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A Training Course in Colposcopy - practical
Dr Ramany S. Wesley, Professor and Head, Community Oncology Division, Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Trivandrum, India, presents a practical training course on colposcopy to detect early cervical lesions and cancer. This 38-minute movie deals with:
  • Instrumentation,
  • Supplies needed,
  • Procedures required for colposcopy,
  • How a colposcopy clinic works ?
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
You will also probably be interested by the following book available online "Colposcopy and Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Beginner's Manual" or by our Digital learning series volume "A training course in Visual Inspection".
A Training Course in Colposcopy - therory
Dr Ramany S. Wesley, Professor and Head, Community Oncology Division, Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Trivandrum, India, presents a theorical training course on colposcopy to detect early cervical lesions and cancer. This 65-minute movie deals with:
  • Infrasctructures and facilities required,
  • Procedures,
  • Indications for colposcopy,
  • Colposcopic features of normal and abnormal cervix,
  • Modified Reid colposcopic index,
  • Colposcopic features of inflamed and infected cervix,
  • Colposcopic appearance of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN),
  • Colposcopic features of preclinical and clinical invasive cervical cancer,
  • Miscellaneous conditions.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
You will also probably be interested by the following book available online "Colposcopy and Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Beginner's Manual" or by our Digital learning series volume about "A training course in Visual Inspection".
A Training Course in Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) - practical
Dr R. Rema, Dr S. Suchetha Gynae-oncologists in Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Trivandrum, India and Dr P. O. Esmy, Chief Radiation Oncologist, CFCHRC, Ambilikkai, India present a practical training course in Loop Electrosurgical Excision (LEEP) to treat cervical precancers. This 38-minute movie deals with:
  • LEEP equipment,
  • LEEP instruments,
  • Case 1: Pap smear=Atypical cells, colposcopy diagnosis=CIN 2, colpo directed=CIN 1-2, so LEEP excision,
  • Case 2: Pap smear=CIN 1, colposcopy diagnosis=CIN 1-2, colpo directed biopsy=CIN 1-2, so LEEP excision,
  • Case 3: Colposcopically=high-grade lesion, Multiple pass procedure,
  • Case 4: Pap smear=CIN 2, colposcopy diagnosis=high-grade lesion extending to the endocervical canal, so double excision and ectocervical excision followed by endocervical excision,
  • Case 5: Pap smear=CIN 1, colposcopy diagnosis=CIN 1-2 lesion, colposcopy directed biopsy=CIN 1 with koïlocytic atypia, so LEEP excision,
  • Case 6: Colposcopically CIN 2 lesion, colposcopy directed biopsy=CIN 1-2 lesion, so LEEP excision,
  • Introduction of the digital colposcope.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
You will also probably be interested by the following book available online "Colposcopy and Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Beginner's Manual" or by our Digital learning series volume "A training course in Loop electrosurgical excision procedure".
A Training Course in Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) - theory
Dr R. Rema, Dr S. Suchetha Gynae-oncologists in Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Trivandrum, India and Dr P. O. Esmy, Chief Radiation Oncologist, CFCHRC, Ambilikkai, India present a theorical training course in Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) to treat cervical precancers. This 27-minute movie deals with:
  • History,
  • Advantages of LEEP,
  • Excision vs ablation,
  • Eligibility criteria,
  • LEEP equipment,
  • Electro surgery,
  • Electro surgical coagulation for hemostasis,
  • Dessication, fulguration, puncture coagulation,
  • Electrodes and LEEP equipment,
  • LEEP instruments,
  • Counselling,
  • Techniques,
  • LEEP excision,
  • Ecto- and endo- cervical excision,
  • Complications,
  • Efficacy of LEEP,
  • Over treatment.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
You will also probably be interested by the following book available online "Colposcopy and Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Beginner's Manual" or by our Digital learning series volume "A training course in Loop electrosurgical excision procedure".
A Training Course in Visual Inspection using 4% Acetic Acid (VIA) - theory and practice
Dr Ramany S. Wesley, Professor and Head, Community Oncology Division, Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Trivandrum, India, presents a training course in visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) to detect early cervical lesions and cancer. This 53-minute movie deals with:
  • VIA procedure,
  • Equipment and materials required,
  • VIA outcomes of normal, positive and invasive cancer,
  • Preparation of the 4 % dilute acetic acid.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line). You will also probably be interested by the following book available online A practical manual on visual screening for cervical neoplasia" or by our Digital learning series volume "A training course in Visual Inspection with 5% Acetic Acid (VIA)
A Training Course in Visual Inspection using Lugol's iodine solution (VILI) - theory and practice
Dr Ramany S. Wesley, Professor and Head, Community Oncology Division, Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Trivandrum, India, presents a training course in visual inspection with Lugol's Iodine solution (VILI) to detect early cervical lesions and cancer. This 42-minute movie deals with:
  • How to do the test ?
  • What are the requirements for this test ?
  • What are the infrastructures and the facilities needed for this test ?
  • What are the procedures to be followed ?
  • Pictorial representation of VILI using visual inspection pictures ?
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).

You will also probably be interested by the following book available online "A practical manual on visual screening for cervical neoplasia" or by our Digital learning series volume "A training course in Visual Inspection with Lugol's Iodine solution (VILI)

Audio presentations

Breast cancer screening: world scenario
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Cancer screening in Asian countries
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Comprehensive cancer screening for women
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at AGOICON 2008, Hyderabad, India
Breast cancer screening and early detection by non-imaging methods
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at AGOICON 2008, Hyderabad, India
Effect of visual screening on cervical cancer
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Brief overview of classification of precancerous lesions and staging of cervical cancer
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Treatment options for pre-malignant lesions
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Roadmap on cervical cancer prevention
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Cold coagulation: an alternative technique for local destruction in the treatment of CIN
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Breast cancer screening: world scenario
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Suitable strategies for cervical cancer screening in low- and medium-resource settings
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Natural history and pathology of cervical neoplasia
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Anatomy and physiology of the lower genital tract, with particular emphasis on the cervix
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
VIA and cryotherapy
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at the Esagon Biennial Course Scientific Program Theory Week: Cervical Cancer, May 2011, Milan, Italy
Cancer screening in Asian countries
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Clinical trials of screening in the developing world and their impact on health care
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Treatment options for pre-malignant lesions
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded for the workshop on visual inspection with acetic acid and cold coagulation therapy, 24–25 May 2010, Nigeria
Anatomical and pathological basis of visual inspection with acetic acid and Lugol’s iodine (VIA and VILI)
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded for the workshop on visual inspection with acetic acid and cold coagulation therapy, 24–25 May 2010, Nigeria
Role of cold coagulation in the treatment of CIN
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded for the workshop on visual inspection with acetic acid and cold coagulation therapy, 24–25 May 2010, Nigeria
Comprehensive cancer screening for women
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at AGOICON 2008, Hyderabad, India
Dr P. Basu
Lecture recorded at AGOICON 2008, Hyderabad, India
Visual screening methods
Dr P. Usha Rani Poli
Lecture recorded at AGOICON 2008, Hyderabad, India
Natural history of cervical neoplasia
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at AGOICON 2008, Hyderabad, India
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at the XIII Congress of the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, 2008, Auckland, New Zealand
Epidemiology of cervical cancer worldwide
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at the XIII Congress of the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, 2008, Auckland, New Zealand
In quest of the right technology: a decade of research into cervical screening tests
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Cervical cancer: the scope of the problem
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded for the 12th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS), 25–28 October 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
Randomized trial of 2 versus 3 doses of HPV vaccination in India
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the Women’s Cancer Initiative of the Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital meeting, 24–25 October 2008, Mumbai, India
Public health issues in HPV vaccination introduction
Dr C. Sauvaget
Presentation recorded at IARC for EUROGIN 2007, 4–6 October, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Development of new cervical screening tests for use in developing countries: the START project
Dr C. Sauvaget (IARC) on behalf of Dr J. Sellors (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health; PATH)
Presentation recorded at IARC for EUROGIN 2007, 4–6 October, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Efficacy of treatment of CIN in field conditions in developing countries
Dr P.O. Esmy
Presentation recorded at IARC for EUROGIN 2007, 4–6 October, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Evaluation of cervical cancer screening in developing countries
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the Seminario Internacional Aspectos Clínicos y Científicos del Papilomavirus Humano, 24–26 May 2007, Medellín, Colombia
The future of cervical precancer screening in the developing world
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC)
Rapid HPV testing: a new diagnostic method in developing countries
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the Seminario Internacional Aspectos Clínicos y Científicos del Papilomavirus Humano, 24–26 May 2007, Medellín, Colombia
Important leads on cervical cancer control from Indian studies
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the XIV Annual Conference of the Association of Gynaecologic Oncologists of India (AGOICON 2005), 26–27 November 2005, Patna, India
Hosted by Mahavir Cancer Sansthan in collaboration with Bihar Obstetric and Gynaecological Society
Cluster randomized controlled trial of visual screening for CIN / cervical cancer in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr P.O. Esmy
Presentation recorded at IARC, 8 July 2005
Cervical cancer screening in low-resource settings, by Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan and Dr S. Shastri
Presentation recorded at IARC for the 12th World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, 5–9 June 2005, Cancun, Mexico
Organized by the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC)
Cervical cancer screening in India, by Dr S. Shastri
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan and Dr S. Shastri
Presentation recorded at IARC for the 12th World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, 5–9 June 2005, Cancun, Mexico
Organized by the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC)
Cervical cancer screening: new approaches (VIA, VILI)
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the VIA, VILI and comprehensive colposcopy workshop (Cervical cancer screening and increasing the awareness of cervical cancer and reproductive health in Sanliurfa province project), 15–18 March 2005, Ankara, Turkey
Organized by the Ankara Ortadogu Lions Club Association
Epidemiology of cervical cancer in developing countries
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the VIA, VILI and comprehensive colposcopy workshop (Cervical cancer screening and increasing the awareness of cervical cancer and reproductive health in Sanliurfa province project), 15–18 March 2005, Ankara, Turkey
Organized by the Ankara Ortadogu Lions Club Association
Treatment modalities of cervical cancer in developing countries (radiotherapy, palliative care)
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the VIA, VILI and comprehensive colposcopy workshop (Cervical cancer screening and increasing the awareness of cervical cancer and reproductive health in Sanliurfa province project), 15–18 March 2005, Ankara, Turkey
Organized by the Ankara Ortadogu Lions Club Association
Current status of cervical cancer screening alternatives
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the New Strategies in Cervical Cancer Screening conference, 18 February 2005, Panama
Organized jointly by the National Cancer Institute of Mexico and the Panama Cancer Society
Natural history of cervical neoplasia
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at AGOICON 2008, Hyderabad, India
Epidemiology of cervical cancer worldwide
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Lecture recorded at the XIII Congress of the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, 2008, Auckland, New Zealand
In quest of the right technology: a decade of research into cervical screening tests
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Cervical cancer: the scope of the problem
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded for the 12th Biennial Meeting of the International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS), 25–28 October 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
Randomized trial of 2 versus 3 doses of HPV vaccination in India
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the Women’s Cancer Initiative of the Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital meeting, 24–25 October 2008, Mumbai, India
Public health issues in HPV vaccination introduction
Dr C. Sauvaget
Presentation recorded at IARC for EUROGIN 2007, 4–6 October, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Development of new cervical screening tests for use in developing countries: the START project
Dr C. Sauvaget (IARC) on behalf of Dr J. Sellors (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health; PATH)
Presentation recorded at IARC for EUROGIN 2007, 4–6 October, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Rapid HPV testing: a new diagnostic method in developing countries
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for the Seminario Internacional Aspectos Clínicos y Científicos del Papilomavirus Humano, 24–26 May 2007, Medellín, Colombia
Cancer screening in Asian countries
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Life expectancy in South India
Dr C. Sauvaget
Presentation recorded at IARC for an internal scientific seminar, October 2008
Screening reduces oral cancer mortality among tobacco/alcohol users: results from a randomized trial in Kerala, India
Dr R. Sankaranarayanan
Presentation recorded at IARC for an internal scientific seminar, June 2005

Other Useful Cancer Screening Videos

Cervical cancer prevention - Barshi Cervical Cancer Prevention Programme
This movie produced by the Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital, Barshi and Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India is used in villages to promote the cervical cancer project and to inform the population. Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
Dr Ramadas interview about cancer prevention and screening by local Kerala TV, India
Interview of Dr Ramadas about cancer prevention and screening. This 53-minute programme in Malayalam language (South Indian language) will help you discover our screening projects and fieldwork in India especially in Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
Kill or Cure - BBC Documentary
Kill Or Cure? Human Papilloma Virus [HPV] leads to cervical cancer, and is the second-biggest cause of cancer deaths among women, claiming nearly 300,000 victims annually. The BBC World third series of “Kill Or Cure?” starts by looking at screening strategies to prevent cervical cancer and the development of a vaccine that aims to protect against HPV, in a documentary that has been filmed in Costa Rica and India. This episode stars our Group Head, Dr R. Sankaranarayanan as well as our Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (ACCP) collaborators Dr Ramani Wesley from Trivandrum (Kerala) and Dr Esmy from Ambilikkai (Tamil Nadu). This 30-minute programme will help you discover our projects and fieldwork. First transmission on BBC World, Friday 7th October 2005.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
Research activities in India
Film about cancer research activities in India. This 15-minute programme will help you discover our screening projects and fieldwork in India. This film was shown on the occasion of the IARC Scientific Day and after India's adhesion to the IARC (18 May 2006).
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
Research activities in India - Christian Fellowship Community Health Center (CFCHC), Ambilikkai, India
Film about cancer research activities in India. This 8-minute programme will help you discover our screening projects and fieldwork in India especially in the site of Ambilikkai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
Research activities in India - Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital (NDMCH), Barshi, India
Film about cancer research activities in India. This 17-minute programme will help you discover our screening projects and fieldwork in India especially in the site of Barshi, Maharastra, India.
Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
Research activities in India - Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Film about cancer research activities in India. This 11-minute programme will help you discover our screening projects and fieldwork in India especially in the Trivandrum city, Kerala, India. Start the movie (Windows media player format for fast internet line).
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