. The right way up and select the best section(s).
The ribbon is put on the slide with a preliminary unique ID writen with a diamond pen.
Removing the folds and spreading the sections on the slide in a hot-water bain-marie (around 45°C).
The sections should be left to dry before straining (24 hours).
Gross section: invasive carcinoma with free margins.
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