Job opportunity: Scientist (cancer screening inequalities/Latin America)31/03/2021A temporary scientist position is opened for a public health/biomedical researcher in the Early Detection, Prevention and Infections Branch (EPR). The creation of this position is in response to a funded initiative focusing on social inequalities related to cancer screening participation in Latin America. The project contains a major component of coordination and networking with stakeholders, and offers excellent opportunities to attract additional competitive funding.
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New publication: Cancer screening in the Coronavirus pandemic era- adjusting to a new situation30/03/2021The present article published in JCO Gobal Oncology discusses the challenges to cancer screening implementation in the pandemic environment, suggesting ways to optimize services for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening. Authors provides guidance on reorganization of screening policies, governance, implementation, and program monitoring. View the article |
Kick-off meeting: CBIG-SCREEN, a collaborative European-wide effort to tackle inequalities in cervical cancer screening26/03/2021The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is participating in a new project within the framework of the European Union Horizon2020 research and innovation programme. Today is the official kick-off of the CBIG-SCREEN project – a collaborative European-wide effort to tackle inequalities in cervical cancer screening. The project will thus create a Europe-wide knowledge framework around barriers to cervical cancer screening and generate policies, programmes, communications and other required services to meet the needs of these underserved sub-populations of women with inherent high-risk of cervical cancer and low (perceived) access to proper healthcare routes. View the press release, view the IARC news, view the CBIG-SCREEN project summary, and view the CBIG-SCREEN project website. |
Postdoctoral opportunity24/03/2021A postdoctoral opportunity is immediately available for a public health/biomedical researcher in the Early Detection, Prevention and Infections Branch (EPR). The current postdoctoral opportunity is in the field of implementation research related to improving the uptake of cervical cancer screening among the vulnerable women in Europe. The research study aims to assess the barriers to access cervical cancer screening by the vulnerable women, evaluate preparedness of a country for introduction of interventions aimed at improving screening participation, design, pilot and evaluate context-specific interventions to improve cervical cancer screening participation among vulnerable women in Estonia, Portugal and Romania. View the postdoctoral opportunity. |
New publication online: Colposcopy and Treatment of Cervical Precancer11/03/2021We are pleased to announce the availability of the publication of IARC Technical Publication No. 45: “Colposcopy and treatment of cervical precancer” by Walter Prendiville and Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan in Web format. See IARC Technical Publication 45. View the book and the web format. |
New publication: The hidden curve behind COVID-19 outbreak: the impact of delay in treatment initiation in cancer patients and how to mitigate the additional risk of dying—the head and neck cancer model11/03/2021Scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have estimated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2, on global cancer mortality and proposed a model to minimize this excess mortality. The study was published in the journal Cancer Causes & Control.
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New publication: Preventive Medicine 144 (2021) 106439Available online 4 March 20210091-7435/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc.Treatment approaches for women with positive cervical screening results in low-and middle-income countries04/03/2021 |
New publication: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of eliminating cervical cancer through a tailored optimal pathway: a modeling study03/03/2021In this publication, the authors take China as an example to assess the optimal pathway towards elimination and the cost-effectiveness of tailored actions. To achieve the goal of elimination, China needs to increase investment for cervical cancer prevention during 2021–2035 and improve investment efficiency. View the article |
New publication: Mobile Screening Unit (MSU) for the Implementation of the ‘Screen and Treat’ Programme for Cervical Cancer Prevention In Pune, India19/02/2021In this publication, the authors reported the evaluation of an opportunistic point of care cervical cancer screening initiative in Pune, India using a mobile screening unit (MSU). Author’s concluded that mobile clinics are useful for providing cervical cancer screening services, using the ‘screen and treat’ strategy. Thermal ablation is safe in the field clinics. Additional efforts are needed to improve the compliance for referral of those with large lesions requiring additional visits.
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Launch of online learning programme on “Improving the Quality of Cancer Screening”08/02/2021We are pleased to announce the launch of a new freely accessible and modular resource on cancer screening and early diagnosis. This self-paced online learning programme was developed in the framework of the Cancer Screening in Five Continents (CanScreen5) project. This course was developed with the support of the American Cancer Society, the Medical Research Council (United Kingdom), the Research Council of Norway, and the Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN) of Norway. This open access learning programme covers evidence-based knowledge and skills on “Improving the Quality of Cancer Screening” through a variety of educational resources through 3 modules: principles of cancer screening, planning and implementing a cancer screening programme, and quality of cancer screening programmes. View the IARC news and join the learning programme |