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Articles dans revues à comité de lecture :

Almadi M.A., Basu P. Doing things right and doing the right things: Colorectal cancer screening in Saudi Arabia. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2023 Mar-Apr;29(2):67-70.
PMID: 36960528
Arbyn M., Costa S., Latsuzbaia A., Kellen E., Girogi Rossi P., Cocuzza C.E., Basu P., Castle P.E. HPV-based Cervical Cancer Screening on Self-samples in the Netherlands: Challenges to Reach Women and Test Performance Questions. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Feb 6;32(2):159-163.
PMID: 36744312
Bhatla N., Muwonge R., Malvi S.G., Joshi S., Poli U.R.R., Lucas E., Esmy P.O., Verma Y., Shah A., Zomawia E., Pimple S., Jayant K., Hingmire S., Chiwate A., Vashist S., Mishra G., Jadhav R., Siddiqi M., Anantharaman D., Panicker G., Butt J., Sankaran S., Kannan T.P.R.A., Varghese R., Kartha P., Pillai M.R., Waterboer T., Muller M., Sehr P., Unger E.R., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P. Impact of age at vaccination and cervical HPV infection status on binding and neutralizing antibody titers at 10 years after receiving single or higher doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2023 Dec 15;19(3):2289242. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2023.2289242.
PMID: 38078840
Bose S., Basu P., Mandal R., Chakrabarti J., Vernekar M., Banerjee D., Chatterjee P., Ray C. A Study of the Impact and Restitutive Efforts of Cervical Cancer Screening during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Regionsl Cancer Centre in Eastern India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2023 Oct 1;24(10):3495-3500.
PMID: 37898855
Brevik T.B., da Matta Calegari L.R., Mosquera Metcalfe I., Laake P., Maza M., Basu P., Todd A., Carvalho A.L. Training health care providers to administer VIA as a screening test for cervical cancer: a systematic review of essential training components. BMC Med Educ. 2023 Sep 28;23(1):712.
PMID: 37770904
Gheit T., Muwonge R., Lucas E., Galati L., Anantharaman D., McKay-Chopin S., Malvi S.G., Jayant K., Joshi S., Esmy P.O., Pillai M.R., Basu P., Sankaranarayanan R., Tommasino M. Impact of HPV vaccination on HPV-related oral infections. Oral Oncol. 2023 Jan;136:106244.
PMID: 36402055
Gomez Rivas J., Leenen R.C.A., Venderbos L.D.F., Helleman J., de la Parra I., Vasilyeva V., Moreno-Sierra J., Basu P., Chandran A., van den Bergh R.C.N., Collen S., Van Poppel H., Roobol M.J., Beyer K., On Behalf Of The Praise-U Consortium. Navigating through the Controversies and Emerging Paradigms in Early Detection of Prostate Cancer: Bridging the Gap from Classic RCTs to Modern Population-Based Pilot Programs. J Pers Med. 2023 Dec 1;13(12):1677.
PMID: 38138904
Hall M.T., Simms K.T., Murray J.M., Keane A., Nguyen D.T.N., Caruana M., Lui G., Kelly H., Eckert L.O., Santesso N., de Sanjose S., Swai E.E., Rangaraj A., Owiredu M.N., Gauvreau C., Demke O., Basu P., Arbyn M., Dalal S., Broutet N., Canfell K. Benefits and harms of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies in women living with HIV. Nat Med. 2023 Dec;29(12):3059-3066. doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02601-3.
PMID: 38087116
Hu S.Y., Zhao X.L., Zhao F.H., Wei L.H., Zhou Q., Niyazi M., Liu J.H., Wang C.Y., Li L.Y., Cheng X.D., Duan X.Z., Sauvaget C., Qiao Y.L., Sankaranarayanan R. Implementation of visual inspection with acetic acid and Lugol's iodine for cervical cancer screening in rural China. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2023 Feb;160(2):571-578. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14368.
PMID: 35871356
Ibrahim Khalil A., Zhang L., Muwonge R., Sauvaget C., Basu P. Efficacy and safety of therapeutic HPV vaccines to treat CIN 2/CIN 3 lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of phase II/III clinical trials. BMJ Open. 2023 Oct 24;13(10):e069616.
PMID: 37879679
Joshi S., Anantharaman D., Muwonge R., Bhatla N., Panicker G., Butt J., Rani Reddy Poli U., Malvi S.G., Esmy P.O., Lucas E., Verma Y., Shah A., Zomawia E., Pimple S., Jayant K., Hingmire S., Chiwate A., Divate U., Vashist S., Mishra G., Jadhav R., Siddiqi M., Sankaran S., Pillai Rameshwari Ammal Kannan T., Kartha P., Shastri S.S., Sauvaget C., Radhakrishna Pillai M., Waterboer T., Muller M., Sehr P., Unger E.R., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P. Evaluation of immune response to single dose of quadrivalent HPV vaccine at 10-year post-vaccination. Vaccine. 2023 Jan 4;41(1):236-245.
PMID: 36446654
Lucas E., Murillo R., Arrossi S., Barcena M., Chami Y., Nessa A., Perera S., Silva P., Sangrajrang S., Muwonge R., Basu P. Quantification of impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cancer screening programmes - a case study from Argentina, Bangladesh, Colombia, Morocco, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Elife. 2023 May 16;12:e86527.
PMID: 37191660
M de Carvalho T., Man I., Georges D., Saraswati L.R., Bhandari P., Kataria I., Siddiqui M., Muwonge R., Lucas E., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P., Berkhof J., Bogaards J.A., Baussano I. Health and economic effects of introducing single-dose or two-dose human papillomavirus vaccination in India. BMJ Glob Health. 2023 Nov;8(11):e012580.
PMID: 37931940
Mallafre-Larrosa M., Ritchie D., Papi G., Mosquera I., Mensah K., Lucas E., Boje R.B., Kirkegaard P., Andersen B., Basu P.; CBIG-SCREEN Consortium. Survey of current policies towards widening cervical screening coverage among vulnerable women in 22 European countries.Eur J Public Health. 2023 Jun 1;33(3):502-508.
PMID: 37043751
Man I., Georges D., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P., Baussano I. Building resilient cervical cancer prevention through gender-neutral HPV vaccination. Elife. 2023 Jul 24;12:e85735.
PMID: 37486822
Mandrik O., Roitberg F., Lauby-Secretan B., Parak U., Ramadas K., Varenne B., Sankaranarayanan R., Carvalho A.L. Perspective on oral cancer screening: Time for implementation research and beyond. J Cancer Policy. 2023 Jan 2;35:100381.
PMID: 36599217
Mosquera I., Barajas C.B., Zhang L., Lucas E., Benitez Majano S., Maza M., Luciani S., Basu P., Carvalho A.L. Assessment of organization of cervical and breast cancer screening programmes in the Latin American and the Caribbean states: The CanScreen5 framework. Cancer Med. 2023 Oct;12(19):19935-19948.
PMID: 37768035
Mosquera I., Todd A., Balaj M., Zhang L., Benitez Majano S., Mensah K., Eikemo T.A., Basu P., Carvalho A.L. Components and effectiveness of patient navigation programmes to increase participation to breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening: A systematic review. Cancer Med. 2023 Jul;12(13):14584-14611.
PMID: 37245225
Mullapally S.K., Basu P, Parikh P. Prevention of Cervical Cancer through HPV Vaccination and Screening in Maldives. South Asian J Cancer. 2023 Feb 25;12(1):44-46.
PMID: 36851935
Muwonge R., Basu P.; IARC-India HPV vaccine study consortium. Re: Using observational data to explore the hypothesis that a single dose of current HPV vaccines can provide durable protection: Reply to the commentary written by Christine Velicer, Alain Luxembourg, Ya-Ting Chen, Melvin Kohn, and Alfred Saah, Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA on the IARC-India HPV vaccine study. Vaccine. 2023 Jun 14:S0264-410X(23)00696-5.
PMID: 37328351
Ong S.K., Abe S.K., Thilagaratnam S., Haruyama R., Pathak R., Jayasekara H., Togawa K., Bhandari A.K.C., Shankar A., Nessa A., Jugder U., Agustina J., Biglari M., Yusuf A., Tshomo U., Fernando E., Cairo C., Kaung K.K., Rath B., Vongdala C., Pradhananga K.K., Kim J., Chung Y.K., Thanh Huong T.T., Sangrajran S., Zhang Y., Basu P., Woo Y.L., Sukumaran B., Hwang W.Y.K. Towards elimination of cervical cancer - human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical cancer screening in Asian National Cancer Centers Alliance (ANCCA) member countries. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2023 Aug 1;39:100860.
PMID: 37576906
Oommen A.M., Basu P., Cherian A.G., Zomawia E., Manoharan R., Pricilla R.A., Viswanathan V., Oldenburg B., Subramanian S., Hawkes D., Saville M., Brotherton J.M.L.; SHE-CAN collaborators. Protocol for the formative phase of a trial (SHE-CAN) to test co-designed implementation strategies for HPV-based cervical screening among vulnerable women in two diverse settings in India. Implement Sci Commun. 2023 Jun 8;4(1):62.
PMID: 37291627
Pham T.M., Thanh N.X., Ng N., Kubo T., Fujino Y., Matsuda S., Phan P., Joseph K., Sauvaget C., Walker E., Shack L., Cheung W.Y. Average lifespan shortened due to cancer in selected countries of North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, 2006 and 2016. Ann Epidemiol. 2023 Apr;80:76-85.
PMID: 36717062
Ramadas K., Basu P., Mathew B.S., Muwonge R., Venugopal M., Prakasan A.M., Malu R., Lucas E., Augustine P., Mony R.P., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Effectiveness of triennial screening with clinical breast examination: 14-years follow-up outcomes of randomized clinical trial in Trivandrum, India. Cancer. 2023 Jan 15;129(2):272-282.
PMID: 36321193
Salimzadeh H., Sauvaget C., Delavari A., Sadeghi A., Amani M., Salimzadeh S., Karimi A., Ghanbari Motlagh A., Lucas E., Basu P., Malekzadeh R. Colorectal Cancer Screening Pilot Project in Tehran-Iran, a Feasibility Study. Arch Iran Med. 2023 Mar 1;26(3):138-146.
PMID: 37543936
Sangrajrang S., Pitakkarnkul S., Muwonge R., Ploysawang P., Pangmuang P., Seeda K., Basu P. Agreement between Self- and Physician-Sampling for Detection of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infections in Women Attending Cervical Screening at National Cancer Institute, Thailand. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2023 Aug 1;24(8):2615-2619.
PMID: 37642046
Sauvaget C., Boutayeb S., Bendahhou K., Selmouni F., Belbaraka R., Muwonge R., Hassouni K., Lucas E., Alaoui L., Ibrahim Khalil A., Bennani M., Chami Y., Bekkali R. The journey of cancer patients and the quest to equity: findings from Morocco. Public Health. 2023 Oct;223:33-41.
PMID: 37597462
Sauvaget C., Selmouni F., Dangbemey D.P., Kpebo D.D.O., Dieng N.M., Nkele N.N., Lucas E., Hounkpatin B., Chami Khazraji Y., Bennani M., Bekkali R., Basu P. Scaling-Up Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives From Local Health Policymakers. JCO Glob Oncol. 2023 Jul;9:e2300115.
PMID: 37441744
Shaji A., Keechilat P., Dk V., Sauvaget C. Analysis of the Mortality Trends of 23 Major Cancers in the Indian Population Between 2000 and 2019: A Joinpoint Regression Analysis. JCO Glob Oncol. 2023 Mar;9:e2200405.
PMID: 36947728
Shannon G., Basu P., Peters L.E.R., Clark-Ginsberg A., Herrera Delgado T.M., Gope R., Guanilo M., Kelman I., Noelli L., Merilainen E., Riley K., Wood C., Prost A. Think global, act local: using a translocal approach to understand community-based organisations' responses to planetary health crises during COVID-19. Lancet Planet Health. 2023 Oct;7(10):e850-e858.
PMID: 37821163
Sharma H., Parekh S., Pujari P., Shewale S., Desai S., Bhatla N., Joshi S., Pimple S., Kawade A., Balasubramani L., Thomas A., Suri V., Lalwani S., Uday R., Kamath V., Mandal R., Rajeswar A., Peedicayil A., Poli U.R., Banerjee D., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P., Muwonge R., Gairola S., Dogar V., Rao H., Shaligram U. Immunogenicity and safety of a new quadrivalent HPV vaccine in girls and boys aged 9-14 years versus an established quadrivalent HPV vaccine in women aged 15-26 years in India: a randomised, active-controlled, multicentre, phase 2/3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2023 Dec;24(12):1321-1333. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00480-1.
PMID: 37949086
Sharma H., Parekh S., Pujari P., Shewale S., Desai S., Bhatla N., Joshi S., Pimple S., Kawade A., Balasubramani L., Thomas A., Suri V., Lalwani S., Uday R., Kamath V., Mandal R., Rajeswar A., Peedicayil A., Poli U.R., Banerjee D., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P., Muwonge R., Gairola S., Dogar V., Rao H., Shaligram U. Immunogenicity and safety of a new quadrivalent HPV vaccine in girls and boys aged 9-14 years versus an established quadrivalent HPV vaccine in women aged 15-26 years in India: a randomised, active-controlled, multicentre, phase 2/3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2023 Nov 7:S1470-2045(23)00480-1.
PMID: 37949086
Simms K.T., Keane A., Nguyen D.T.N., Caruana M., Hall M.T., Lui G., Gauvreau C., Demke O., Arbyn M., Basu P., Wentzensen N., Lauby-Secretan B., Ilbawi A., Hutubessy R., Almonte M., De Sanjose S., Kelly H., Dalal S., Eckert L.O., Santesso N., Broutet N., Canfell K. Benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies for women in the general population. Nat Med. 2023 Dec;29(12):3050-3058.
PMID: 38087115
Simms K.T., Keane A., Nguyen D.T.N., Caruana M., Hall M.T., Lui G., Gauvreau C., Demke O., Arbyn M., Basu P., Wentzensen N., Lauby-Secretan B., Ilbawi A., Hutubessy R., Almonte M., De Sanjose S., Kelly H., Dalal S., Eckert L.O., Santesso N., Broutet N., Canfell K. Benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies for women in the general population. Nat Med. 2023 Dec;29(12):3050-3058. doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02600-4.
PMID: 38087115
Singh D., Vignat J., Lorenzoni V., Eslahi M., Ginsburg O., Lauby-Secretan B., Arbyn M., Basu P., Bray F., Vaccarella S. Global estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2020: a baseline analysis of the WHO Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative. Lancet Glob Health. 2023 Feb;11(2):e197-e206.
PMID: 36528031
Sun L., Patel S., Fiorina C., Glass A., Rochaix L.; CBIG-SCREEN Consortium; Foss AM, Legood R. A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of interventions to increase cervical cancer screening among underserved women in Europe. Eur J Health Econ. 2023 Sep 20. doi: 10.1007/s10198-023-01627-1.
PMID: 37726429
Taghavi K., Moono M., Mwanahamuntu M., Roumet M., Limacher A., Kapesa H., Madliwa T., Rutjes A., Basu P., Low N., Manasyan A., Bohlius J. Accuracy of screening tests for cervical pre-cancer in women living with HIV in low-resource settings: a paired prospective study in Lusaka, Zambia. medRxiv. 2023 Jun 1:2023.05.31.23290779.
PMID: 37398043
Taghavi K., Zhao F., Downham L., Baena A., Basu P. Molecular triaging options for women testing HPV positive with self-collected samples. Front Oncol. 2023 Sep 22;13:1243888.
PMID: 37810963
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France; The Department of Health and the Health Service Executive of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. Best practices in cervical screening programmes: Audit of cancers, legal and ethical frameworks, communication, and workforce competencies. Lyon (FR): International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2023. IARC Working Group Reports.
PMID: 38048411
Van Poppel H., Roobol M.J., Chandran A. Early Detection of Prostate Cancer in the European Union: Combining Forces with PRAISE-U. Eur Urol. 2023 Dec;84(6):519-522. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2023.08.002. Epub 2023 Sep 12.
PMID: 37704541
Xia C., Basu P., Kramer B.S., Li H., Qu C., Yu X.Q., Canfell K., Qiao Y., Armstrong B.K., Chen W. Cancer screening in China: a steep road from evidence to implementation. Lancet Public Health. 2023 Dec;8(12):e996-e1005. doi: 10.1016/S2468-2667(23)00186-X.
PMID: 38000379
Zhang L., Mosquera I., Lucas E., Rol M.L., Carvalho A.L., Basu P; CanScreen5 collaborators. CanScreen5, a global repository for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening programs. Nat Med. 2023 May;29(5):1135-1145.
PMID: 37106168
Zhao X.L., Zhao S., Xia C.F., Hu S.Y., Duan X.Z., Liu Z.H., Wang Y.Y., You T.T., Gao M., Qiao Y.L., Basu P., Zhao F.H. Cost-effectiveness of the screen-and-treat strategies using HPV test linked to thermal ablation for cervical cancer prevention in China: a modeling study. BMC Med. 2023 Apr 17;21(1):149.
PMID: 37069602

Alhomoud S., Al-Othman S., Al-Madouj A., Homsi M.A., AlSaleh K., Balaraj K., Alajmi A., Basu P., Al-Zahrani A. Progress and remaining challenges for cancer control in the Gulf Cooperation Council. Lancet Oncol. 2022 Nov;23(11):e493-e501.
PMID: 36328023
Asangbeh-Kerman S.L., Davidovic M., Taghavi K., Kachingwe J., Rammipi K.M., Muzingwani L., Pascoe M., Jousse M., Mulongo M., Mwanahamuntu M., Tapela N., Akintade O., Basu P., Dlamini X., Bohlius J. Cervical cancer prevention in countries with the highest HIV prevalence: a review of policies. BMC Public Health. 2022 Aug 10;22(1):1530.
PMID: 35948944
Baisley K., Kemp T.J., Kreimer A.R., Basu P., Changalucha J., Hildesheim A., Porras C., Whitworth H., Herrero R., Lacey C.J., Schiller J.T., Lucas E., Mutani P., Dillner J., Indangasi J., Muwonge R., Hayes R.J., Pinto L.A., Watson-Jones D. Comparing one dose of HPV vaccine in girls aged 9-14 years in Tanzania (DoRIS) with one dose of HPV vaccine in historical cohorts: an immunobridging analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Glob Health. 2022 Oct;10(10):e1485-e1493.
PMID: 36113532
Banerjee D., Mittal S., Mandal R., Basu P. Screening technologies for cervical cancer: Overview. Cytojournal. 2022 Mar 29;19:23. doi: 10.25259/CMAS_03_04_2021.
PMID: 35510117
Basu P., Carvalho A.L., Almonte M., Chajes V., Weiderpass E. Pulling the investment levers on implementation research in oncology. Lancet Oncol. 2022 Apr;23(4):451-452.
PMID: 35358451
Basu P., Muwonge R. Alternative analysis of the data from a HPV vaccine study in India - Authors' reply. Lancet Oncol. 2022 Jan;23(1):e10.
PMID: 34973220
Benider A., Bendahhou K., Sauvaget C., Mrabti H., Selmouni F., Muwonge R., Alaoui L., Lucas E., Chami Y., Abousselham L., Bennani M., Errihani H., Sankaranarayanan R., Bekkali R., Basu P. Evolution of patterns of care for women with cervical cancer in Morocco over a decade. BMC Cancer. 2022 May 2;22(1):479.
PMID: 35501742
Broutet N., Jeronimo J., Kumar S., Almonte M., Murillo R., Huy N.V.Q., Denny L., Kapambwe S., Bhatla N., Sebitloane M., Zhao F., Gravitt P., Adsul P., Rangaraj A., Dalal S., Newman M., Chowdhury R., Church K., Nakisige C., Diop M., Parham G., Thomson K.A., Basu P., Steyn P. Implementation research to accelerate scale-up of national screen and treat strategies towards the elimination of cervical cancer. Prev Med. 2021 Dec 8;106906.
PMID: 34896155
Fokom Domgue J., Pande M., Yu R., Manjuh F., Welty E., Welty T., Elit L., Lopez-Varon M., Rodriguez J., Baker E., Dangou J.M., Basu P., Plante M., Lecuru F., Randall T., Starr E., Kamgno J., Foxhall L., Waxman A., Hawk E., Schmeler K., Shete S. Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Distance Learning and Telementoring Program for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Cameroon. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Nov 1;5(11):e2240801.
PMID: 36346631
Hariprasad R., Mittal S., Basu P. Role of colposcopy in the management of women with abnormal cytology. Cytojournal. 2022 Jun 14;19:40.
PMID: 35928528
Joshi S., Muwonge R., Kulkarni V., Mandolkar M., Lucas E., Pujari S., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P. Can we increase the cervical cancer screening interval with an HPV test for women living with HIV? Results of a cohort study from Maharashtra, India. Int J Cancer. 2022 Jul 19.
PMID: 35852007
Man I., Georges D., de Carvalho T.M., Ray Saraswati L., Bhandari P., Kataria I., Siddiqui M., Muwonge R., Lucas E., Berkhof J., Sankaranarayanan R., Bogaards J.A., Basu P., Baussano I. Evidence-based impact projections of single-dose human papillomavirus vaccination in India: a modelling study. Lancet Oncol. 2022 Nov;23(11):1419-1429.
PMID: 36174583
Mosquera I., Ilbawi A., Muwonge R., Basu P., Carvalho A.L. Cancer burden and status of cancer control measures in fragile states: a comparative analysis of 31 countries. Lancet Glob Health. 2022 Oct;10(10):e1443-e1452.
PMID: 36113529
Prudden H.J., Achilles S.L., Schocken C., Broutet N., Canfell K., Akaba H., Basu P., Bhatla N., Chirenje Z.M., Delany-Moretlwe S., Denny L., Gamage D.G., Herrero R., Hutubessy R., Villa L.L., Murillo R., Schiller J.T., Stanley M., Temmerman M., Zhao F., Ogilvie G., Kaslow D.C., Dull P., Gottlieb S.L.; Therapeutic HPV Vaccine PPC Expert Consultation Group*. Understanding the public health value and defining preferred product characteristics for therapeutic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: World Health Organization consultations, October 2021-March 2022. Vaccine. 2022 Sep 29;40(41):5843-5855.
PMID: 36008233
Rol M.L., Picconi M.A., Ferrera A., Sanchez G.I., Hernandez M.L., Lineros J., Peraza A., Brizuela M., Mendoza L., Mongelos P., Cabrera Y., Rodriguez de la Pena M., Correa R.M., Teran C., Colque Reynaga D., Garcia L., Ramirez A.T., Hernandez-Nevarez P., Doimi F., Ramon M., Arias-Stella J., Zuniga M., Villagra V., Bobadilla M.L., Cardinal L., Valls J., Lucas E., Baena A., Fleider L., Venegas G., Cruz-Valdez A., Rodriguez G., Calderon A., Wiesner C., Luciani S., Broutet N., Herrero R., Almonte M. Implementing HPV testing in 9 Latin American countries: The laboratory perspective as observed in the ESTAMPA study. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Nov 17;9:1006038.
PMID: 36465901
Sauvaget C., Bazikamwe S., Lucas E., Ndayikengurukiye A., Harerimana S., Barango P. Evaluation of effectiveness, acceptability and safety of thermal ablation in the treatment of cervical neoplasia in Burundi. Int J Cancer. 2022 Oct 1;151(7):1120-1126.
PMID: 35567576
Sauvaget C., Bazikamwe S., Lucas E., Ndayikengurukiye A., Harerimana S., Barango P. Evaluation of effectiveness, acceptability, and safety of thermal ablation in the treatment of cervical neoplasia in Burundi. Int J Cancer. 2022 May 14.
PMID: 35567576
Secondary Prevention of Cervical Cancer: ASCO Resource-Stratified Guideline Update. Shastri S.S., Temin S., Almonte M., Basu P., Campos N.G., Gravitt P.E., Gupta V., Lombe D.C., Murillo R., Nakisige C., Ogilvie G., Pinder L.F., Poli U.R., Qiao Y., Woo Y.L., Jeronimo J. JCO Glob Oncol. 2022 Sep;8:e2200217.
PMID: 36162041
Selmouni F., Amrani L., Sauvaget C., Bakkar M., El Khannoussi B., Souadka A., Benkabbou A., Majbar M.A., Belekhel L., Lucas E., Muwonge R., Chami Khazraji Y., Mohsine R., Bennani M., Sankaranarayanan R., Bekkali R., Basu P. Delivering colorectal cancer screening integrated with primary health care services in Morocco: Lessons learned from a demonstration project. Cancer. 2022 Jan 5.
PMID: 34985785
Selmouni F., Guy M., Muwonge R., Nassiri A., Lucas E., Basu P., Sauvaget C. Effectiveness of artificial intelligence-assisted decision-making to improve vulnerable women's participation in cervical cancer screening in France: a cluster randomized controlled trial (AppDate-You). JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Jun 3
PMID: 35771872
Selmouni F., Sauvaget C., Dangbemey D.P., Kpebo D.D.O., Dieng N.M., Lucas E., Chami Khazraji Y., Bennani M., Bekkali R., Basu P. Lessons Learnt From Pilot Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Programmes Integrated to Routine Primary Health Care Services in Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, and Senegal. JCO Glob Oncol. 2022 Sep;8:e2200051.
PMID: 36070534
Simoens C., Gheit T., Ridder R., Gorbaslieva I., Holzinger D., Lucas E., Rehm S., Vermeulen P., Lammens M., Vanderveken O.M., Kumar R.V., Gangane N., Caniglia A., Maffini F., Rubio MB.L., Anantharaman D., Chiocca S., Brennan P., Pillai M.R., Sankaranarayanan R., Bogers J., Pawlita M., Tommasino M., Arbyn M.; HPV-AHEAD study group. Accuracy of high-risk HPV DNA PCR, p16(INK4a) immunohistochemistry or the combination of both to diagnose HPV-driven oropharyngeal cancer. BMC Infect Dis. 2022 Aug 6;22(1):676.
PMID: 35933382
Smelov V, Trusova O, Barbier S, Muwonge R, Grankov V, Rusovich V, Baena A, Gaffield ML, Corbex MA, Dara M. Rationale and Purpose: The FLUTE Study to Evaluate Fluorography Mass Screening for Tuberculosis and Other Diseases, as Conducted in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Countries. Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2022 Jul 17;19(14):8706.
PMID: 35886558
Van Poppel H., Albreht T., Basu P., Hogenhout R., Collen S., Roobol M. Serum PSA-based early detection of prostate cancer in Europe and globally: past, present and future. Nat Rev Urol. 2022 Sep;19(9):562-572.
PMID: 35974245
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Sangrajrang S., Laowahutanont P., Wongsena M., Muwonge R., Imsamran W., Ploysawang P., Basu P. Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and mRNA primary cervical cancer screening: Evaluation and triaging options for HPV-positive women. J Med Screen. 2019 Jul 31.
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Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P., Kaur P., Bhaskar R., Singh G.B., Denzongpa P., Grover R.K., Sebastian P., Saikia T., Oswal K., Kanodia R., Dsouza A., Mehrotra R., Rath G.K., Jaggi V., Kashya S., Kataria I., Hariprasad R., Sasieni P., Bhatla N., Rajaraman P., Trimble E.L., Swaminathan S., Purushotham A. Current status of human papillomavirus vaccination in India's cervical cancer prevention efforts. Lancet Oncol. 2019 Nov;20(11):e637-e644.
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Selmouni F., Belakhel L., Sauvaget C., Abousselham L., Lucas E., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R., Khazraji Y.C., Basu P. Evaluation of the national cervical cancer screening program in Morocco: achievements and challenges. J Med Screen. 2019 Jan 16:969141318824627.
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Vale D.B., Anttila A., Ponti A., Senore C., Sankaranarayanan R., Ronco G., Segnan N., Tomatis M., Žakelj M.P., Elfstrom K.M., Lonnberg S., Dillner J., Basu P. Response to the author: invitation to cancer screening: putting the car before the horse? Eur J Cancer Prev. 2019 Sep;28(5):458-459.
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Vale D.B., Filho C.C., Shinzato J.Y., Spreafico F.S., Basu P., Zeferino L.C. Downstaging in opportunistic breast cancer screening in Brazil: a temporal trend analysis. BMC Cancer. 2019 May 10;19(1):432.
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Vale D.B.,Sauvaget C., Murillo R., Muwonge R., Zeferino L.C., Sankaranarayanan R. Correlation of Cervical Cancer Mortality with Fertility, Access to Health Care and Socioeconomic Indicators. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2019 Mar 25.
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Basu P., Ponti A., Anttila A., Ronco G., Senore C., Vale D.B., Segnan N., Tomatis M., Soerjomataram I., Primic Žakelj M., Dillner J., Elfstrom K.M., Lonnberg S., Sankaranarayanan R. Author's reply to: Cancer screening policy in Hungary. Int J Cancer. 2018 Aug 15;143(4):1005.
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Bhatla N., Nene B.M., Joshi S., Esmy P.O., Poli U.R.R., Joshi G., Verma Y., Zomawia E., Pimple S., Prabhu P.R., Basu P., Muwonge R., Hingmire S., Sauvaget C., Lucas E., Pawlita M., Gheit T., Jayant K., Malvi S.G., Siddiqi M., Michel A., Butt J., Sankaran S., Kannan T.P.R.A., Varghese R., Divate U., Willhauck-Fleckenstein M., Waterboer T., Muller M., Sehr P., Kriplani A., Mishra G., Jadhav R., Thorat R., Tommasino M., Pillai M.R., Sankaranarayanan R.; Indian HPV vaccine study group. Are two doses of human papillomavirus vaccine sufficient for girls aged 15-18 years? Results from a cohort study in India. Papillomavirus Res. 2018 Jun;5:163-171.
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Randall T.C., Sauvaget C., Muwonge R., Trimble E.L., Jeronimo J. Worthy of further consideration: An updated meta-analysis to address the feasibility, acceptability, safety and efficacy of thermal ablation in the treatment of cervical cancer precursor lesions. Prev Med. 2018 Oct 17;118:81-91.
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Rezhake R., Xu X.Q., Montigny S., Berger A., Hu S.Y., Liu Z.H., Sankaranarayanan R., Qiao Y.L., Basu P., Zhao F.H. Training Future Leaders: Experience from China-ASEAN Cancer Control Training Program. J Cancer Educ. 2018 Aug 11.
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Sankaranarayanan R., Joshi S., Muwonge R., Esmy P.O., Basu P., Prabhu P., Bhatla N., Nene B.M., Shaw J., Poli U.R.R., Verma Y., Zomawia E., Pimple S., Tommasino M., Pawlita M., Gheit T., Waterboer T., Sehr P., Pillai M.R.; Indian HPV vaccine study group. Can a single dose of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine prevent cervical cancer? Early findings from an Indian study. Vaccine. 2018 Aug 6;36(32 Pt A):4783-4791.
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Selmouni F., Zidouh A., Belakhel L., Sauvaget C., Bennani M., Khazraji Y.C., Benider A., Wild C.P., Bekkali R., Fadhil I., Sankaranarayanan R. Tackling cancer burden in low-income and middle-income countries: Morocco as an exemplar. Lancet Oncol. 2018 Feb;19(2):e93-e101.
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Senore C., Basu P., Anttila A., Ponti A., Tomatis M., Vale D.B., Ronco G., Soerjomataram I., Primic-Žakelj M., Riggi E., Dillner J., Elfstrom M.K., Lonnberg S., Sankaranarayanan R., Segnan N. Performance of colorectal cancer screening in the European Union Member States: data from the second European screening report. Gut. 2018 Dec 10.
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Vale D.B., Sauvaget C., Muwonge R., Thuler L.C.S., Basu P., Zeferino L.C., Sankaranarayanan R. Level of human development is associated with cervical cancer stage at diagnosis. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2018 Sep 19:1-5.
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Mittal S., Basu P., Muwonge R., Banerjee D., Ghosh I., Sengupta M.M., Das P., Dey P., Mandal R., Panda C., Biswas J., Sankaranarayanan R. Risk of high grade precancerous lesions and invasive cancers in high risk HPV positive women with normal cervix or CIN 1 at baseline - a population based cohort study. Int J Cancer. 2017;140(8):1850-1859.
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Nessa A., Naud P., Esmy P.O., Joshi S., Rema P., Wesley R., Kamal M., Sauvaget C., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Efficacy, safety, and acceptability of treating cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with thermal coagulation: A pooled analysis using data from Bangladesh, Brazil and India. J Clin Gynecol Obstet. 2017;6(3-4):58-64
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Ghosh I., Mittal S., Banerjee D., Chowdhury N., Basu P. Study of Correlation of Cervical Epithelial Thickness With the Grade of Colposcopic Abnormality. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2016 May;35(3):269-74.
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Jayant K., Sankaranarayanan R., Thorat R. V., Muwonge R., Hingmire S. J., Panse N. S., Shastri S. S., Malvi S. G., Nene B. Improved Survival of Cervical Cancer Patients in a Screened Population in Rural India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(11):4837-44.
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Mittal S., Mandal R., Banerjee D., Das P., Ghosh I., Panda C., Biswas J., Basu P. HPV detection-based cervical cancer screening program in low-resource setting: lessons learnt from a community-based demonstration project in India. Cancer Causes Control. 2016;27(3):351-8.
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Muwonge R., Ngo Mbus L., Ngoma T., Gombe Mbalawa C., Dolo A., da Ganda Manuel M., Nouhou H., Nacoulma M., Mwaiselage J., Koulibaly M., Bayo S., Nsonde Malanda J., De Vuyst H., Herrero R., Sankaranarayanan R., Keita N. Socio-demographic and reproductive determinants of cervical neoplasia in seven sub-Sahara African countries. Cancer Causes Control. 2016;27(12):1437-46.
PMID: 27822586
Naud P. S., Muwonge R., Passos E. P., Magno V., Matos J., Sankaranarayanan R. Efficacy, safety, and acceptability of thermocoagulation for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in a hospital setting in Brazil. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2016;133(3):351-4.
PMID: 27005927
Sankaranarayanan R., Bhatla N., Basu P. Current global status & impact of human papillomavirus vaccination: Implications for India. Indian J Med Res. 2016;144(2):169-80.
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Sankaranarayanan R., Prabhu P. R., Pawlita M., Gheit T., Bhatla N., Muwonge R., Nene B. M., Esmy P. O., Joshi S., Poli U. R., Jivarajani P., Verma Y., Zomawia E., Siddiqi M., Shastri S. S., Jayant K., Malvi S. G., Lucas E., Michel A., Butt J., Vijayamma J. M., Sankaran S., Kannan T. P., Varghese R., Divate U., Thomas S., Joshi G., Willhauck-Fleckenstein M., Waterboer T., Muller M., Sehr P., Hingmire S., Kriplani A., Mishra G., Pimple S., Jadhav R., Sauvaget C., Tommasino M., Pillai M. R. Immunogenicity and HPV infection after one, two, and three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine in girls in India: a multicentre prospective cohort study. Lancet Oncol. 2016;17(1):67-77.
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PMID: 26868062
Sauvaget C., Nishino Y., Konno R., Tase T., Morimoto T., Hisamichi S. Challenges in breast and cervical cancer control in Japan. Lancet Oncol. 2016;17(7):e305-12.
PMID: 27396648
Selmouni F., Sauvaget C., Belakhel L., Lucas E., Khouchoua M., Sankaranarayanan R. Organization and evaluation of a pilot cervical cancer screening program in Morocco. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2016;132(1):25-8.
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Selmouni F., Sauvaget C., Zidouh A., Plaza C. A., Muwonge R., Rhazi K. E., Basu P., Sankaranarayanan R. Evaluation of Provider Skills in Performing Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid in the Cervical Cancer Screening Program in the Meknes-Tafilalet Region of Morocco. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(9):4313-8.
PMID: 27797236
Subramanian S., Sankaranarayanan R., Esmy P.O., Thulaseedharan J.V., Swaminathan R., Thomas S. Clinical trial to implementation: Cost and effectiveness considerations for scaling up cervical cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Cancer Policy. 2016;7:4-11.
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Vale D. B., Sauvaget C., Muwonge R., Ferlay J., Zeferino L. C., Murillo R., Sankaranarayanan R. Disparities in time trends of cervical cancer mortality rates in Brazil. Cancer Causes Control. 2016;27(7):889-96.
PMID: 27255650

Basu P., Mittal S., Banerjee D., Singh P., Panda C., Dutta S., Mandal R., Das P., Biswas J., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Diagnostic accuracy of VIA and HPV detection as primary and sequential screening tests in a Cervical Cancer Screening Demonstration Project in India. Int J Cancer. 2015;137(4):859-67.
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Gadgil A., Sauvaget C., Roy N., Grosse Frie K., Chakraborty A., Lucas E., Bantwal K., Haldar I., Sankaranarayanan R. Breast cancer awareness among middle class urban women - a community-based study from Mumbai, India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(15):6249-54.
PMID: 26434824
Gelband H., Sankaranarayanan R., Gauvreau C. L., Horton S., Anderson B. O., Bray F., Cleary J., Dare A. J., Denny L., Gospodarowicz M. K., Gupta S., Howard S. C., Jaffray D. A., Knaul F., Levin C., Rabeneck L., Rajaraman P., Sullivan T., Trimble E. L., Jha P. Costs, affordability, and feasibility of an essential package of cancer control interventions in low-income and middle-income countries: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition. Lancet. 2016;387(10033):2133-44.
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Joshi S., Kulkarni V., Gangakhedkar R., Sankaranarayanan R. Are we missing opportunities to prevent cervical cancer in HIV-infected women in India? Indian J Med Res. 2015;142(5):610-3.
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Krishnan S., Dhillon P.K., Bhadelia A., Schurmann A., Basu P., Bhatla N., Birur P., Colaco R., Dey S., Grover S., Gupta H., Gupta R., Gupta V., Lewis M.A., Mehrotra R., McMikel A., Mukherji A., Naik N., Nyblade L., Pati S., Pillai M.R., Rajaraman P., Ramesh C., Rath GK., Reithinger R., Sankaranarayanan R., Selvam J., Shanmugam M.S., Shridhar K., Siddiqi M., Squiers L., Subramanian S., Travasso S.M., Verma Y., Vijayakumar M., Weiner B.J., Reddy K.S., Knaul F.M. Report from a symposium on catalyzing primary and secondary prevention of cancer in India. Cancer Causes Control. 2015;26(11):1671-84.
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Krishnan S., Sivaram S., Anderson B.O., Basu P., Belinson J.L., Bhatla N., Cruz A.D., Dhillon P.K., Gupta P.C., Joshi N., Jhulka P.K., Kailash U., Kapambwe S., Katoch V.M., Kaur P., Kaur T., Mathur P., Prakash A., Sankaranarayanan R., Selvam J.M., Seth T., Shah K.V., Shastri S., Siddiqi M., Srivastava A., Trimble E., Rajaraman P., Mehrotra R. Using implementation science to advance cancer prevention in India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(9):3639-44.
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Prendiville W. Two-grade Bethesda system of reporting in cervical screening: colposcopist's view. Cytopathology. 2015;26(6):351-3.
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Rajaraman P., Anderson B.O., Basu P., Belinson J.L., Cruz A.D., Dhillon P.K., Gupta P., Jawahar T.S., Joshi N., Kailash U., Kapambwe S., Katoch V.M., Krishnan S., Panda D., Sankaranarayanan R., Selvam J.M., Shah K.V., Shastri S., Shridhar K., Siddiqi M., Sivaram S., Seth T., Srivastav A., Trimble E., Mehrotra R. Recommendations for screening and early detection of common cancers in India. Lancet Oncol. 2015;16(7):e352-61.
PMID: 26149887
Sankaranarayanan R. HPV vaccination: the most pragmatic cervical cancer primary prevention strategy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2015;131 Suppl 1:S33-S5.
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Sankaranarayanan R., Qiao Y.L., Keita N. The next steps in cervical screening. Womens Health (Lond Engl). 2015 Mar;11(2):201-12.
PMID: 25776294
Thulaseedharan J.V., Malila N., Esmy P.O., Muwonge R., Hakama M., Sankaranarayanan R. Risk of invasive cancer among women visually screened and colposcopy triaged by trained nurses in rural South India. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2015;129(2):104-8.
PMID: 25661324
Thulaseedharan J.V., Malila N., Swaminathan R., Esmy P.O., Cherian M., Hakama M., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Effect of Screening on Variation in Cervical Cancer Survival by Socioeconomic Determinants - a Study from Rural South India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(13):5237-42.
PMID: 26225659
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Joshi S., Babu J.M., Jayalakshmi D., Kulkarni V., Divate U., Muwonge R., Gheit T., Tommasino M., Sankaranarayanan R., Pillai M.R. Human papillomavirus infection among human immunodeficiency virus-infected women in Maharashtra, India. Vaccine. 2014;32(9):1079-85.
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PMID: 25040045
Khuhaprema T., Sangrajrang S., Lalitwongsa S., Chokvanitphong V., Raunroadroong T., Ratanachu-Ek T., Muwonge R., Lucas E., Wild C., Sankaranarayanan R. Organised colorectal cancer screening in Lampang Province, Thailand: preliminary results from a pilot implementation programme. BMJ Open. 2014;4(1):e003671.
PMID: 24435889
Mena M., Wiafe-Addai B., Sauvaget C., Ali IA., Wiafe S.A., Dabis F., Anderson B.O., Malvy D., Sasco A.J. Evaluation of the impact of a breast cancer awareness program in rural Ghana: A cross-sectional survey. Int J Cancer. 2014;134(4):913-24.
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Muwonge R., Wesley R.S., Nene B.M., Shastri S.S., Jayant K., Malvi S.G., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Evaluation of cytology and visual triage of human papillomavirus-positive women in cervical cancer prevention in India.Int J Cancer. 2014;134(12):2902-9.
PMID: 24272364
Pathy S., Muwonge R., Chander S., Dadhwal V., Pandjatcharam J. Predictors of tumor response in carcinoma of uterine cervix: data from tertiary cancer centre in India. Predictors of tumor response in carcinoma of uterine cervix: data from tertiary cancer centre in India. Bull Cancer. 2014;101(2):E13-E8.
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Ravindran D., Hariharan I., Muwonge R., Kumar R.R., Pillai M.R., Ramadas K. Efficacy of Varunadi Ghritha (polyherbal compound) in treated head and neck cancer cases as a biological response modifier. Ayu. 2014;35(2):168-74.
PMID: 25558162
Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer prevention and care in India: an unfinished agenda. Lancet Oncol. 2014;15(6):554-5.
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Sankaranarayanan R. Magnivisualizer in the early detection of cervical neoplasia. J Gynecol Oncol. 2014;25(4):263-4.
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Sankaranarayanan R. Screening for Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Ann Glob Health. 2014;80(5):412-7.
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Sankaranarayanan R., Esmy P.O., Rajkumar R., Muwonge R., Swaminathan R. Cervical cancer mortality in India - Authors' reply. Lancet. 2014;383(9931):1804-5.
PMID: 24856024
Sankaranarayanan R., Nene B.M., Shastri S., Esmy P.E., Rajkumar R., Muwonge R., Swaminathan R., Malvi S.G., Kane S., Desai S., Kelkar R., Hingmire S., Jayant K. Response to article titled "US-funded measurements of cervical cancer death rates in India: scientific and ethical concerns" by Eric J Suba. Indian J Med Ethics. 2014;11(3):175-8.
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Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Qiao Y.L. Managing the changing burden of cancer in Asia. BMC Med. 2014;12:3.
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Tchounga B.K., Jaquet A., Coffie P.A., Horo A., Sauvaget C., Adoubi I., Guie P., Dabis F., Sasco A.J., Ekouevi D.K. Cervical cancer prevention in reproductive health services: knowledge, attitudes and practices of midwives in Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa. BMC Health Serv Res. 2014;14:165.
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Wild C.P., Bray F., Forman D., Franceschi S., Sankaranarayanan R., Straif K. Cancer in the 25×25 non-communicable disease targets.Lancet. 2014;384(9953):1502-3.
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Zheng W., McLerran D.F., Rolland B.A., Fu Z., Boffetta P., He J., Gupta P.C., Ramadas K., Tsugane S., Irie F., Tamakoshi A., Gao Y.T., Koh W.P., Shu X.O., Ozasa K., Nishino Y., Tsuji I., Tanaka H., Chen C.J., Yuan J.M., Ahn Y.O., Yoo K.Y., Ahsan H., Pan W.H., Qiao Y.L., Gu D., Pednekar M.S., Sauvaget C., Sawada N., Sairenchi T., Yang G., Wang R., Xiang Y.B., Ohishi W., Kakizaki M., Watanabe T., Oze I., You S.L., Sugawara Y., Butler L.M., Kim D.H., Park S.K., Parvez F., Chuang S.Y., Fan J.H., Shen C.Y., Chen Y., Grant E.J., Lee J.E., Sinha R., Matsuo K., Thornquist M., Inoue M., Feng Z., Kang D., Potter J.D. Burden of total and cause-specific mortality related to tobacco smoking among adults aged = 45 years in Asia: a pooled analysis of 21 cohorts. PLoS Med. 2014;11(4):e1001631.
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Andreoli J.C., Lambert R. Colonoscopy in screening for colorectal cancer. Arq Gastroenterol. 2013;50(4):242-3.
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Baba N.D., Sauvaget C. Cancer in Mauritania: results of 10 years from the hospital register in Nouakchott. Pan Afr Med J. 2013;14:149.
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Basu P., Mittal S., Bhaumik S., Mandal S.S., Samaddar A., Ray C., Siddiqi M., Biswas J., Sankaranarayanan R. Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus and cervical intraepithelial neoplasias in a previously unscreened population--a pooled analysis from three studies. Int J Cancer. 2013;132(7):1693-9.
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PMID: 24473060
Denny L.A., Sankaranarayanan R., De Vuyst H., Kim J.J., Adefuye P.O., Alemany L., Adewole I.F., Awolude O.A., Parham G., de Sanjose S., Bosch F.X. Recommendations for cervical cancer prevention in sub-saharan Africa. Vaccine. 2013;31 Suppl 5:F73-F4.
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Grosse Frie K., Ramadas K., Anju G.A., Mathew B., Muwonge R., Sauvaget C., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Determinants of participation in a breast cancer screening trial in Trivandrum District, India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(12):7301-7.
PMID: 24460292
Joshi S., Sankaranarayanan R., Muwonge R., Kulkarni V., Somanathan T., Divate U. Screening of cervical neoplasia in HIV-infected women in India. AIDS. 2013;27(4):607-15.
PMID: 23079814
Lambert R. Endoscopic diagnosis of dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2013;7(4):303-5.
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Lin Y., Fu R., Grant E., Chen Y., Lee J.E., Gupta P.C., Ramadas K., Inoue M., Tsugane S., Gao Y.T., Tamakoshi A., Shu X.O., Ozasa K., Tsuji I., Kakizaki M., Tanaka H., Chen C.J., Yoo K.Y., Ahn Y.O., Ahsan H., Pednekar M.S., Sauvaget C., Sasazuki S., Yang G., Xiang Y.B., Ohishi W., Watanabe T., Nishino Y., Matsuo K., You S.L., Park S.K., Kim D.H., Parvez F., Rolland B., McLerran D., Sinha R., Boffetta P., Zheng W., Thornquist M., Feng Z., Kang D., Potter J.D. Association of body mass index and risk of death from pancreatic cancer in Asians: findings from the Asia Cohort Consortium. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2013;22(3):244-50.
PMID: 23044748
Paolino M., Sankaranarayanan R., Arrossi S. Social determinants of dropout from diagnosis and treatment by women with abnormal Pap smears in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2013;34(6):437-45.
PMID: 24569973
Sankaranarayanan R., Alwan N., Denny L. How can we improve survival from breast cancer in developing countries? Breast Cancer Management. 2013;2(3):179-83.
PMID: None
Sankaranarayanan R., Anorlu R., Sangwa-Lugoma G., Denny L.A. Infrastructure requirements for human papillomavirus vaccination and cervical cancer screening in sub-saharan Africa. Vaccine. 2013;31 Suppl 5:F47-F52.
PMID: 24331747
Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Qiao Y.L. Early detection of cancer in primary care in less-developed countries. Cancer Control. 2013:68-72.
PMID: None
Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Thara S., Muwonge R., Thomas G., Anju G., Mathew B. Long term effect of visual screening on oral cancer incidence and mortality in a randomized trial in Kerala, India. Oral Oncol. 2013;49(4):314-21.
PMID: 23265945
Sauvaget C., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of cryotherapy in the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2013;120(3):218-23.
PMID: 23265830
Sighoko D., Kamate B., Traore C., Malle B., Coulibaly B., Karidiatou A., Diallo C., Bah E., McCormack V., Muwonge R., Bourgeois D., Gormally E., Curado M.P., Bayo S., Hainaut P. Breast cancer in pre-menopausal women in West Africa: analysis of temporal trends and evaluation of risk factors associated with reproductive life. Breast. 2013;22(5):828-35.
PMID: 23489760
Thulaseedharan J.V., Malila N., Hakama M., Esmy P.O., Cherian M., Swaminathan R., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Effect of screening on the risk estimates of socio demographic factors on cervical cancer - a large cohort study from rural India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(1):589-94.
PMID: 23534800
Wesley R.S., Muwonge R., Sauvaget C., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Effectiveness of cryotherapy for histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades 1 and 2 in an Indian setting. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2013;123(1):16-20.
PMID: 23870419

Arbyn M., Ronco G., Anttila A., Meijer C.J., Poljak M., Ogilvie G., Koliopoulos G., Naucler P., Sankaranarayanan R., Peto J. Evidence regarding human papillomavirus testing in secondary prevention of cervical cancer. Vaccine. 2012;30 Suppl 5:F88-F99.
PMID: 23199969
Arrossi S., Maceira V., Paolino M., Sankaranarayanan R. Acceptability and uptake of HPV vaccine in Argentina before its inclusion in the immunization program: a population-based survey. Vaccine. 2012;30(14):2467-74.
PMID: 22266289
Atkin W.S., Valori R., Kuipers E.J., Hoff G., Senore C., Segnan N., Jover R., Schmiegel W., Lambert R., Pox C. European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. First Edition - Colonoscopic surveillance following adenoma removal. Endoscopy. 2012;44(Suppl 3):SE151-SE63.
PMID: 23012119
Cuzick J., Bergeron C., von Knebel Doeberitz M., Gravitt P., Jeronimo J., Lorincz A.T., J L M Meijer C., Sankaranarayanan R., J F Snijders P., Szarewski A. New technologies and procedures for cervical cancer screening. Vaccine. 2012;30 Suppl 5:F107-F16.
PMID: 23199953
Deodhar K., Gheit T., Vaccarella S., Romao C.C., Tenet V., Nene B.M., Jayant K., Kelkar R., Malvi S.G., Sylla B.S., Franceschi S., Jeronimo J., Shastri S., Sankaranarayanan R., Tommasino M. Prevalence of human papillomavirus types in cervical lesions from women in rural Western India. J Med Virol. 2012;84(7):1054-60.
PMID: 22585722
Deodhar K., Sankaranarayanan R., Jayant K., Jeronimo J., Thorat R., Hingmire S., Muwonge R., Chiwate A., Deshpande R., Ajit D., Kelkar R., Rekhi B., Ruben I., Malvi S.G., Chinoy R., Jambhekar N., Nene B.M. Accuracy of concurrent visual and cytology screening in detecting cervical cancer precursors in rural India. Int J Cancer. 2012;131(6):E954-62.
PMID: 22581670
Forman D., Franceschi S., Sankaranarayanan R., Bray F., Ferlay J., Dikshit R., Jha P., Wild C.P. Do cervical cancer data justify human papillomavirus vaccination in India? Epidemiological data sources and comprehensiveness. J R Soc Med. 2012;105(9):365-6.
PMID: 22977042
Gadgil A., Roy N., Sankaranarayanan R., Muwonge R., Sauvaget C. Effect of comprehensive breast care on breast cancer outcomes: a community hospital based study from Mumbai, India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(4):1105-9.
PMID: 22799289
Kato N., Sauvaget C., Kato T. Large summer weight gain in relatively overweight preschool Japanese children. Pediatr Int. 2012;54(4):510-5.
PMID: 22320901
Khuhaprema T., Attasara P., Srivatanakul P., Sangrajrang S., Muwonge R., Sauvaget C., Sankaranarayanan R. Organization and evolution of organized cervical cytology screening in Thailand. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2012;118(2):107-11.
PMID: 22613493
Lambert R. Endoscopy in screening for digestive cancer. World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2012;4(12):518-25.
PMID: 23293721
Lambert R., Saito H., Lucas E., Sankaranarayanan R. Survival from digestive cancer in emerging countries in Asia and Africa. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012;24(6):605-12.
PMID: 22387886
Lambert R., Tanaka S. Laterally spreading tumors in the colon and rectum. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012;24(10):1123-34.
PMID: 22732357
Pathy S., Lambert R., Sauvaget C., Sankaranarayanan R. The incidence and survival rates of colorectal cancer in India remain low compared with rising rates in East Asia. Dis Colon Rectum. 2012;55(8):900-6.
PMID: 22810477
Quirke P., Risio M., Lambert R., von Karsa L., Vieth M. European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. First Edition - Quality assurance in pathology in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. Endoscopy. 2012;44(Suppl 3):SE116-SE30.
PMID: 23012115
Sankaranarayanan R. 'See-and-treat' works for cervical cancer prevention: What about controlling the high burden in India? Indian J Med Res. 2012;135(5):576-9.
PMID: 22771586
Sankaranarayanan R., Nessa A., Esmy P.O., Dangou J.M. Visual inspection methods for cervical cancer prevention. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2012;26(2):221-32.
PMID: 22075441
Sankaranarayanan R., Swaminathan R. Verbal-autopsy-based projection of cancer deaths in India. Lancet. 2012;379(9828):1770-2.
PMID: 22460345
Santesso N., Schunemann H., Blumenthal P., De Vuyst H., Gage J., Garcia F., Jeronimo J., Lu R., Luciani S., Quek S.C., Awad T., Broutet N.; World health Organization Steering Committee for Recommendations on Use of Cryotherapy for Cervical Cancer Prevention. World Health Organization Guidelines: Use of cryotherapy for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2012;118(2):97-102.
PMID: 22727415
Saxena U., Sauvaget C., Sankaranarayanan R. Evidence-based Screening, Early Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy of Cervical Cancer for National Policy in Low- resource countries: Example of India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(4):1699-703.
PMID: 22799391
Steele R.J., Pox C., Kuipers E.J., Minoli G., Lambert R. European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. First Edition - Management of lesions detected in colorectal cancer screening. Endoscopy. 2012;44(Suppl 3):SE140-SE50.
PMID: 23012117
Steele R.J., Rey J.F., Lambert R. European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. First Edition - Professional requirements and training. Endoscopy. 2012;44(Suppl 3):SE106-SE15.
PMID: 23012114
Stock E.M., Stamey J.D., Sankaranarayanan R., Young D.M., Muwonge R., Arbyn M. Estimation of disease prevalence, true positive rate, and false positive rate of two screening tests when disease verification is applied on only screen-positives: A hierarchical model using multi-center data. Cancer Epidemiol. 2012;36(2):153-60.
PMID: 21856264
Teguete I., Muwonge R., Traore C.B., Dolo A., Bayo S., Sankaranarayanan R. Can visual cervical screening be sustained in routine health services? Experience from Mali, Africa. BJOG. 2012;119(2):220-6.
PMID: 21895956
Thulaseedharan J.V., Malila N., Hakama M., Esmy P.O., Cheriyan M., Swaminathan R., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Socio demographic and reproductive risk factors for cervical cancer - a large prospective cohort study from rural India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012;13(6):2991-5.
PMID: 22938495
Valori R., Rey J.F., Atkin W.S., Bretthauer M., Senore C., Hoff G., Kuipers E.J., Altenhofen L., Lambert R., Minoli G. European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. First Edition - Quality assurance in endoscopy in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. Endoscopy. 2012;44(Suppl 3):SE88-SE105.
PMID: 23012124
Vieth M., Quirke P., Lambert R., von Karsa L., Risio M. European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis. First Edition - Annotations of colorectal lesions. Endoscopy. 2012;44(Suppl 3):SE131-SE9.
PMID: 23012116

Appelman H.D., Umar A., Orlando R.C., Sontag S.J., Nandurkar S., El-Zimaity H., Lanas A., Parise P., Lambert R., Shields H.M. Barrett's esophagus: natural history. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011;1232(1):292-308.
PMID: 21950819
Johnson N.W., Warnakulasuriya S., Gupta P.C., Dimba E., Chindia M., Otoh E.C., Sankaranarayanan R., Califano J., Kowalski L. Global oral health inequalities in incidence and outcomes for oral cancer: causes and solutions. Adv Dent Res. 2011;23(2):237-46.
PMID: 21490236
Lambert R. Revolution by Epigenetics Expected in Digestive Oncology. World Gastroenterology News. 2011;16(1):8-10.
PMID: None
Lambert R., Partensky C. Cancers de l'oesophage, de l'estomac et du colorectum : la revolution epigenetique. Cancero digest. 2011;3(1):29-35.
PMID: None
Lambert R., Sauvaget C., de Camargo Cancela M., Sankaranarayanan R. Epidemiology of cancer from the oral cavity and oropharynx. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;23(8):633-41.
PMID: 21654320
Namujju P.B., Waterboer T., Banura C., Muwonge R., Mbidde E.K., Byaruhanga R., Muwanga M., Surcel H.M., Pawlita M., Lehtinen M. Risk of seropositivity to multiple oncogenic human papillomavirus types among human immunodeficiency virus-positive and -negative Ugandan women. J Gen Virol. 2011;92(Pt 12):2776-83.
PMID: 21832008
Quirke P., Risio M., Lambert R., von Karsa L., Vieth M. Quality assurance in pathology in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis-European recommendations. Virchows Arch. 2011;458(1):1-19.
PMID: 21061133
Rey J.F., Lambert R., Aabakken L., Dekker E., East J.E., Kaltenbach T., Kato M., Sharma P., Tanaka S. Proceedings of a preliminary workshop at gastro 2009. Dig Endosc. 2011;23(3):251-66.
PMID: 21699571
Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Thara S., Muwonge R., Prabhakar J., Augustine P., Venugopal M., Anju G., Mathew B.S. Clinical breast examination: preliminary results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in India. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2011;103(19):1476-80.
PMID: 21862730
Sankaranarayanan R., Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Ngoma T., Teguete I., Muwonge R., Naud P., Nessa A., Kuhaprema T., Qiao Y. Clinical trials of cancer screening in the developing world and their impact on cancer healthcare. Ann Oncol. 2011;22 Suppl 7:vii20-vii8.
PMID: 22039141
Sauvaget C., Fayette J.M., Muwonge R., Wesley R., Sankaranarayanan R. Accuracy of visual inspection with acetic acid for cervical cancer screening. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2011;113(1):14-24.
PMID: 21257169
Sauvaget C., Nene B.M., Jayant K., Kelkar R., Malvi S.G., Shastri S.S., Sankaranarayanan R. Prevalence and determinants of high-risk human papillomavirus infection in middle-aged Indian women. Sex Transm Dis. 2011 Oct;38(10):902-6.
PMID: 21934560
Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Fayette J.M., Thomas G., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Socio-economic factors & longevity in a cohort of Kerala State, India. Indian J Med Res. 2011;133(5):479-86.
Suzuki G., Mellander M.R., Suzuki A., Rubio C.A., Lambert R., Bjork J., Schmidt P.T. Usefulness of colonoscopic examination with indigo carmine in diagnosing microscopic colitis. Endoscopy. 2011;43(12):1100-4.
PMID: 22057822
Swaminathan R., Shanta V., Ferlay J., Balasubramanian S., Bray F., Sankaranarayanan R. Trends in cancer incidence in Chennai city (1982-2006) and statewide predictions of future burden in Tamil Nadu (2007-16). Natl Med J India. 2011;24(2):72-7.
PMID: 21668047
Vieth M., Quirke P., Lambert R., von Karsa L., Risio M. Annex to Quirke et al. Quality assurance in pathology in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis: annotations of colorectal lesions. Virchows Arch. 2011;458(1):21-30.
PMID: 21061132
Winawer S.J., Krabshuis J., Lambert R., O'Brien M., Fried M. Cascade colorectal cancer screening guidelines: a global conceptual model. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2011;45(4):297-300.
PMID: 21301355
Zheng W., McLerran D.F., Rolland B., Zhang X., Inoue M., Matsuo K., He J., Gupta P.C., Ramadas K., Tsugane S., Irie F., Tamakoshi A., Gao Y.T., Wang R., Shu X.O., Tsuji I., Kuriyama S., Tanaka H., Satoh H., Chen C.J., Yuan J.M., Yoo K.Y., Ahsan H., Pan W.H., Gu D., Pednekar M.S., Sauvaget C., Sasazuki S., Sairenchi T., Yang G., Xiang Y.B., Nagai M., Suzuki T., Nishino Y., You S.L., Koh W.P., Park S.K., Chen Y., Shen C.Y., Thornquist M., Feng Z., Kang D., Boffetta P., and Potter J.D. Association between body-mass index and risk of death in more than 1 million Asians. N Engl J Med. 2011;364(8):719-29.
PMID: 21345101

Arrossi S., Paolino M., Sankaranarayanan R. Challenges faced by cervical cancer prevention programs in developing countries: a situational analysis of program organization in Argentina. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2010;28(4):249-57.
PMID: 21152712
Lambert R. Accreditation in digestive endoscopy. Acta Gastroenterol Latinoam. 2010;40(3):278-82.
PMID: 21049772
Lambert R. Colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease. World Gastroenterology News. 2010;15(2):7-10.
PMID: None
Lambert R. Gastric and rectal carcinoids. Endoscopy. 2010;42(8):661-3.
PMID: 20669077
Lambert R. Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer. World Gastroenterology News. 2010;15(3):5-10.
PMID: None
Lambert R. Prevention of gastrointestinal cancer by surveillance endoscopy. EPMA J. 2010;1(3):473-83.
PMID: 23199089
Missaoui N., Hmissa S., Sankaranarayanan R., Deodhar K., Nene B., Budukh A., Malvi S., Chinoy R., Kelkar R., Kane S., Chauhan M., Kothai A., Kahate S., Fontaniere B., Frappart L. p16INK4A overexpression is a useful marker for uterine cervix lesions. In French. Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2010;68(4):409-14.
PMID: 20650735
Muwonge R., Manuel Mda G., Filipe A.P., Dumas J.B., Frank M.R., Sankaranarayanan R. Visual screening for early detection of cervical neoplasia in Angola. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010;111(1):68-72.
PMID: 20570259
Nessa A., Hussain M.A., Rahman J.N., Rashid M.H., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Screening for cervical neoplasia in Bangladesh using visual inspection with acetic acid. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010;111(2):115-8.
PMID: 20674919
Ngoma T., Muwonge R., Mwaiselage J., Kawegere J., Bukori P., Sankaranarayanan R. Evaluation of cervical visual inspection screening in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010;109(2):100-4.
PMID: 20152973
Pimple S., Muwonge R., Amin G., Goswami S., Sankaranarayanan R., Shastri S.S. Cytology versus HPV testing for the detection of high-grade cervical lesions in women found positive on visual inspection in Mumbai, India. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010;108(3):236-9.
PMID: 19945105
Ramadas K., Sauvaget C., Thomas G., Fayette J.M., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Effect of tobacco chewing, tobacco smoking and alcohol on all-cause and cancer mortality: a cohort study from Trivandrum, India. Cancer Epidemiol. 2010;34(4):405-12.
PMID: 20444665
Sankaranarayanan R., Boffetta P. Research on cancer prevention, detection and management in low- and medium-income countries. Ann Oncol. 2010;21(10):1935-43.
PMID: 20231304
Sankaranarayanan R., Swaminathan R., Brenner H., Chen K., Chia K.S., Chen J.G., Law S.C., Ahn Y.O., Xiang Y.B., Yeole B.B., Shin H.R., Shanta V., Woo Z.H., Martin N., Sumitsawan Y., Sriplung H., Barboza A.O., Eser S., Nene B.M., Suwanrungruang K., Jayalekshmi P., Dikshit R., Wabinga H., Esteban D.B., Laudico A., Bhurgri Y., Bah E., Al-Hamdan N. Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, and Central America: a population-based study. Lancet Oncol. 2010;11(2):165-73.
PMID: 20005175
Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Thomas G., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Prognosis criteria of casual systolic and diastolic blood pressure values in a prospective study in India. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2010;64(4):366-72.
PMID: 19692728
Swaminathan R., Sankaranarayanan R. Under-diagnosis and under-ascertainment of cases may be the reasons for low childhood cancer incidence in rural India. Cancer Epidemiol. 2010;34(1):107-8.
PMID: 20022839
Vieth M., Lambert R. Nicht polypoide (serratierte) Lasionen des Kolon. Verdauungskrankheiten 2010; 28:1-9.
PMID: None
von Karsa L., Lignini T.A., Patnick J., Lambert R., Sauvaget C. The dimensions of the CRC problem. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2010;24(4):381-96.
PMID: 20833343

Anttila A., von Karsa L., Aasmaa A., Fender M., Patnick J., Rebolj M., Nicula F., Vass L., Valerianova Z., Voti L., Sauvaget C., Ronco G. Cervical cancer screening policies and coverage in Europe. Eur J Cancer. 2009;45(15):2649-58.
PMID: 19699081
Bhatla N., Gulati A., Mathur S.R., Rani S., Anand K., Muwonge R., Sankaranarayanan R. Evaluation of cervical screening in rural North India. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2009;105(2):145-9.
PMID: 19200539
Cancela Mde C., Ramadas K., Fayette J.M., Thomas G., Muwonge R., Chapuis F., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R., Sauvaget C. Alcohol intake and oral cavity cancer risk among men in a prospective study in Kerala, India. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2009;37(4):342-9.
PMID: 19486349
Gheit T., Vaccarella S., Schmitt M., Pawlita M., Franceschi S., Sankaranarayanan R., Sylla B.S., Tommasino M., Gangane N. Prevalence of human papillomavirus types in cervical and oral cancers in central India. Vaccine. 2009;27(5):636-9.
PMID: 19056450
Kerner J.F., Cazap E., Yach D., Pierotti M.A., Daidone M.G., de Blasio P., Geary P., Schacter B., Sant M., Habbema J.D., Sankaranarayanan R., Sutcliffe C., Sutcliffe S. Comprehensive cancer control-research & development: knowing what we do and doing what we know. Tumori. 2009;95(5):610-22.
PMID: 19999951
Lambert R, O'Brien MJ, Jaramillo E, Vieth M. The serrated pathway to colorectal cancer. World Gastrtroenterology News 2009; 14(2):5-10.
PMID: None
Lambert R. Colonoscopy: Maximizing detection and characterization. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2009 Aug 14.
PMID: 19683885
Lambert R. Epidemiology of pancreatic cancer in the world. Cancero dig. 2009; 1: 1-6.
PMID: None
Lambert R. Upper gastrointestinal tumors. Endoscopy. 2009;41(1):46-50.
PMID: 19058126
Lambert R., Kudo S.E., Vieth M., Allen J.I., Fujii H., Fujii T., Kashida H., Matsuda T., Mori M., Saito H., Shimoda T., Tanaka S., Watanabe H., Sung J.J., Feld A.D., Inadomi J.M., O'Brien M.J., Lieberman D.A., Ransohoff D.F., Soetikno R.M., Zauber A., Teixeira C.R., Rey J.F., Jaramillo E., Rubio C.A., Van Gossum A., Jung M., Jass J.R., Triadafilopoulos G. Pragmatic classification of superficial neoplastic colorectal lesions. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;70(6):1182-99.
PMID: 19879563
Lambert R., Sauvaget C., Sankaranarayanan R. Mass screening for colorectal cancer is not justified in most developing countries. Int J Cancer. 2009;125(2):253-6.
PMID: 19384945
Muwonge R., Mbalawa C.G., Keita N., Dolo A., Nouhou H., Nacoulma M., Malanda J.N., Koulibaly M., Bayo S., Sankaranarayanan R.; IARC Multicentre Study Group on Cervical Cancer Early Detection. Performance of colposcopy in five sub-Saharan African countries. BJOG. 2009;116(6):829-37.
PMID: 19432573
Rey J.F., Lambert R. Second Look Colonoscopy: Indication and Requirements. Digestive Endoscopy. 2009;21(Suppl 1):S47-S9.
PMID: 19691734
Rey J.F., Tanaka S., Lambert R., Tajiri H. Evaluation of the Clinical Outcomes Associated with Exera Ii and Lucera Endoscopes. Digestive Endoscopy. 2009;21(Supp 1):S113-S20.
PMID: 19691724
Sankaranarayanan R. HPV vaccination: the promise & problems. Indian J Med Res. 2009;130(3):322-6.
PMID: 19901441
Sankaranarayanan R., Keshkar V., Kothari A., Kane S., Fayette J.M., Shastri S. Effectiveness and safety of loop electrosurgical excision procedure for cervical neoplasia in rural India. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2009;104(2):95-9.
PMID: 18962583
Sankaranarayanan R., Nene B.M., Shastri S.S., Jayant K., Muwonge R., Budukh A.M., Hingmire S., Malvi S.G., Thorat R., Kothari A., Chinoy R., Kelkar R., Kane S., Desai S., Keskar V.R., Rajeshwarkar R., Panse N., Dinshaw K.A. HPV screening for cervical cancer in rural India. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(14):1385-94.
PMID: 19339719
Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Fayette J.M., Thomas G., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Completed suicide in adults of rural Kerala: rates and determinants. Natl Med J India. 2009;22(5):228-33.
PMID: 20334042
Sherris J., Wittet S., Kleine A., Sellors J., Luciani S., Sankaranarayanan R., Barone M.A. Evidence-based, alternative cervical cancer screening approaches in low-resource settings. Int Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2009;35(3):147-54.
PMID: 19805020
Subramanian S., Sankaranarayanan R., Bapat B., Somanathan T., Thomas G., Mathew B., Vinoda J., Ramadas K. Cost-effectiveness of oral cancer screening: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in India. Bull World Health Organ. 2009;87(3):200-6.
PMID: 19377716
Swaminathan R., Selvakumaran R., Esmy P.O., Sampath P., Ferlay J., Jissa V., Shanta V., Cherian M., Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer pattern and survival in a rural district in South India. Cancer Epidemiol. 2009;33(5):325-31.
PMID: 19853553
Swaminathan R., Selvakumaran R., Vinodha J., Ferlay J., Sauvaget C., Esmy P.O., Shanta V., Sankaranarayanan R. Education and cancer incidence in a rural population in south India. Cancer Epidemiol. 2009;33(2):89-93.
PMID: 19679053

Arbyn M., Sankaranarayanan R., Muwonge R., Keita N., Dolo A., Mbalawa C.G., Nouhou H., Sakande B., Wesley R., Somanathan T., Sharma A., Shastri S., Basu P. Pooled analysis of the accuracy of five cervical cancer screening tests assessed in eleven studies in Africa and India. Int J Cancer. 2008;123(1):153-60.
PMID: 18404671
Arrossi S., Ramos S., Paulino M., Sankaranarayanan R. Social inequality in Pap smear coverage: identifying under-users of cervical cancer screening in Argentina. Reprod Health Matters. 2008;16(32):50-8.
PMID: 19027622
Classen M., Lambert R; International Digestive Cancer Alliance. Colorectal cancer screening in europe--a survey of the International Digestive Cancer Alliance between November 2004 and March 2007. Z Gastroenterol. 2008;46(Suppl 1):S23-S4.
PMID: 18368635
Cuzick J., Arbyn M., Sankaranarayanan R., Tsu V., Ronco G., Mayrand M.H., Dillner J., Meijer C.J. Overview of human papillomavirus-based and other novel options for cervical cancer screening in developed and developing countries. Vaccine. 2008;26(Suppl 10):K29-K41.
PMID: 18847555
Garland S.M., Cuzick J., Domingo E.J., Goldie S.J., Kim Y.T., Konno R., Parkin D.M., Qiao Y.L., Sankaranarayanan R., Stern P.L., Tay S.K., Bosch F.X. Recommendations for cervical cancer prevention in Asia Pacific. Vaccine. 2008;26(Suppl 12):M89-M98.
PMID: 18945418
Kudo S., Lambert R. Gastrointestinal endoscopy. Preface. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008;68(4 Suppl):S1.
PMID: 18805236
Kudo S., Lambert R., Allen J.I., Fujii H., Fujii T., Kashida H., Matsuda T., Mori M., Saito H., Shimoda T., Tanaka S., Watanabe H., Sung J.J., Feld A.D., Inadomi J.M., O'Brien M.J., Lieberman D.A., Ransohoff D.F., Soetikno R.M., Triadafilopoulos G., Zauber A., Teixeira C.R., Rey J.F., Jaramillo E., Rubio C.A., Van Gossum A., Jung M., Vieth M., Jass J.R., Hurlstone P.D. Nonpolypoid neoplastic lesions of the colorectal mucosa. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008;68(Suppl 4):S3-47.
PMID: 18805238
Lambert R. Balancing the benefits and risks of esophageal stenting in the palliation of malignant dysphagia. J Support Oncol. 2008;6(6):275-6.
PMID: 18724537
Lambert R. Upper gastrointestinal tumors. Endoscopy. 2008;40(2):131-5.
PMID: 18058617
Muwonge R., Ramadas K., Sankila R., Thara S., Thomas G., Vinoda J., Sankaranarayanan R. Role of tobacco smoking, chewing and alcohol drinking in the risk of oral cancer in Trivandrum, India: A nested case-control design using incident cancer cases. Oral Oncol. 2008;44(5):446-54.
PMID: 17933578
Nene B.M., Hiremath P.S., Kane S., Fayette J.M., Shastri S.S., Sankaranarayanan R. Effectiveness, safety, and acceptability of cryotherapy by midwives for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in Maharashtra, India. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2008;103(3):232-6.
PMID: 18817909
Ramadas K., Arrossi S., Thara S., Thomas G., Jissa V., Fayette J.M., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R. Which socio-demographic factors are associated with participation in oral cancer screening in the developing world? Results from a population-based screening project in India. Cancer Detect Prev. 2008;32(2):109-15.
PMID: 18632218
Rema P., Suchetha S., Thara S., Fayette J.M., Wesley R., Sankaranarayanan R. Effectiveness and safety of loop electrosurgical excision procedure in a low-resource setting. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2008;103(2):105-10.
PMID: 18760779
Sankaranarayanan R. Commentary: Cancer incidence among Asian Indians in India and abroad. Int J Epidemiol. 2008;37(1):160-1.
PMID: 18180241
Sankaranarayanan R., Bhatla N., Gravitt P.E., Basu P., Esmy P.O., Ashrafunnessa K.S., Ariyaratne Y., Shah A., Nene B.M. Human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer prevention in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Vaccine. 2008;26(Suppl 12):M43-M52.
PMID: 18945413
Sankaranarayanan R., Thara S., Esmy P.O., Basu P. Cervical cancer: screening and therapeutic perspectives. Med Princ Pract. 2008;17(5):351-64.
PMID: 18685274
Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Thara S., Thomas G., Sankaranarayanan R. Tobacco chewing in India. Int J Epidemiol. 2008;37(6):1242-5.
PMID: 18535028
Sauvaget C., Ramadas K., Thomas G., Vinoda J., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Body mass index, weight change and mortality risk in a prospective study in India. Int J Epidemiol. 2008;37(5):990-1004.
PMID: 18388152
Varghese C., Nongkynrih B., Srinivasan R., Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P., Rajwanshi A. Cervical cancer screening programme for low-resource settings: a pragmatic approach. Regional Health Forum. 2008 (Volume 12, number 2): 5-15.
PMID: None

Arrossi S., Matos E., Zengarini N., Roth B., Sankaranarayanan R., Parkin M. The socio-economic impact of cervical cancer on patients and their families in Argentina, and its influence on radiotherapy compliance. Results from a cross-sectional study. Gynecol Oncol. 2007;105(2):335-40.
PMID: 17258801
Deerasamee S., Srivatanakul P., Sriplung H., Nilvachararung S., Tansuwan U., Pitakpraiwan P., Kaewkungwal J., Singhasivanon P., Nimnakorn P., Sankaranarayanan R. Monitoring and evaluation of a model demonstration project for the control of cervical cancer in Nakhon Phanom province, Thailand. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2007 Oct-Dec;8(4):547-56.
PMID: 18260727
Lambert R, Saito H, Saito Y. High-resolution endoscopy and early gastrointestinal cancer...dawn in the East. Endoscopy. 2007;39(3):232-7.
PMID: 17402166
Lambert R. Insertion of expandable metallic stents in esophageal cancer without fluoroscopy: is it safe? Gastrointest Endosc. 2007;65(6):929-31.
PMID: 17466214
Lambert R., Franceschi S. Hepatocellular carcinoma. World Gastroenterology News. 2007;12(2):23-9.
PMID: None
Lambert R., Hainaut P. Esophageal cancer: cases and causes (part I). Endoscopy. 2007;39(6):550-5.
PMID: 17554654
Lambert R., Hainaut P. Esophageal cancer: the precursors (Part II). Endoscopy. 2007;39(7):659-64.
PMID: 17611923
Lambert R., Hainaut P. The multidisciplinary management of gastrointestinal cancer. Epidemiology of oesophagogastric cancer. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2007;21(6):921-45.
PMID: 18070696
Lambert R., Kuznetsov K., Rey J.F. Narrow-band imaging in digestive endoscopy. ScientificWorldJournal. 2007;7:449-65.
PMID: 17450308
Lambert R., Plummer M. Stomach cancer: epidemiology, precursor conditions, and detection. World Gastroenterology News. 2007;12:21-5.
PMID: None
Muwonge R., Walter S.D., Wesley R.S., Basu P., Shastri S.S., Thara S., Mbalawa C.G., Sankaranarayanan R.; The IARC Multicentre Study Group on Cervical Cancer Early Detection. Assessing the gain in diagnostic performance when two visual inspection methods are combined for cervical cancer prevention. J Med Screen. 2007;14(3):144-50.
PMID: 17925087
Nene B., Jayant K., Arrossi S., Shastri S., Budukh A., Hingsmire S., Muwonge R., Malvi S., Dinshaw K., Sankaranarayanan R. Determinants of women’s participation in cervical cancer screening trial, Maharashtra, India. Bull World Health Organ. 2007;85(4):264-72.
PMID: 17546307
Sankaranarayanan R., Esmy P.O., Rajkumar R., Muwonge R., Swaminathan R., Shanthakumari S., Fayette J.M., Cherian J. Effect of visual screening on cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Tamil Nadu, India: a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet. 2007;370(9585):398-406.
PMID: 17679017
Sankaranarayanan R., Rajkumar R., Esmy P.O., Fayette J.M., Shanthakumary S., Frappart L., Thara S., Cherian J. Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of 'see and treat' with cryotherapy by nurses in a cervical screening study in India. Br J Cancer. 2007;96(5):738-43.
PMID: 17311015
Sherris J., Wright T.C., Denny L., Sankaranarayanan R., Pollack A.E., Sanghvi H., Sellors J.W. Alliance for cervical cancer prevention: setting the record straight. Am J Public Health. 2007;97(2):200-1.
PMID: 17194847
Wright T.C., Blumenthal P., Bradley J., Denny L., Esmy P.O., Jayant K., Nene B.M., Pollack A.E., Rajkumar R., Sankaranarayanan R., Sellors J.W., Shastri S.S., Sherris J., Tsu V. Cervical cancer prevention for all the world's women: New approaches offer opportunities and promise. Diagn Cytopathol. 2007;35(12):845-8.
PMID: 18008343

Arbyn M., Tulunay G., Ozgul N., Yalvac S., Verguts J., Poppe W., Sankaranarayanan R. European Union support for a Turkish reproductive health project to assess alternative cervical cancer screening methods in Sanliurfa (rural south-east Turkey). Eur J Cancer Prev. 2006;15(6):552-3.
PMID: 17106338
Basu P., Sarkar S., Mukherjee S., Ghosal M., Mittal S., Biswas S., Mandal R., Sankaranarayanan R. Women's perceptions and social barriers determine compliance to cervical screening: Results from a population based study in India. Cancer Detect Prev. 2006;30(4):369-74.
PMID: 16963194
Bradley J., Coffey P., Arrossi S., Agurto I., Bingham A., Dzuba I., Kleine A., Lewis R., White S. Women's perspectives on cervical screening and treatment in developing countries: experiences with new technologies and service delivery strategies. Women & Health. 2006;43(3):103-21.
PMID: 17194680
Denny L., Quinn M., Sankaranarayanan R. Chapter 8: Screening for cervical cancer in developing countries. Vaccine. 2006;24(Suppl 3):S71-S7.
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Denny L., Sankaranarayanan R. Secondary prevention of cervical cancer. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2006;94(Suppl 1):S65-S70.
PMID: None
Dikshit R.P., Ramadas K., Hashibe M., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Sankaranarayanan R. Association between diabetes mellitus and pre-malignant oral diseases: A cross sectional study in Kerala, India. Int J Cancer. 2006;118(2):453-7.
PMID: 16049982
Gorincour G., Rypens F., Toiviainen-Salo S., Grignon A., Lambert R., Audibert F., Garel L., Fournet J.C. Fetal urinoma: two new cases and a review of the literature. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2006;28(6):848-52.
PMID: 16941574
Kuznetsov K., Lambert R., Rey J.F. Narrow-band imaging: potential and limitations. Endoscopy. 2006;38(1):76-81.
PMID: 16429359
Lambert R, Mahe C. Screening for digestive cancers: from theory to practice. World Gastroenterology News. 2006;11(1):42-5.
PMID: None
Lambert R. Reply to the letter of Dr Cho et Al. Endoscopy. 2006;38(4):430.
PMID: 16680652
Lambert R. Upper gastrointestinal tumors. Endoscopy. 2006;38(2):133-6.
PMID: 16479419
Sankaranarayanan R. Overview of cervical cancer in the developing world. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2006;95(Suppl 1):S205-S10.
PMID: 17161159
Sankaranarayanan R. Preventing cervical cancer in low-resource settings. Ind J Gynaecol Oncol. 2006;6(Suppl 1):13-7.
PMID: None
Sankaranarayanan R., Ferlay J. Worldwide burden of gynaecological cancer: the size of the problem. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2006;20(2):207-25.
PMID: 16359925
Sankaranarayanan R., Dinshaw K., Nene B.M., Ramadas K., Esmy P.O., Jayant K., Somanathan T., Shastri S. Cervical and oral cancer screening in India. J Med Screen. 2006;13(Suppl 1):S35-S8.
PMID: 17227640

Agurto I., Arrossi S., White S., Coffey P., Dzuba I., Bingham A., Bradley J., Lewis R. Involving the community in cervical cancer prevention programs. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005;89(Suppl 2):S38-S45.
PMID: 15823265
Blumenthal P., Lauterbach J., Sellors J., Sankaranarayanan R. Training for cervical cancer prevention programs in low-resource settings: focus on visual inspection with acetic acid and cryotherapy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005;89(Suppl 2):S30-S7.
PMID: 15823264
Boyle P., Ferlay J., Lambert R. The rationale of screening for colorectal cancer. World Gastroenterology News 2005; 10(2): 28-31
PMID: None
Bradley J., Barone M., Mahe C., Lewis R., Luciani S. Delivering cervical cancer prevention services in low-resource settings. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005;89(Suppl 2):S21-S9.
PMID: 15823263
Franceschi S., Mahe C. Human papillomavirus testing in cervical cancer screening. Br J Cancer. 2005 92(9):1591-2.
PMID: 15870829
Franceschi S., Rajkumar R., Snijders P.J., Arslan A., Mahe C., Plummer M., Sankaranarayanan R., Cherian J., Meijer C.J., Weiderpass E. Papillomavirus infection in rural women in southern India. Br J Cancer. 2005;92(3):601-6.
PMID: 15668709
Goldie S.J., Gaffikin L., Goldhaber-Fiebert J.D., Gordillo-Tobar A., Levin C., Mahe C., Wright T.C., for the Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention Cost Working Group. Cost-effectiveness of cervical-cancer screening in five developing countries. N Engl J Med. 2005;353(20):2158-68.
PMID: 16291985
Gupta P.C., Pednekar M.S., Parkin D.M., Sankaranarayanan R. Tobacco associated mortality in Mumbai (Bombay) India. Results of the Bombay Cohort Study. Int J Epidemiol. 2005;34(6): 1395-402.
PMID: 16249218
Hashibe M., Ritz B., Le A.D., Li G., Sankaranarayanan R., Zhang Z.F. Radiotherapy for oral cancer as a risk factor for second primary cancers. Cancer Lett. 2005;220(2):185-95.
PMID: 15766594
Lambert R. Can endoscopic autofluorescence imaging improve the detection of neoplasia in patients with Barrett's esophagus? Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005;2(12):570-1.
PMID: 16327835
Lambert R. Primary prevention of digestive cancer. World Gastroenterology News 2005; 10(1): 35-38
PMID: None
Lambert R. Treatment of early gastric cancer in the elderly: leave it, cut out, peel out? Gastrointest Endosc. 2005;62(6):872-4.
PMID: 16301029
Lambert R., Sharma P. Paris Workshop on Columnar Metaplasia in the Esophagus and the Esophagogastric Junction, Paris, France, December 11-12 2004. Endoscopy 2005; 37(9): 879-920
PMID: 16116544
Legood R., Gray A.M., Mahe C., Wolstenholme J., Jayant K., Nene B.M., Shastri S., Malvi S.G., Muwonge R., Budukh A.M., Sankaranarayanan R. Screening for cervical cancer in India: How much will it cost? A trial based analysis of the cost per case detected. Int J Cancer. 2005;117(6):981-7.
PMID: 16003735
Mahe C., Gaffikin L. Screening test accuracy studies: how valid are our conclusions? Application to visual inspection methods for cervical screening. Cancer Causes Control. 2005;16(6):657-66.
PMID: 16049804
Michiels S, Baujat B, Mahe C, Sargent DJ, Pignon JP. Random effects survival models gave a better understanding of heterogeneity in individual patient data meta-analyses. J Clin Epidemiol. 2005;58(3):238-45.
PMID: 15718112
Sankaranarayanan R. Screening for cervical and oral cancers in India is feasible and effective. National Med J India. 2005;18(6):281-4.
PMID: 16483024
Sankaranarayanan R., Gaffikin L., Jacob M., Sellors J., Robles S. A critical assessment of screening methods for cervical neoplasia. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005;89(Supp 2):S4-S12.
PMID: 15823266
Sankaranarayanan R., Nene B.M., Dinshaw K.A., Mahe C., Jayant K., Shastri S.S., Malvi S.G., Chinoy R., Kelkar R., Budukh A.M., Keskar V., Rajeshwarker R., Muwonge R., Kane S., Parkin D.M., Chauhan M.K., Desai S., Fontaniere B., Frappart L., Kothari A., Lucas E., Panse N.; Osmanabad District Cervical Screening Study Group. A cluster randomized controlled trial of visual, cytology and human papillomavirus screening for cancer of the cervix in rural India. Int J Cancer. 2005;116(4):617-23.
PMID: 15818610
Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Thomas G., Muwonge R., Thara S., Mathew B., Rajan B.; Trivandrum Oral Cancer Screening Study Group. Effect of screening on oral cancer mortality in Kerala, India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;365(9475):1927-33.
PMID: 15936419
Shastri S.S., Dinshaw K., Amin G., Goswami S., Patil S., Chinoy R., Kane S., Kelkar R., Muwonge R., Mahe C., Ajit D., Sankaranarayanan R. Concurrent evaluation of visual, cytological and HPV testing as screening methods for the early detection of cervical neoplasia in Mumbai, India. Bull World Health Organ. 2005;83(3):186-94.
PMID: 15798842
Sherris J., Agurto I., Arrossi S., Dzuba I., Gaffikin L., Herdman C., Limpaphayom K., Luciani S. Advocating for cervical cancer prevention. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005;89(Suppl 2):S46-S54.
PMID: 15823267

2. Du W., Mah J.T., Lee J., Sankila R., Sankaranarayanan R., Chia K.S. Incidence and survival of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the colorectum: a population-based study from an Asian country. Dis Colon Rectum. 2004;47(1):78-85.
PMID: 14719155
Chia K.S., Du W.B., Sankaranarayanan R., Sankila R., Wang H., Lee J., Seow A., Lee H.P. Do younger female breast cancer patients have a poorer prognosis? Results from a population-based survival analysis. Int J Cancer. 2004;108(5), 761-5.
PMID: 14696104
Jacob B.J., Straif K., Thomas G., Ramadas K., Mathew B., Zhang Z.F., Sankaranarayanan R., Hashibe M. Betel quid without tobacco as a risk factor for oral precancers. Oral Oncol 2004;40(7):697-704.
PMID: 15172639
Lambert R., Hainaut P., Parkin D.M. Premalignant lesions of the esophagogastric mucosa. Semin Oncol 2004; 31(4): 498-512
PMID: 15297942
Lambert R., Jeannerod M., Rey J.F. Eyes wide shut. Endoscopy 2004; 36(8): 723-725
PMID: 15280980
Monsonego J., Bosch F.X., Coursaget P., Cox J.T., Franco E., Frazer I., Sankaranarayanan R., Schiller J., Singer A., Wright T.C. Jr, Kinney W., Meijer C.J., Linder J., McGoogan E., Meijer C. Cervical cancer control, priorities and new directions. Int J Cancer. 2004;108(3):329-33.
PMID: 14648697
Rey J.F., Gay G., Kruse A., Lambert R. European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline for video capsule endoscopy. Endoscopy 2004; 36(7): 656-658.
PMID: 15243892
Sankaranarayanan R., Basu P., Wesley R.S., Mahe C., Keita N., Gombe Mbalawa C.C., Sharma R., Dolo A., Shastri S.S., Nacoulma M., Nayama M., Thara S., Lucas E., Muwonge R., Parkin D.M.; IARC Multicentre Study Group on Cervical Cancer Early Detection. Accuracy of visual screening for cervical neoplasia: results from an IARC multicentre study in India and Africa. Int J Cancer. 2004;110(6):907-13.
PMID: 15170675
Sankaranarayanan R., Chatterji R., Shastri S.S., Wesley R.S., Basu P., Mahe C., Muwonge R., Seigneurin D., Thara S., Roy C., Kelkar R., Chinoy R., Dinshaw K., Mandal R., Amin G., Goswami S., Pal S., Patil S., Dhakad N., Frappart L., Fontaniere B. for the IARC multicentre study group on cervical cancer prevention in India. Accuracy of human papillomavirus testing in primary screening of cervical neoplasia: results from a multicenter study in India. Int J Cancer. 2004;112(2):341-7.
PMID: 15352050
Sankaranarayanan R., Rajkumar R., Theresa R., Esmy P.O., Mahe C., Bagyalakshmi K.R., Thara S., Frappart L., Lucas E., Muwonge R., Shanthakumari S., Jeevan D., Subbarao T.M., Parkin D.M., Cherian J. Initial results from a randomized trial of cervical visual screening in rural south India. Int J Cancer. 2004 Apr 10;109(3):461-7.
PMID: 14961588
Sankaranarayanan R., Shastri S.S., Basu P., Mahe C., Mandal R., Amin G., Roy C., Muwonge R., Goswami S., Das P., Chinoy R., Frappart L., Patil S., Choudhury D., Mukherjee T., Dinshaw K. The role of low-level magnification in visual inspection with acetic acid for the early detection of cervical neoplasia. Cancer Detect Prev. 2004;28(5):345-51.
PMID: 15542259
Sankaranarayanan R., Thara S., Sharma A., Roy C., Shastri S., Mahe C., Muwonge R., Fontaniere B. Multicentre Study Group on Cervical Cancer Early Detection in India. Accuracy of conventional cytology: Results from a multicentre screening study in India. J Med Screen. 2004;11(2):77-84.
PMID: 15153322
Zienolddiny S., Aguelon A.M., Mironov N., Mathew B., Thomas G., Sankaranarayanan R., Yamasaki H. Genomic instability in oral squamous cell carcinoma: relationship to betel-quid chewing. Oral Oncol. 2004;40(3):298-303.
PMID: 14747061

Arrossi S., Sankaranarayanan R., Parkin D.M. Incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in Latin America. Salud Publica Mex. 2003;45 Suppl 3:S306-14.
PMID: 14746023
Basu P., Sankaranarayanan R., Mandal R., Roy C., Das P., Choudhury D., Bhattacharya D., Chatterjee R., Dutta K., Barik S., Tsu V., Chakrabarti R.N., Siddiqi M.; Calcutta Cervical Cancer Early Detection Group. Visual inspection with acetic acid and cytology in the early detection of cervical neoplasia in Kolkata, India. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2003;13(5):626-32.
PMID: 14675346
Hashibe M., Jacob B.J., Thomas G., Ramadas K., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Zhang Z.F. Socioeconomic status, lifestyle factors and oral premalignant lesions. Oral Oncol. 2003;39(7):664-71.
PMID: 12907205
Lambert R., Lightdale C.J. The Paris Endoscopic Classification of Superficial Neoplastic Lesions: Esophagus, Stomach and Colon. Gastrointest Endosc 2003; 58(6 Suppl):S3-43.
PMID: 14652541
Lambert R., Rey J.F., Sankaranarayanan R. Magnification and Chromoscopy with the Acetic Acid Test. Endoscopy. 2003;35(5):437-45.
PMID: 12701018
Ramadas K., Sankaranarayanan R., Jacob B.J., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Mahe C., Pandey M., Abraham E., Najeeb S., Mathew B., Parkin D.M., Nair M.K. Interim results from a cluster randomized controlled oral cancer screening trial in Kerala, India. Oral Oncol. 2003 Sep;39(6):580-8.
PMID: 12798401
Sankaranarayanan R., Nene B.M., Dinshaw K., Rajkumar R., Shastri S.S., Wesley R., Basu P., Sharma R., Thara S., Budukh A., Parkin D.M. Early detection of cervical cancer with visual inspection methods: A summary of completed and on-going studies in India. Salud Publica Mex 2003;45 Suppl 3:S399-407.
PMID: 14746033
Sankaranarayanan R., Rajkumar R., Arrossi S., Theresa R., Esmy P.O., Mahe C., Muwonge R., Parkin D.M., Cherian J. Determinants of participation of women in a cervical cancer visual screening trial in rural south India. Cancer Detect Prev. 2003;27(6):457-65.
PMID: 14642554
Sankaranarayanan R., Ramanakumar A.V., Yeole B.B. Survival from glottic and supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Oral Oncol. 2003;39(7):656-63.
PMID: 12907204
Sankaranarayanan R., Wesley R., Thara S., Dhakad N, Chandralekha B, Sebastian P, Chithrathara K, Parkin DM, Nair MK. Test characteristics of visual inspection with 4% acetic acid (VIA) and Lugol's iodine (VILI) in cervical cancer screening for Kerala, India. Int J Cancer. 2003; 106(3):404-8.
PMID: 12845681
Thomas G., Hashibe M., Jacob B., Ramadas K., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Zhang Z.F. Risk factors for multiple oral premalignant lesions. Int J Cancer. 2003;107(2):285-91.
PMID: 12949809
Wang H., Chia K.S., Du W.B., Lee J., Sankaranarayanan R., Sankila R., Sng I., Seow A., Lee H.P. Population-based survival for cervical cancer in Singapore, 1968-1992. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;188(2):324-9.
PMID: 12592234
Yeole B.B., Ramanakumar A.V., Sankaranarayanan R. Survival from oral cancer in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Cancer Causes Control. 2003;14(10):945-52.
PMID: 14750533

Balaram P., Sridhar H., Rajkumar T., Vaccarella S., Herrero R., Nandakumar A., Ravichandran K., Ramdas K., Sankaranarayanan R., Gajalakshmi V., Munoz N., Franceschi S. Oral cancer in southern India: the influence of smoking, drinking, paan-chewing and oral hygiene. Int J Cancer. 2002; 98(3):440-445.
PMID: 11920597
Basu P., Sankaranarayanan R., Mandal R., Roy C., Das P., Choudhury D., Datta K., Karamakar S., Tsu V., Chakrabarti R.N., Siddiqi M.; Calcutta Cervical Neoplasia Early Detection Group. Evaluation of downstaging in the detection of cervical neoplasia in Kolkata, India. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2003 Sep-Oct;13(5):626-32.
PMID: 12115593
Du W.B., Chia K.S., Sankaplanarayanan R., Sankila R., Seow A., Lee H.P. Population-based survival analysis of colorectal cancer patients in Singapore, 1968-1992. Int J Cancer. 2002 May 20;99(3):460-5.
PMID: 11992418
Hashibe M., Sankaranarayanan R., Thomas G., Kuruvilla B., Mathew B., Somanathan T., Parkin D.M., Zhang Z.F. Body mass index, tobacco chewing, alcohol drinking and the risk of oral submucous fibrosis in Kerala, India. Cancer Causes Control. 2002 Feb;13(1):55-64.
PMID: 11899118
Sankaranarayanan R. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene meeting at Manson House, London 17 January 2002. Cervical cancer in developing countries. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2002 Nov-Dec;96(6):580-5.
PMID: 12625127
Sankaranarayanan R., Garrote L.F., Anta J.L., Pisani P., Salva A.R. Visual inspection in oral cancer screening in Cuba: a case-control study. Oral Oncol. 2002 Feb;38(2):131-6.
PMID: 11854059
Sellors J.W., Jeronimo J., Sankaranarayanan R., Wright T.C., Howard M., Blumenthal P.D. Assessment of the cervix after acetic acid wash: inter-rater agreement using photographs. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Apr;99(4):635-40.
PMID: 12039126
Sen U., Sankaranarayanan R., Mandal S., Ramanakumar A.V., Parkin D.M., Siddiqi M. Cancer Patterns in Eastern India: The first report of the Kolkata Cancer Registry. 2002 Int J Cancer 2002; 100: 86-91.
PMID: 12115592

Chia K.S., Du W.B., Sankaranarayanan R., Sankila R., Seow A., Lee H.P. Population-based cancer survival in Singapore, 1968 to 1992: an overview. Int J Cancer. 2001 Jul 1;93(1):142-7.
PMID: 11391634
Pandey M., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Sankaranarayanan R., Abraham E.K., Jacob B.J., Mathew B.; Trivandrum Oral Cancer Screening Study Group. Evaluation of surgical excision of non-homogeneous oral leukoplakia in a screening intervention trial, Kerala, India. Oral Oncol. 2001 Jan;37(1):103-9.
PMID: 11120491
Richart R.M., Robles S., Sankaranarayanan R., Wright T.C. Cervical cancer screening strategies for developing countries. Symposium. Contemporary OB/GYN. 2001;46(1):71-2,74,79.
PMID: None
Sankaranarayanan R., Budukh A.M., Rajkumar R. Effective screening programmes for cervical cancer in low- and middle-income developing countries. Bull World Health Organ. 2001;79(10):954-62. Epub 2001 Nov 01. Review.
PMID: 11693978
Yeole B.B., Sunny L., Swaminathan R., Sankaranarayanan R., Parkin D.M. Population-based survival from colorectal cancer in Mumbai, (Bombay) India. Eur J Cancer. 2001 Jul;37(11):1402-8.
PMID: 11435072

Bhurgri Y., Bhurgri A., Hassan S.H., Zaidi S.H., Rahim A., Sankaranarayanan R., Parkin D.M. Cancer incidence in Karachi, Pakistan: first results from Karachi Cancer Registry. Int J Cancer. 2000 Feb 1;85(3):325-9.
PMID: 10652421
Hashibe M., Mathew B., Kuruvilla B., Thomas G., Sankaranarayanan R., Parkin D.M, Zhang Z.F. Chewing tobacco, alcohol, and the risk of erythroplakia. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2000 Jul;9(7):639-45.
PMID: 10919731
Hashibe M., Sankaranarayanan R., Thomas G., Kuruvilla B., Mathew B., Somanathan T., Parkin D.M., Zhang Z.F. Alcohol drinking, body mass index and the risk of oral leukoplakia in an Indian population. Int J Cancer. 2000 Oct 1;88(1):129-34.
PMID: 10962450
Miller A.B., Nazeer S., Fonn S., Brandup-Lukanow A., Rehman R., Cronje H., Sankaranarayanan R., Koroltchouk V., Syrjanen K., Singer A., Onsrud M. Report on consensus conference on cervical cancer screening and management. Int J Cancer. 2000;86(3):440-7.
PMID: 10760836
Rajkumar R., Sankaranarayanan R., Esmi A., Jayaraman R., Cherian J., Parkin D.M. Leads to cancer control based on cancer patterns in a rural population in South India. Cancer Causes Control. 2000 May;11(5):433-9.
PMID: 10877336
Sankaranarayanan R. Integration of cost-effective early detection programs into the health services of developing countries. Cancer. 2000 Aug 1;89(3):475-81. No abstract available.
PMID: 10931445
Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Jacob B.J., Thomas G., Somanathan T., Pisani P., Pandey M., Ramadas K., Najeeb K., Abraham E. The Trivandrum Oral Cancer Screening Study Group. Early findings from a community-based, cluster-randomized, controlled oral cancer screening trial in Kerala, India. Cancer. 2000 Feb 1;88(3):664-73.
PMID: 10649262
Yeole B.B., Sankaranarayanan R., Sunny L., Swaminathan R., Parkin D.M. Survival from head and neck cancer in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Cancer. 2000 Jul 15;89(2):437-44.
PMID: 10918177

Graupera Boschmonar M.C., Jimenez Chaviano P.J., Martin Garcia A.A., Galan Alvarez Y.H., Garrote L.F., Sankaranarayanan R. Trends in survival rates of cancer in Cuba. Eur J Epidemiol. 1999;15(6):521-8.
PMID: 10485344
Parkin D.M., Sankaranarayanan R. Prevention of cervical cancer in developing countries. Thai J Obst Gynaecol 1999, 11, 3-20.
PMID: None
Sankaranarayanan R., Syamalakumary B., Wesley R., Amma N.S., Parkin D.M., Nair M.K. Visual inspection with acetic acid in the early detection of cervical cancer and precursors. Int J Cancer. 1999 Jan 5;80(1):161-3.
PMID: 9935247

Sankaranarayanan R., Masuyer E., Swaminathan R., Ferlay J., Whelan S. Head and neck cancer: a global perspective on epidemiology and prognosis. Anticancer Res. 1998 Nov-Dec;18(6B):4779-86.
PMID: 9891557
Sankaranarayanan R., Wesley R., Somanathan T., Dhakad N., Shyamalakumary B., Amma N.S., Parkin D.M., Nair M.K. Visual inspection of the uterine cervix after the application of acetic acid in the detection of cervical carcinoma and its precursors. Cancer. 1998 Nov 15;83(10):2150-6.
PMID: 9827719
Yeole B.B., Sankaranarayanan R., Jussawalla D.J. Long-term survival from uterine cervical cancer in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Int J Cancer. 1998 Oct 29;78(3):394-5.
PMID: 9766580

Gajalakshmi C.K., Shanta V., Swaminathan R., Sankaranarayanan R., Black R.J. A population-based survival study on female breast cancer in Madras, India. Br J Cancer. 1997;75(5):771-5.
PMID: 9043040
Jyothirmayi R., Sankaranarayanan R., Varghese C., Jacob R., Nair M.K. Radiotherapy in the treatment of verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity. Oral Oncol. 1997 Mar;33(2):124-8.
PMID: 9231170
Maher R., Aga P., Johnson N.W., Sankaranarayanan R., Warnakulasuriya S. Evaluation of multiple micronutrient supplementation in the management of oral submucous fibrosis in Karachi, Pakistan. Nutr Cancer. 1997;27(1):41-7.
PMID: 8970180
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Sunilkumar K.B., Kuruvila B., Pisani P., Nair M.K. Reproducibility and validity of oral visual inspection by trained health workers in the detection of oral precancer and cancer. Br J Cancer. 1997;76(3):390-4.
PMID: 9252209
Sankaranarayanan R. Healthcare auxiliaries in the detection and prevention of oral cancer. Eur J Cancer 1997, 33, 149-154.
PMID: 9307722
Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Varghese C., Sudhakaran P.R., Menon V., Jayadeep A., Nair M.K., Mathews C., Mahalingam T.R., Balaram P., Nair P.P. Chemoprevention of oral leukoplakia with vitamin A and beta carotene: an assessment. Oral Oncol. 1997 Jul;33(4):231-6.
PMID: 9307711
Wesley R., Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Chandralekha B., Beegum A., Amma N.S., Nair M.K. Evaluation of visual inspection as a screening test for cervical cancer. Br J Cancer. 1997;75(3):436-40.
PMID: 9020493

Jyothirmayi R., Ramadas K., Varghese C., Jacob R., Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R. Efficacy of vitamin A in the prevention of loco-regional recurrence and second primaries in head and neck cancer. Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol. 1996 Nov;32B(6):373-6.
PMID: 9039219
Nene B.M., Deshpande S., Jayant K., Budukh A.M., Dale P.S., Deshpande D.A., Chiwate A.S., Malvi S.G., Deokar S., Parkin D.M., Sankaranarayanan R. Early detection of cervical cancer by visual inspection: a population-based study in rural India. Int J Cancer. 1996 Dec 11;68(6):770-3.
PMID: 8980182
Nze-Nguema F., Sankaranarayanan R., Barthelemy M., Nguizi-Ogoula S., Whelan S., Minko-Mi-Etoua D. Cancer in Gabon, 1984-1993: a pathology registry based relative frequency study. Bull Cancer. 1996 Sep;83(9):693-6.
PMID: 8952642
Sankaranarayanan R., Swaminathan R., Black R.J. Global variations in cancer survival. Study Group on Cancer Survival in Developing Countries. Cancer. 1996 Dec 15;78(12):2461-4.
PMID: 8952551

Garrote L.F., Sankaranarayanan R., Anta J.L., Salva A.R., Parkin D.M. An evaluation of the oral cancer control program in Cuba. Epidemiology. 1995 Jul;6(4):428-31.
PMID: 7548355
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair P.P., Varghese C., Somanathan T., Amma B.P., Amma N.S., Nair M.K. Evaluation of chemoprevention of oral cancer with Spirulina fusiformis. Nutr Cancer. 1995;24(2):197-202.
PMID: 8584455
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Wesley R., Joseph A., Nair M.K. Evaluation of utilisation of health workers for secondary prevention of oral cancer in Kerala, India. Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol. 1995 May;31B(3):193-6.
PMID: 7549760
Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Wesley R., Nair M.K. Evaluation of mouth self-examination in the control of oral cancer. Br J Cancer. 1995 Feb;71(2):397-9.
PMID: 7841060
Nandakumar A., Anantha N., Venugopal T.C., Sankaranarayanan R., Thimmasetty K., Dhar M. Survival in breast cancer: a population-based study in Bangalore, India. Int J Cancer. 1995 Mar 3;60(5):593-6.
PMID: 7860132
Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K., Jayaprakash P.G., Stanley G., Varghese C., Ramadas V., Padmakumary G., Padmanabhan T.K. Cervical cancer in Kerala: a hospital registry-based study on survival and prognostic factors. Br J Cancer. 1995 Oct;72(4):1039-42.
PMID: 7547219
Sriamporn S, Black RJ, Sankaranarayanan R, Kamsaad S, Parkin DM, Vatanasapt V. Cancer survival in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. Int J Cancer. 1995 May 4;61(3):296-300.
PMID: 7729937

George A., Varghese C., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages by children and teenagers in a low-income coastal community in south India. J Cancer Educ. 1994 Summer;9(2):111-3.
PMID: 7917895
Gupta P.C., Sankaranarayanan R., Ferlay J. Cancer deaths in India: is the model-based approach valid? Bull World Health Organ. 1994;72(6):943-4.
PMID: 7867141
Parkin D.M., Sankaranarayanan R. Overview on small cell lung cancer in the world: industrialized countries, Third World, eastern Europe. Anticancer Res. 1994 Jan-Feb;14(1B):277-82.
PMID: 8166467
Ramadas K., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K., Nair B., Padmanabhan T.K. Adult Hodgkin's disease in Kerala. Cancer. 1994 Apr 15;73(8):2213-7.
PMID: 8156528
Sankaranarayanan R., Varghese C., Duffy S.W., Padmakumary G., Day N.E., Nair M.K. A case-control study of diet and lung cancer in Kerala, south India. Int J Cancer. 1994 Sep 1;58(5):644-9.
PMID: 8077047

Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair K.S., Amma N.S., Varghese C., Padmakumari G., Cherian T. Overall survival from breast cancer in Kerala, India, in relation to menstrual, reproductive, and clinical factors. Cancer. 1993;71(5):1791-6.
PMID: 8448742
Nair M.K., Varghese C., Krishnan E., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair B. Survival in multiple myeloma in Kerala. Natl Med J India. 1993;6(1):7-10.
PMID: 8453369
Sebastian P., Varghese C., Sankaranarayanan R., Zaina C.P., Nirmala G., Jeevy G., Nair M.K. Evaluation of symptomatology in planning palliative care. Palliat Med. 1993;7(1):27-34.
PMID: 7506976
Varghese C., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair B., Nair M.K. Predictors of neck node control in radically irradiated squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx and laryngopharynx. Head Neck. 1993;15(2):105-8.
PMID: 8440610

Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Krishnan E., Padmanabhan T.K., Mayadevi S., Mathew A. Independent predictors of response and disease-free survival in oral cancer treated with radical radiation therapy. Cancer. 1992;69(9):2221-6.
PMID: 1562966
Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K., Mathew B., Balaram P., Sebastian P., Dutt S.C. Recent results of oral cancer research in Kerala, India. Head Neck. 1992;14(2):107-12.
PMID: 1601646
Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K., Mathew B., Wesley R., Mayadevi S. Cancer control programme in India: opportunities for implementation and evaluation. Int J Cancer. 1992;50(1):53-6.
PMID: 1728613
Wesley R., Ramankutty V., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Economic comparison of two strategies of oral cancer screening. Health Policy Plan 1992, 7, 284-289.
PMID: None

Cherian T., Sebastian P., Ahamed M.I., Jayakumar K.L., Sivaramakrishnan P., Jeevy G., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Evaluation of salvage surgery in heavily irradiated cancer of the buccal mucosa. Cancer. 1991;68(2):295-9.
PMID: 2070328
Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R. Epidemiologic leads to cancer control in India. Cancer Causes Control. 1991;2(4):263-5.
PMID: 1873456
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Padmakumary G., Nair S.M., Day N.E., Padmanabhan T.K. Risk factors for cancer of the oesophagus in Kerala, India. Int J Cancer. 1991;49(4):485-9.
PMID: 1917146
Sankaranarayanan R., Varghese C., Mathew B., Amma N.S., Dutt S.C., Amma B.P., Nair M.K. Community participation in cancer control research in Kerala: chemoprevention trial experience. Multi-disciplinary Res Rev 1991, 1, 108-111.
PMID: None
Stich H.F., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Remission of oral precancerous lesions of tobacco/areca nut chewers following administration of beta-carotene or vitamin A, and maintenance of the protective effect. Cancer Detect Prev. 1991;15(2):93-8.
PMID: 2032261
Stich H.F., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Remission of precancerous lesions in the oral cavity of tobacco chewers and maintenance of the protective effect of beta-carotene or vitamin A. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991;53(1 Suppl):298S-304S.
PMID: 1985402

Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Stich H.F. Dietary intervention in cancer. Interdisciplinary Res Rev 1990, 1, 5-10.
PMID: None
Padmanabhan T.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Evaluation of local control, survival and pattern of failure with radiotherapy in cancer of the tongue. Oncology. 1990;47(2):121-3.
PMID: 2314824
Sankaranarayanan R. Oral cancer in India: an epidemiologic and clinical review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1990;69(3):325-30.
PMID: 2179801
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Nair M.K., Padmakumary G., Day N.E. Tobacco and alcohol as risk factors in cancer of the larynx in Kerala, India. Int J Cancer. 1990;45(5):879-82.
PMID: 2335391
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Padmakumary G., Day N.E., Nair M.K. Risk factors for cancer of the buccal and labial mucosa in Kerala, southern India. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1990;44(4):286-92.
PMID: 2277249

Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Day N.E., Nair M.K., Padmakumary G. A case-control investigation of cancer of the oral tongue and the floor of the mouth in southern India. Int J Cancer. 1989 Oct 15;44(4):617-21.
PMID: 2793234
Sankaranarayanan R., Duffy S.W., Padmakumary G., Day N.E., Padmanabhan T.K. Tobacco chewing, alcohol and nasal snuff in cancer of the gingiva in Kerala, India. Br J Cancer. 1989 Oct;60(4):638-43.
PMID: 2803939
Sankaranarayanan R., Mohideen M.N., Nair M.K., Padmanabhan T.K. Aetiology of oral cancer in patients less than or equal to 30 years of age. Br J Cancer. 1989 Mar;59(3):439-40.
PMID: 2930711
Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. The case in developing countries for routine postoperative radiotherapy after mastectomy in patients with histologically positive axillary nodes. Am J Clin Oncol. 1989 Feb;12(1):78-80.
PMID: 2912023
Stich H.F., Brunnemann K.D., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Chemopreventive trials with vitamin A and b-carotene: some unresolved issues. Prev Med. 1989 Sep;18(5):732-9.
PMID: 2616546

Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Padmanabhan T.K. Evaluation of the role of radiotherapy in the management of carcinoma of the buccal mucosa. Cancer. 1988 Apr 1;61(7):1326-31.
PMID: 3345488
Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Padmanabhan T.K., Madhu C.S. Oral verrucous carcinoma. Treatment with radiotherapy. Cancer. 1988 Feb 1;61(3):458-61.
PMID: 3338016
Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Padmanabhan T.K., Padmakumari G. Clinical profile of 2007 oral cancers in Kerala, India. Ann Dent. 1988 Summer;47(1):23-6.
PMID: 3178130
Padmanabhan T.K., Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer of nasopharynx--a review of 93 patients treated with radiotherapy. Indian J Cancer. 1988 Sep;25(3):144-50.
PMID: 3224986
Sankaranarayanan R. A comparison of cancer educational resources to prevent smokeless tobacco usage in India and the United States. J Cancer Educ. 1988;3(4):257-8.
PMID: 3275247
Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K., Padmanabhan T.K. Palliation of pain in advanced oral cancer.Headache. 1988 May;28(4):258-9.
PMID: 2459080
Stich H.F., Hornby A.P., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Response of oral leukoplakias to the administration of vitamin A. Cancer Lett. 1988 May;40(1):93-101.
PMID: 3370632
Stich H.F., Rosin M.P., Hornby A.P., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Remission of oral leukoplakias and micronuclei in tobacco/betel quid chewers treated with beta-carotene and with beta-carotene plus vitamin A. Int J Cancer. 1988 Aug 15;42(2):195-9.
PMID: 3403064

Chapitre de livre :

2016 Gelband H., Jha P., Sankaranarayanan R., Gauvreau C.L., Horton S. In: Gelband H, Jha P, Sankaranarayanan R, Horton S, editors. Cancer: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 3). Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2015 Nov 01. Chapter 1.
2016 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Amarasinghe H., Subramanian S., Johnson N. In: Gelband H., Jha P., Sankaranarayanan R., Horton S., editors. Cancer: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 3). Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2015. Chapter 5.

2014 Sankaranarayanan R. Treatment of precancerous cervical lesions. In: Grigsby P.W., editor. Advances in cervical cancer management. London, UK: Future Medicine Ltd; 2014. p. 101-21.
2014 Sankaranarayanan R., Jivarajani P.J., Qiao Y.L. Early detection of colorectal cancer at primary care level health services. In: Cancer Control 2014: Cancer care in emerging health systems. In: Magrath I. (Ed.). Brussels, Belgium: INCTR. 2014, pp. 67-71.
2014 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Denny L. Early Detection. In: Jemal A., Vineis P., Bray F., Torre L., Forman D. (eds). The Cancer Atlas. Second Edition. The American Cancer Society. 2014, pp 74-75.
2014 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Denny L. Early Detection. In: The Cancer Atlas. 2nd edition. Jemal A., Vineis P., Bray F., Torre L., Forman D. (eds). Atlanta, USA: The American Cancer Society, Inc. 2014, pp. 74-75.
2014 Von Karsa L., Dean P.B., Arrossi S., Sankaranarayanan R. Screening – principles. In: Stewart B.W., Wild C.P. (eds). World Cancer Report 2014. Lyon, France: IARC. 2014, pp. 322-329.
2014 Von Karsa L., Qiao Y.L., Ramadas K., Keita N., Arrossi S., Dean P.B., Al Alwan N., Sankaranarayanan R. Screening – implementation. In: Stewart B.W., Wild C.P. (eds). World Cancer Report 2014. Lyon, France: IARC. 2014, pp. 330-336.

2013 Sankaranarayanan R., Ferlay J. Chapter 1. Burden of breast and gynecological cancers in low-resource countries. In: Shetty M.K., (ed). Breast and gynecological cancers: an integrated approach for screening and early diagnosis in developing countries. New York: Springer. 2013, pp.1-17.
2013 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Grosse Frie K., Qiao Y.L. Chapter 12. Challenges for breast and gynecological cancer control by early detection in less developed countries. In: Shetty M.K., (ed). Breast and gynecological cancers: an integrated approach for screening and early diagnosis in developing countries. New York: Springer. 2013, pp.215-227.
2013 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Qiao Y.L. Early detection of cancer in primary care in less-developed countries. In: Magrath I., (ed). Cancer control 2013: Cancer care in emerging health systems. Brussels: INCTR. 2013, pp.68-72.
2013 Sankaranarayanan R., Thara S., Qiao Y.L., Ngoma T., Murillo R. Cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries. In: Soliman A., Schottenfeld D., Boffetta P. (eds). Cancer Epidemiology: Low- and middle-income countries and special populations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013, pp.78-102.

2012 Sauvaget C. Body Mass Index and Mortality in India. In: Preedy V.R. (ed). Handbook of Anthropometry. Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease. London: Springer. 2012, pp.2695-2706.

2011 Bah E., Sam O., Whittle H., Ramanakumar A., Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer survival in the Gambia, 1993-1997. IARC Sci Publ. 2011;162:97-100.
2011 Ganesh B., Swaminathan R., Mathew A., Sankaranarayanan R., Hakama M. Loss-adjusted hospital and population-based survival of cancer patients. IARC Sci Publ. 2011;162:15-21.
2011 Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America. Introduction. IARC Sci Publ. 2011;162:1-5.
2011 Sankaranarayanan R., Esmy P.O., Thara S., Naud P., Keita N., Ngoma T. Chapter 1. Cervical Cancer Screening in the Developing World. In: Rajaram S., Chitrathara K., Maheswari A. (eds). Cervical Cancer Contemporary Management. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD. 2011, pp. 3-14.
2011 Sankaranarayanan R., Ferlay J. Global Burden of Gynaecological Cancer. In: Ayhan A., Reed N., Gultekin M., Dursun P. (eds). Textbook of gynaecological oncology. Ankara: Gunes Publishing. 2011, pp. 219-227.
2011 Sankaranarayanan R., Jivarajani P., Joshi S. Chapter 9. HPV Vaccination in Primary Prevention of Cervical Cancer. In: Rajaram S., Chitrathara K., Maheswari A. (eds). Cervical Cancer Contemporary Management. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD. 2011, pp. 66-73.
2011 Sankaranarayanan R., Swaminathan R., Jayant K., Brenner H. An overview of cancer survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America: the case for investment in cancer health services. IARC Sci Publ. 2011;162:257-91.
2011 Swaminathan R., Lucas E., Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America: database and attributes. IARC Sci Publ. 2011;162:23-31.

2010 Ferlay J., Hery C., Autier P., Sankaranarayanan R. Global Burden of Breast Cancer. In: Li C.I. (ed). Breast Cancer Epidemiology. Springer 2010, pp. 1-19.
2010 Hashibe M., Ferlay J., Sankaranarayanan R. Descriptive Epidemiology: International Patterns. In: Olshan AF, editor. Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Head and Neck Cancer: Springer; 2010. p. 41-63.
2010 Sankaranarayanan R., Thara S., Ngoma T., Naud P., Keita N. Cervical Cancer Screening in the Developing World. In: Finkel, M. (eds). Public Health in the 21st Century, Santa Barbara, Ca: Prager Publishing. 2011, 231-244.
2010 Welton M.L., Lambert R., Bosman F.T. Tumours of the anal canal. In: Bosman F.T., Carneiro F., Hruban R.H., Theise N.D. (eds). WHO Classification of Tumours of the Digestive System. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours (4th edition). IARC. 2010, pp. 184193.
2010 Wilson M.L., Lambert R., Bosman F.T. Tumours of the anal canal. In: WHO Classification of Tumours of the Digestive System. Bosman F.R., Carneiro F., Hruban R.H., Theise N.D. (eds). 2010; 9:184-193.

2009 Sankaranarayanan R., Ferlay J. Worldwide burden of gynaecological cancer. In: Preedy V.R. and Watson R.R. (eds). Handbook of Disease Burdens and Quality of Life Measures. Springer, pp. 804-823.
2009 Sankaranarayanan R., Ferlay J.. Global Burden of Gynaecological Cancer. In: Ayhan A., Gultekin M., Dursun P. (eds). Textbook of Gynaecological Oncology. Gunes Publishing 2009, pp. 106-114.

2008 Sankaranarayanan R, Sauvaget C. HPV vaccination in the developing world. In: Stern PL, Kitchener HC, editors. Vaccines for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer. 2008. p. 103-13.

2006 Arrossi S., Sankaranarayanan R., Parkin D.M. Incidencia y Mortalidad del cancer cervicouterino en America Latina. En: Alonso P., Lazcano-Ponce E., Hernandez M. (Editores). Cancer cervicouterino. Diagnostico, prevencion y control. Segunda Edicion. Mexico, Editorial Medica Panamericana; p 179-199; 2006.
2006 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Ashrafunnessa M., Aziz Z., Shah A., Somanathan T., Aryaratne M. Screening. In: Dinshaw KA, Shastri SS, Kurkure AP, Nandakumar A, eds, Cancer awareness, prevention and control: strategies for South Asia. UICC Handbook, UICC, Geneva, 2006, pp. 132-147.
2006 Sankaranarayanan R., Thara S., Ngoma T. Visual screening for cervical neoplasia. In: Jordan J., Singer A., Jones H., Shafi M. (eds). The Cervix. Blackwell Publishing, London, Chapter 29B; 2006, pp. 434-441.

2002 Sankaranarayanan R., Thara S. Upper Aerodigestive Tract. In: Franco E., Rohan T. (eds). Cancer Precursors: Epidemiology, Detection and Prevention. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002, pp. 77-95.

1997 Sankaranarayanan R., Pisani P. Prevention measures in the third world: are they practical? In: Franco E., Monsonego J., eds, New developments in cervical cancer screening and prevention. Blackwell Science, Oxford, 1997, pp. 70-83.
1997 Sankaranarayanan R., Shyamalakumari B., Wesley R., Thara S., Chandralekha B., Sreedevi Amma N., Nair M.K. Visual inspection as a screening test for cervical cancer control in developing countries. In: Franco E., Monsonego J., eds, New developments in cervical cancer screening and prevention. Blackwell Science, Oxford, 1997, pp. 411-421.

1996 Sankaranarayanan R. The role of WHO in the establishment and promotion of National Cancer Control Programmes. Proceedings of the workshop on National Cancer Control Programme in Slovenia. Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, 1996, pp. 7-14
1996 Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B. Retinoids as cancer-preventive agents. IARC Sci Publ. 1996;(139):47-59.
1996 Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Nair P.P., Somanathan T., Varghese C., Jyothirmayi R., Krishnan Nair M. Chemoprevention of the cancers of the oral cavity and head and neck. IARC Sci Publ. 1996;(136):13-25.

1995 Sankaranarayanan R. A review of behavioural intervention studies of tobacco use in India. In: Slama K., ed, Tobacco and Health. Plenum Press, New York, 1995, pp. 261-266
1995 Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer survival in developing countries: Challenges and application. In: Krishnan Nair M, ed, Proceedings of the Roentgen Centenary Celebrations, Trivandrum, 1995, pp. 13-18

1994 Sankaranarayanan R, Pisani P. Measurements of cancer incidence and mortality including estimating techniques where population-based measures are not feasible. In: Proceedings of the UICC COPES Symposium, New Delhi, 1994

1993 Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R. Cancer in India: epidemiology, end results and control strategies. In: Menon G.N., ed, Epidemiology in Medicine. Interline Publishing, Bangalore, 1993, pp. 257-271.
1993 Sankaranarayanan R. Risk factors for carcinoma cervix. In: Bhattathiri VN, Rajan B, Blake P, Krishnan Nair M, eds, Cervical Cancer in Developing Countries, Proceedings of the XI International Working Party Meeting. Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum, 1993, pp. 3-6.

1992 Krishnan Nair M, Mathew B, Sankaranarayanan R, Wesley R. Control strategies for tobacco-related cancers in Kerala, India. In: Gupta PC, Hamner JE, Murti PR, eds, Control of Tobacco-Related Cancers and Other Diseases, Proceedings of an International Symposium, Bombay, 1990. Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1992, pp. 249-253.
1992 Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Stich H.F., Nair M.K. Chemoprevention of oral precancerous lesions in tobacco users. In: Bhide S.V., Manu G.B., eds, Chemoprevention of Cancer. Omega Scientific Publications, New Delhi, 1992, pp. 91-97.
1992 Stich H.F., Anthony V.M., Palcic B., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Micronuclei as an index for estimating the chemopreventive efficacy of carotenoids and retinoids. In: Bhide S.V., Manu G.B., eds, Chemoprevention of Cancer. Omega Scientific publications, New Delhi, 1992, pp. 110-120.

1990 Stich H.F., Palcic B., Sankaranarayanan R., Mathew B., Nair M.K. Quantitation of chromatine patterns by image analysis as a predictive tool in chemopreventive trials with vitamin A. In: Complex Mixtures and Cancer Risk (IARC Scientific Publications No 104). IARC, Lyon, 1990, pp. 151-163.
1990 Stich H.F., Rosin P., Hornby A.P., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair M.K. Pilot intervention studies with carotenoids. In: Krinsky NI et al., eds, Carotenoids: Chemistry and Biology. Plenum Press, New York, 1990, pp. 313-321.
1990 Stich H.F., Tsang S.S., Palcic B., Mathew B., Sankaranarayanan R., Nair MK.. The usefulness of in vitro assays and animal experiments in the design of chemopreventive protocols with beta-carotene and vitamin A on tobacco users. In: Prasad KN, Meyskens FL, eds, Nutrients Cancer Prevention. Humana Press, Clifton, NJ, 1990.

1988 Mathew B., Nair M.K., Sankaranarayanan R. Early detection of cancers. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Primary Health Care, New Delhi, 1988, pp. 43-48.

1986 Nair M.K., Padmanabhan T.K., Sankaranarayanan R., Gangadharan P. Cancer occurrence in Kerala. In: Parkin DM, ed, Cancer Occurrence in Developing Countries (IARC Scientific Publications No. 75). IARC, Lyon, 1986, pp. 208-209, 220-1.

Lettre :

2007 Sankaranarayanan R. Early detection of cancer in developing countries. Newsletter of the International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research. 2007;7(4):1-8.

2006 Ramadas K., Arrossi S., Thara S., Sankaranarayanan R. Keynote comment: Importance of recognizing scientific evidence. Lancet Oncol. 2006;7(12):962-3.

2005 Sankaranarayanan R., Ramadas K., Thara S., Muwonge R., Thomas G. Screening for oral cancer - Reply. Lancet. 2005;366(9493):1266-.

2000 Sankaranarayanan R, Demaret E, Becker N, Wahrendorf J. Directory of On-Going Research in Cancer Prevention. Int J Cancer 2000, 85 (6),899.

1999 Sankaranarayanan R., Demaret E., Becker N., Wahrendorf J. Directory of On-Going Research in Cancer Prevention. Int J Cancer. 1999 Nov 26;83(5):706-7.

1996 Maher R, Sankaranarayanan R, Johnson NW, Warnakulasuriya K. Evaluation of inter-incisor distance as an objective criterion of the severity of oral submucous fibrosis in Karachi, Pakistan. Oral Oncol Eur J Cancer 1996, 32B, 362-364.

1994 Gupta P.C., Sankaranarayanan R., Vainio H. Smokeless tobacco use and oral cancer. Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol. 1994 Sep;30B(5):365-6.
1994 Sankaranarayanan R., Black R.J. Adjuvant systemic therapy and survival after breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 1994 Aug 11;331(6):402-3; author reply 403-4.

1991 Kusumakumary P, Sankaranarayanan R, Padmakumary G, Varghese C, Rajeev Kumar, Krishnan Nair M. Childhood cancer in Kerala, India. Lancet 1991, 2, 455-456.
1991 Sankaranarayanan R, Varghese C, Krishnan Nair M. Publications from the Regional Cancer Centre. Natl Med J India 1991, 4, 206.

1989 Sankaranarayanan R. Role of chemotherapy in the management of oral cancer. J R Soc Med. 1989 Sep;82(9):573.
1989 Sankaranarayanan R. Systemic and topical treatment of oral leukoplakia. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1989 Jun;27(3):260-1.
1989 Sankaranarayanan R. The role of family members and friends in the hospital based health care in India. Palliative Med 1989, 3, 223-225.

1988 Sankaranarayanan R. Risk factors in the aetiology of cancer of the uterine cervix leading to differential rates among Hindu and Muslim women in India. Br J Cancer. 1988 Apr;57(4):442.

Livres :

2011 Sankaranarayanan R., Swaminathan R. Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC Scientific Publication No. 162; 2011.
Visit the book’s IARC Publications page

2009 Lambert R, Lledo G, Artru P. La prevention des cancers digestifs. Springer 2009, pp.5-145.

2003 Sankaranarayanan R, Wesley RS. A Practical Manual on Visual Screening for Cervical Neoplasia. IARC Technical Publication No. 41. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 2003 (published in English, French, Spanish and Turkish).
2003 Sellors JW and Sankaranarayanan R. Colposcopy and treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a beginners’ manual. IARC Non serial publication, Lyon 2003 (published in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese).

1998 Sankaranarayanan R, Black RJ, Parkin DM. Cancer Survival in Developing Countries. IARC Scientific Publications No. 145. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 1998.

1996 Sankaranarayanan R, Wahrendorf J, Demaret E, (eds). Directory of On-Going Research in Cancer Epidemiology 1996. IARC Scientific Publications No. 137. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 1996.

1994 Sankaranarayanan R, Wahrendorf J, Demaret E, eds, Directory of On-Going Research in Cancer Epidemiology 1994. IARC Scientific Publications No 130. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 1994.

Publication électronique :

2011 Sankaranarayanan R., Swaminathan R, Lucas E. Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America (SurvCan). IARC Scientific Publications, Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2011.

2008 Ramadas K, Lucas E, Thomas G, Mathew B, Balan A, Thara S, Sankaranarayanan R. A digital manual for the early diagnosis of oral neoplasia. IARC Screening Group, Lyon, 2008.

2006 Sankaranarayanan R, Lucas E. A training course in Visual Inspection with 5% Acetic Acid (VIA) - Digital learning series. IARC Screening Group, Lyon, 2006.
2006 Sankaranarayanan R, Lucas E. A training course in cryotherapy - Digital learning series. IARC Screening Group, Lyon, 2006.
2006 Sankaranarayanan R, Lucas E. A training course in Visual Inspection with Lugol's Iodine solution (VILI) - Digital learning series. IARC Screening Group, Lyon, 2006.
2006 Zhang WH, Keskar V, Lucas E, Qiao YL, Sankaranarayanan R. A training course in Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) - Digital learning series. IARC Screening Group, Lyon, 2006.

2004 Frappart L., Fontaniere B., Lucas E., Sankaranarayanan R. Histopathology and Cytopathology of the Uterine Cervix – Digital atlas. Lyon: IARCPress; 2004.

1999 Sankaranarayanan R, Becker N, Demaret E. Directory of On-Going Research in Cancer Prevention (CD-ROM). International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon and German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), Heidelberg, 1999.

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