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Peer-reviewed journal articles:

Gheit T., Muwonge R., Lucas E., Galati L., Anantharaman D., McKay-Chopin S., Malvi S.G., Jayant K., Joshi S., Esmy P.O., Pillai M.R., Basu P., Sankaranarayanan R., Tommasino M. Impact of HPV vaccination on HPV-related oral infections. Oral Oncol. 2023 Jan;136:106244.
PMID: 36402055
Mandrik O., Roitberg F., Lauby-Secretan B., Parak U., Ramadas K., Varenne B., Sankaranarayanan R., Carvalho A.L. Perspective on oral cancer screening: Time for implementation research and beyond. J Cancer Policy. 2023 Jan 2;35:100381.
PMID: 36599217
Ramadas K., Basu P., Mathew B.S., Muwonge R., Venugopal M., Prakasan A.M., Malu R., Lucas E., Augustine P., Mony R.P., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Effectiveness of triennial screening with clinical breast examination: 14-years follow-up outcomes of randomized clinical trial in Trivandrum, India. Cancer. 2023 Jan 15;129(2):272-282.
PMID: 36321193

Simoens C., Gheit T., Ridder R., Gorbaslieva I., Holzinger D., Lucas E., Rehm S., Vermeulen P., Lammens M., Vanderveken O.M., Kumar R.V., Gangane N., Caniglia A., Maffini F., Rubio MB.L., Anantharaman D., Chiocca S., Brennan P., Pillai M.R., Sankaranarayanan R., Bogers J., Pawlita M., Tommasino M., Arbyn M.; HPV-AHEAD study group. Accuracy of high-risk HPV DNA PCR, p16(INK4a) immunohistochemistry or the combination of both to diagnose HPV-driven oropharyngeal cancer. BMC Infect Dis. 2022 Aug 6;22(1):676.
PMID: 35933382

Cheung L.C., Ramadas K., Muwonge R., Katki H.A., Thomas G., Graubard B.I., Basu P., Sankaranarayanan R., Somanathan T., Chaturvedi A.K. Risk-Based Selection of Individuals for Oral Cancer Screening. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jan 15:JCO2002855.
PMID: 33449824
Gama R.R., Arantes L.M.R.B., Sorroche B.P., De Marchi P., Melendez M.E., Carvalho R.S., de Lima M.A., Vettore A.L., Carvalho A.L. Evaluation of acetylation and methylation in oral rinse of patients with head and neck cancer history exposed to valproic acid. Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 12;11(1):16415.
PMID: 34385507
Matos L.L., Forster C.H.Q., Marta G.N., Castro Junior G., Ridge J.A., Hirata D., Miranda-Filho A., Hosny A., Sanabria A., Gregoire V., Patel S.G., Fagan J.J., D'Cruz A.K., Licitra L., Mehanna H., Hao S.P., Psyrri A., Porceddu S., Galloway T.J., Golusinski W., Lee N.Y., Shiguemori E.H., Matieli J.E., Shiguemori A.P.A.C., Diamantino L.R., Schiaveto L.F., Leao L., Castro A.F., Carvalho A.L., Kowalski L.P. The hidden curve behind COVID-19 outbreak: the impact of delay in treatment initiation in cancer patients and how to mitigate the additional risk of dying-the head and neck cancer model. Cancer Causes Control. 2021 Mar 11:1-13.
PMID: 33704627
Simoens C., Gorbaslieva I., Gheit T., Holzinger D., Lucas E., Ridder R., Rehm S., Vermeulen P., Lammens M., Vanderveken O.M., Kumar R.V., Gangane N., Caniglia A., Maffini F., Rubio M.B.L. , Anantharaman D., Chiocca S., Brennan P., Pillai M.R., Sankaranarayanan R., Bogers J., Pawlita M., Tommasino M., Arbyn M., HPV-AHEAD study group. HPV DNA genotyping, HPV E6*I mRNA detection, and p16 INK4a/Ki-67 staining in Belgian head and neck cancer patient specimens, collected within the HPV-AHEAD study. Cancer Epidemiol. 2021 Apr 8;72:101925.
PMID: 33839457
Subramanian S., Jose R., Lal A., Augustine P., Jones M., Gopal B.K., Swayamvaran S.K., Saroji V., Samadarsi R., Sankaranarayanan R. Acceptability, utility, and cost of an mHealth cancer screening education application for training primary care physicians in India. Oncologist. 2021 Jul 19.
PMID: 34286909
Thankappan K., Subramanian S., Balasubramanian D., Kuriakose M.A., Sankaranarayanan R., Iyer S. Cost-effectiveness of oral cancer screening approaches by visual examination: A systematic review. Head Neck. 2021 Jul 14.
PMID: 34260118

Basu P. Healthcare Systems Need to be Organized to Fight two Pandemics Simultaneously. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care, 5(S1), 1-3.
Kowalski L.P., Sanabria A., Ridge J.A., Ng W.T., de Bree R., Rinaldo A., Takes R.P., Makitie A.A., Carvalho A.L., Bradford C.R., Paleri V., Hartl D.M., Poorten V.V., Nixon I.J., Piazza C., Lacy P., Rodrigo J.P., Guntinas-Lichius O., Mendenhall W.M., D'Cruz A., Lee A.W.M., Ferlito A. COVID-19 pandemic: effects and evidence-based recommendations for otolaryngology and head and neck surgery practice. Head Neck. 2020 Apr 9.
PMID: 32270581
Tagliabue M., Mena M., Maffini F., Gheit T., Quiros Blasco B., Holzinger D., Tous S., Scelsi D., Riva D., Grosso E., Chu F., Lucas E., Ridder R., Rrehm S., Bogers J.P., Lepanto D., Lloveras Rubio B., Vijay Kumar R., Gangane N., Clavero O., Pawlita M., Anantharaman D., Radhakrishna Pillai M., Brennan P., Sankaranarayanan R., Arbyn M., Lombardi F., Taberna M., Gandini S., Chiesa F., Ansarin M., Alemany L., Tommasino M., Chiocca S., The Hpv-Ahead Study Group. Role of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Head and Neck Cancer in Italy: The HPV-AHEAD Study. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Nov 29;12(12):E3567.
PMID: 33260360

Mahajan M., Naik N., Jain K., Patira N., Prasad S., Mogri S., Muwonge R., Lucas E., Faruq F., Sankaranarayanan R., Iyer S., Basu P. Study of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Toward Risk Factors and Early Detection of Noncommunicable Diseases Among Rural Women in India. J Glob Oncol. 2019 Apr;(5):1-10.
PMID: 30998427

Ursu R.G., Danciu M., Spiridon I.A., Ridder R., Rehm S., Maffini F., McKay-Chopin S., Carreira C., Lucas E., Costan V.V., Popescu E., Cobzeanu B., Ghetu N., Iancu L.S., Tommasino M., Pawlita M., Holzinger D., Gheit T. Role of mucosal high-risk human papillomavirus types in head and neck cancers in Romania. PLoS One. 2018 Jun 25;13(6):e0199663.
PMID: 29940024

Gheit T., Anantharaman D., Holzinger D., Alemany L., Tous S., Lucas E., Prabhu P.R., Pawlita M., Ridder R., Rehm S., Bogers J., Maffini F., Chiocca S., Lloveras B., Kumar R.V., Somanathan T., de Sanjose S., Castellsague X., Arbyn M., Brennan P., Sankaranarayanan R., Pillai M.R., Gangane N., Tommasino M.; HPV-AHEAD study group. Role of mucosal high-risk human papillomavirus types in head and neck cancers in central India. Int J Cancer. 2017 Jul 1;141(1):143-151.
PMID: 28369859
Mena M., Lloveras B., Tous S., Bogers J., Maffini F., Gangane N., Kumar R.V., Somanathan T., Lucas E., Anantharaman D., Gheit T., Castellsague X., Pawlita M., de Sanjose S., Alemany L., Tommasino M.; HPV-AHEAD study group. Development and validation of a protocol for optimizing the use of paraffin blocks in molecular epidemiological studies: The example from the HPV-AHEAD study. PLoS One. 2017 Oct 16;12(10)
PMID: 29036167
Shield K. D., Ferlay J., Jemal A., Sankaranarayanan R., Chaturvedi A. K., Bray F., Soerjomataram I. (2017) The global incidence of lip, oral cavity, and pharyngeal cancers by subsite in 2012. CA Cancer J Clin; 67(1):51-64.
PMID: 28076666

Ravindran D., Hariharan I., Muwonge R., Kumar R.R., Pillai M.R., Ramadas K. Efficacy of Varunadi Ghritha (polyherbal compound) in treated head and neck cancer cases as a biological response modifier. Ayu. 2014;35(2):168-74.
PMID: 25558162
Zheng W., McLerran D.F., Rolland B.A., Fu Z., Boffetta P., He J., Gupta P.C., Ramadas K., Tsugane S., Irie F., Tamakoshi A., Gao Y.T., Koh W.P., Shu X.O., Ozasa K., Nishino Y., Tsuji I., Tanaka H., Chen C.J., Yuan J.M., Ahn Y.O., Yoo K.Y., Ahsan H., Pan W.H., Qiao Y.L., Gu D., Pednekar M.S., Sauvaget C., Sawada N., Sairenchi T., Yang G., Wang R., Xiang Y.B., Ohishi W., Kakizaki M., Watanabe T., Oze I., You S.L., Sugawara Y., Butler L.M., Kim D.H., Park S.K., Parvez F., Chuang S.Y., Fan J.H., Shen C.Y., Chen Y., Grant E.J., Lee J.E., Sinha R., Matsuo K., Thornquist M., Inoue M., Feng Z., Kang D., Potter J.D. Burden of total and cause-specific mortality related to tobacco smoking among adults aged = 45 years in Asia: a pooled analysis of 21 cohorts. PLoS Med. 2014;11(4):e1001631.
PMID: 24756146

Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Thara S., Muwonge R., Thomas G., Anju G., Mathew B. Long term effect of visual screening on oral cancer incidence and mortality in a randomized trial in Kerala, India. Oral Oncol. 2013;49(4):314-21.
PMID: 23265945

Johnson N.W., Warnakulasuriya S., Gupta P.C., Dimba E., Chindia M., Otoh E.C., Sankaranarayanan R., Califano J., Kowalski L. Global oral health inequalities in incidence and outcomes for oral cancer: causes and solutions. Adv Dent Res. 2011;23(2):237-46.
PMID: 21490236
Lambert R., Sauvaget C., de Camargo Cancela M., Sankaranarayanan R. Epidemiology of cancer from the oral cavity and oropharynx. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;23(8):633-41.
PMID: 21654320

Ramadas K., Sauvaget C., Thomas G., Fayette J.M., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Effect of tobacco chewing, tobacco smoking and alcohol on all-cause and cancer mortality: a cohort study from Trivandrum, India. Cancer Epidemiol. 2010;34(4):405-12.
PMID: 20444665
Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Thomas G., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Prognosis criteria of casual systolic and diastolic blood pressure values in a prospective study in India. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2010;64(4):366-72.
PMID: 19692728

Cancela Mde C., Ramadas K., Fayette J.M., Thomas G., Muwonge R., Chapuis F., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R., Sauvaget C. Alcohol intake and oral cavity cancer risk among men in a prospective study in Kerala, India. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2009;37(4):342-9.
PMID: 19486349
Subramanian S., Sankaranarayanan R., Bapat B., Somanathan T., Thomas G., Mathew B., Vinoda J., Ramadas K. Cost-effectiveness of oral cancer screening: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in India. Bull World Health Organ. 2009;87(3):200-6.
PMID: 19377716

Muwonge R., Ramadas K., Sankila R., Thara S., Thomas G., Vinoda J., Sankaranarayanan R. Role of tobacco smoking, chewing and alcohol drinking in the risk of oral cancer in Trivandrum, India: A nested case-control design using incident cancer cases. Oral Oncol. 2008;44(5):446-54.
PMID: 17933578
Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Thara S., Thomas G., Sankaranarayanan R. Tobacco chewing in India. Int J Epidemiol. 2008;37(6):1242-5.
PMID: 18535028

Dikshit R.P., Ramadas K., Hashibe M., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Sankaranarayanan R. Association between diabetes mellitus and pre-malignant oral diseases: A cross sectional study in Kerala, India. Int J Cancer. 2006;118(2):453-7.
PMID: 16049982
Sankaranarayanan R., Dinshaw K., Nene B.M., Ramadas K., Esmy P.O., Jayant K., Somanathan T., Shastri S. Cervical and oral cancer screening in India. J Med Screen. 2006;13(Suppl 1):S35-S8.
PMID: 17227640

Gupta P.C., Pednekar M.S., Parkin D.M., Sankaranarayanan R. Tobacco associated mortality in Mumbai (Bombay) India. Results of the Bombay Cohort Study. Int J Epidemiol. 2005;34(6): 1395-402.
PMID: 16249218
Hashibe M., Ritz B., Le A.D., Li G., Sankaranarayanan R., Zhang Z.F. Radiotherapy for oral cancer as a risk factor for second primary cancers. Cancer Lett. 2005;220(2):185-95.
PMID: 15766594
Sankaranarayanan R. Screening for cervical and oral cancers in India is feasible and effective. National Med J India. 2005;18(6):281-4.
PMID: 16483024
Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Thomas G., Muwonge R., Thara S., Mathew B., Rajan B.; Trivandrum Oral Cancer Screening Study Group. Effect of screening on oral cancer mortality in Kerala, India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;365(9475):1927-33.
PMID: 15936419

Jacob B.J., Straif K., Thomas G., Ramadas K., Mathew B., Zhang Z.F., Sankaranarayanan R., Hashibe M. Betel quid without tobacco as a risk factor for oral precancers. Oral Oncol 2004;40(7):697-704.
PMID: 15172639
Zienolddiny S., Aguelon A.M., Mironov N., Mathew B., Thomas G., Sankaranarayanan R., Yamasaki H. Genomic instability in oral squamous cell carcinoma: relationship to betel-quid chewing. Oral Oncol. 2004;40(3):298-303.
PMID: 14747061

Hashibe M., Jacob B.J., Thomas G., Ramadas K., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Zhang Z.F. Socioeconomic status, lifestyle factors and oral premalignant lesions. Oral Oncol. 2003;39(7):664-71.
PMID: 12907205
Ramadas K., Sankaranarayanan R., Jacob B.J., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Mahe C., Pandey M., Abraham E., Najeeb S., Mathew B., Parkin D.M., Nair M.K. Interim results from a cluster randomized controlled oral cancer screening trial in Kerala, India. Oral Oncol. 2003 Sep;39(6):580-8.
PMID: 12798401
Sankaranarayanan R., Ramanakumar A.V., Yeole B.B. Survival from glottic and supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Oral Oncol. 2003;39(7):656-63.
PMID: 12907204
Thomas G., Hashibe M., Jacob B., Ramadas K., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Zhang Z.F. Risk factors for multiple oral premalignant lesions. Int J Cancer. 2003;107(2):285-91.
PMID: 12949809
Yeole B.B., Ramanakumar A.V., Sankaranarayanan R. Survival from oral cancer in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Cancer Causes Control. 2003;14(10):945-52.
PMID: 14750533

Balaram P., Sridhar H., Rajkumar T., Vaccarella S., Herrero R., Nandakumar A., Ravichandran K., Ramdas K., Sankaranarayanan R., Gajalakshmi V., Munoz N., Franceschi S. Oral cancer in southern India: the influence of smoking, drinking, paan-chewing and oral hygiene. Int J Cancer. 2002; 98(3):440-445.
PMID: 11920597
Hashibe M., Sankaranarayanan R., Thomas G., Kuruvilla B., Mathew B., Somanathan T., Parkin D.M., Zhang Z.F. Body mass index, tobacco chewing, alcohol drinking and the risk of oral submucous fibrosis in Kerala, India. Cancer Causes Control. 2002 Feb;13(1):55-64.
PMID: 11899118
Sankaranarayanan R., Garrote L.F., Anta J.L., Pisani P., Salva A.R. Visual inspection in oral cancer screening in Cuba: a case-control study. Oral Oncol. 2002 Feb;38(2):131-6.
PMID: 11854059

Pandey M., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Sankaranarayanan R., Abraham E.K., Jacob B.J., Mathew B.; Trivandrum Oral Cancer Screening Study Group. Evaluation of surgical excision of non-homogeneous oral leukoplakia in a screening intervention trial, Kerala, India. Oral Oncol. 2001 Jan;37(1):103-9.
PMID: 11120491

Hashibe M., Mathew B., Kuruvilla B., Thomas G., Sankaranarayanan R., Parkin D.M, Zhang Z.F. Chewing tobacco, alcohol, and the risk of erythroplakia. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2000 Jul;9(7):639-45.
PMID: 10919731
Hashibe M., Sankaranarayanan R., Thomas G., Kuruvilla B., Mathew B., Somanathan T., Parkin D.M., Zhang Z.F. Alcohol drinking, body mass index and the risk of oral leukoplakia in an Indian population. Int J Cancer. 2000 Oct 1;88(1):129-34.
PMID: 10962450
Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Jacob B.J., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Pisani P., Pandey M., Ramadas K., Najeeb K., Abraham E. The Trivandrum Oral Cancer Screening Study Group. Early findings from a community-based, cluster-randomized, controlled oral cancer screening trial in Kerala, India. Cancer. 2000 Feb 1;88(3):664-73.
PMID: 10649262
Yeole B.B., Sankaranarayanan R., Sunny L., Swaminathan R., Parkin D.M. Survival from head and neck cancer in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Cancer. 2000 Jul 15;89(2):437-44.
PMID: 10918177

Sankaranarayanan R., Masuyer E., Swaminathan R., Ferlay J., Whelan S. Head and neck cancer: a global perspective on epidemiology and prognosis. Anticancer Res. 1998 Nov-Dec;18(6B):4779-86.
PMID: 9891557

Jyothirmayi R., Sankaranarayanan R., Varghese C., Jacob R., Nair M.K. Radiotherapy in the treatment of verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity. Oral Oncol. 1997 Mar;33(2):124-8.
PMID: 9231170
Maher R., Aga P., Johnson N.W., Sankaranarayanan R., Warnakulasuriya S. Evaluation of multiple micronutrient supplementation in the management of oral submucous fibrosis in Karachi, Pakistan. Nutr Cancer. 1997;27(1):41-7.
PMID: 8970180
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Sunilkumar K.B., Kuruvila B., Pisani P., Nair M.K. Reproducibility and validity of oral visual inspection by trained health workers in the detection of oral precancer and cancer. Br J Cancer. 1997;76(3):390-4.
PMID: 9252209
Sankaranarayanan R. Healthcare auxiliaries in the detection and prevention of oral cancer. Eur J Cancer 1997, 33, 149-154.
PMID: 9307722
Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Varghese C., Sudhakaran P.R., Menon V., Jayadeep A., Nair M.K., Mathews C., Mahalingam T.R., Balaram P., Nair P.P. Chemoprevention of oral leukoplakia with vitamin A and beta carotene: an assessment. Oral Oncol. 1997 Jul;33(4):231-6.
PMID: 9307711

Jyothirmayi R., Ramadas K., Varghese C., Jacob R., Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R. Efficacy of vitamin A in the prevention of loco-regional recurrence and second primaries in head and neck cancer. Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol. 1996 Nov;32B(6):373-6.
PMID: 9039219

Garrote L.F., Sankaranarayanan R., Anta J.L., Salva A.R., Parkin D.M. An evaluation of the oral cancer control program in Cuba. Epidemiology. 1995 Jul;6(4):428-31.
PMID: 7548355
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair P.P., Varghese C., Somanathan T., Amma B.P., Amma N.S., Nair M.K. Evaluation of chemoprevention of oral cancer with Spirulina fusiformis. Nutr Cancer. 1995;24(2):197-202.
PMID: 8584455
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Wesley R., Joseph A., Nair M.K. Evaluation of utilisation of health workers for secondary prevention of oral cancer in Kerala, India. Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol. 1995 May;31B(3):193-6.
PMID: 7549760
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Wesley R., Nair M.K. Evaluation of mouth self-examination in the control of oral cancer. Br J Cancer. 1995 Feb;71(2):397-9.
PMID: 7841060

George A., Varghese C., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages by children and teenagers in a low-income coastal community in south India. J Cancer Educ. 1994 Summer;9(2):111-3.
PMID: 7917895

Sebastian P., Varghese C., Sankaranarayanan R., Zaina C.P., Nirmala G., Jeevy G., Nair M.K. Evaluation of symptomatology in planning palliative care. Palliat Med. 1993;7(1):27-34.
PMID: 7506976
Varghese C., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair B., Nair M.K. Predictors of neck node control in radically irradiated squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx and laryngopharynx. Head Neck. 1993;15(2):105-8.
PMID: 8440610

Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Krishnan E., Padmanabhan T.K., Mayadevi S., Mathew A. Independent predictors of response and disease-free survival in oral cancer treated with radical radiation therapy. Cancer. 1992;69(9):2221-6.
PMID: 1562966
Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K., Mathew B., Balaram P., Sebastian P., Dutt S.C. Recent results of oral cancer research in Kerala, India. Head Neck. 1992;14(2):107-12.
PMID: 1601646
Wesley R., Ramankutty V., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Economic comparison of two strategies of oral cancer screening. Health Policy Plan 1992, 7, 284-289.
PMID: None

Cherian T., Sebastian P., Ahamed M.I., Jayakumar K.L., Sivaramakrishnan P., Jeevy G., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Evaluation of salvage surgery in heavily irradiated cancer of the buccal mucosa. Cancer. 1991;68(2):295-9.
PMID: 2070328
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Padmakumary G., Nair S.M., Day N.E., Padmanabhan T.K. Risk factors for cancer of the oesophagus in Kerala, India. Int J Cancer. 1991;49(4):485-9.
PMID: 1917146
Sankaranarayanan R., Varghese C., Mathew B., Amma N.S., Dutt S.C., Amma B.P., Nair M.K. Community participation in cancer control research in Kerala: chemoprevention trial experience. Multi-disciplinary Res Rev 1991, 1, 108-111.
PMID: None
Stich H.F., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Remission of oral precancerous lesions of tobacco/areca nut chewers following administration of beta-carotene or vitamin A, and maintenance of the protective effect. Cancer Detect Prev. 1991;15(2):93-8.
PMID: 2032261
Stich H.F., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Remission of precancerous lesions in the oral cavity of tobacco chewers and maintenance of the protective effect of beta-carotene or vitamin A. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991;53(1 Suppl):298S-304S.
PMID: 1985402

Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Stich H.F. Dietary intervention in cancer. Interdisciplinary Res Rev 1990, 1, 5-10.
PMID: None
Padmanabhan T.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Evaluation of local control, survival and pattern of failure with radiotherapy in cancer of the tongue. Oncology. 1990;47(2):121-3.
PMID: 2314824
Sankaranarayanan R. Oral cancer in India: an epidemiologic and clinical review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1990;69(3):325-30.
PMID: 2179801
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Nair M.K., Padmakumary G., Day N.E. Tobacco and alcohol as risk factors in cancer of the larynx in Kerala, India. Int J Cancer. 1990;45(5):879-82.
PMID: 2335391
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Padmakumary G., Day N.E., Nair M.K. Risk factors for cancer of the buccal and labial mucosa in Kerala, southern India. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1990;44(4):286-92.
PMID: 2277249

Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Day N.E., Nair M.K., Padmakumary G. A case-control investigation of cancer of the oral tongue and the floor of the mouth in southern India. Int J Cancer. 1989 Oct 15;44(4):617-21.
PMID: 2793234
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Padmakumary G., Day N.E., Padmanabhan T.K. Tobacco chewing, alcohol and nasal snuff in cancer of the gingiva in Kerala, India. Br J Cancer. 1989 Oct;60(4):638-43.
PMID: 2803939
Sankaranarayanan R., Mohideen M.N., Nair M.K., Padmanabhan T.K. Aetiology of oral cancer in patients less than or equal to 30 years of age. Br J Cancer. 1989 Mar;59(3):439-40.
PMID: 2930711
Stich H.F., Brunnemann K.D., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Chemopreventive trials with vitamin A and b-carotene: some unresolved issues. Prev Med. 1989 Sep;18(5):732-9.
PMID: 2616546

Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Padmanabhan T.K. Evaluation of the role of radiotherapy in the management of carcinoma of the buccal mucosa. Cancer. 1988 Apr 1;61(7):1326-31.
PMID: 3345488
Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Padmanabhan T.K., Madhu C.S. Oral verrucous carcinoma. Treatment with radiotherapy. Cancer. 1988 Feb 1;61(3):458-61.
PMID: 3338016
Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Padmanabhan T.K., Padmakumari G. Clinical profile of 2007 oral cancers in Kerala, India. Ann Dent. 1988 Summer;47(1):23-6.
PMID: 3178130
Padmanabhan T.K., Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer of nasopharynx--a review of 93 patients treated with radiotherapy. Indian J Cancer. 1988 Sep;25(3):144-50.
PMID: 3224986
Sankaranarayanan R. A comparison of cancer educational resources to prevent smokeless tobacco usage in India and the United States. J Cancer Educ. 1988;3(4):257-8.
PMID: 3275247
Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K., Padmanabhan T.K. Palliation of pain in advanced oral cancer.Headache. 1988 May;28(4):258-9.
PMID: 2459080
Stich H.F., Hornby A.P., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Response of oral leukoplakias to the administration of vitamin A. Cancer Lett. 1988 May;40(1):93-101.
PMID: 3370632
Stich H.F., Rosin M.P., Hornby A.P., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Remission of oral leukoplakias and micronuclei in tobacco/betel quid chewers treated with beta-carotene and with beta-carotene plus vitamin A. Int J Cancer. 1988 Aug 15;42(2):195-9.
PMID: 3403064

Book chapters:

2010 Hashibe M., Ferlay J., Sankaranarayanan R. Descriptive Epidemiology: International Patterns. In: Olshan AF, editor. Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer: Springer; 2010. p. 41-63.

1996 Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Nair P.P., Somanathan T., Varghese C., Jyothirmayi R., Krishnan Nair M. Chemoprevention of the cancers of the oral cavity and head and neck. IARC Sci Publ. 1996;(136):13-25.

1995 Sankaranarayanan R. A review of behavioural intervention studies of tobacco use in India. In: Slama K., ed, Tobacco and Health. Plenum Press, New York, 1995, pp. 261-266

1992 Krishnan Nair M, Mathew B, Sankaranarayanan R, Wesley R. Control strategies for tobacco-related cancers in Kerala, India. In: Gupta PC, Hamner JE, Murti PR, eds, Control of Tobacco-Related Cancers and Other Diseases, Proceedings of an International Symposium, Bombay, 1990. Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1992, pp. 249-253.
1992 Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Stich H.F., Nair M.K. Chemoprevention of oral precancerous lesions in tobacco users. In: Bhide S.V., Manu G.B., eds, Chemoprevention of Cancer. Omega Scientific Publications, New Delhi, 1992, pp. 91-97.


2006 Ramadas K., Arrossi S., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Keynote comment: Importance of recognizing scientific evidence. Lancet Oncol. 2006;7(12):962-3.

2005 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Thara S., Muwonge R., Thomas G. Screening for oral cancer - Reply. Lancet. 2005;366(9493):1266-.

1996 Maher R, Sankaranarayanan R, Johnson NW, Warnakulasuriya K. Evaluation of inter-incisor distance as an objective criterion of the severity of oral submucous fibrosis in Karachi, Pakistan. Oral Oncol Eur J Cancer 1996, 32B, 362-364.

1994 Gupta P.C., Sankaranarayanan R., Vainio H. Smokeless tobacco use and oral cancer. Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol. 1994 Sep;30B(5):365-6.

1989 Sankaranarayanan R. Role of chemotherapy in the management of oral cancer. J R Soc Med. 1989 Sep;82(9):573.
1989 Sankaranarayanan R. Systemic and topical treatment of oral leukoplakia. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1989 Jun;27(3):260-1.

Electronic publications:

2008 Ramadas K, Lucas E, Thomas G, Mathew B, Balan A, Thara S, Sankaranarayanan R. A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia. IARC Screening Group, Lyon, 2008.

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